Sunday, August 27

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10 Ways To Restore Love In Your Marriage

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 04:01 AM PDT

Most wedding vows include a promise to love each other for better or worse. Still, when times get tough, many couples are unprepared to navigate through the difficulties.

Unlike those who tell unhappy spouses who feel they are no longer in love with their partner to split-up, new research indicates that staying married is the best thing a husband and wife can do.

Even though some marriages do have unhappy moments, those couples willing to work through their difficulties came through the challenges to find wedded bliss again.

If your love has grown cold for your spouse, God's word offers counsel and direction on how to restore love in your marriage.

1. Evaluate Your Love Sources 
The culture's view of love and the biblical definition of love greatly differ. If you feel your love has grown cold, it's good to evaluate the sources influencing your feelings.

Look at what films, TV shows, music, publications, news sources, groups, and friends you're spending time with on a regular basis. 1 Corinthians 15:33 advises that bad company corrupts good character.

2. Major in Love 
Do a biblical study on love. Rediscover what true love looks like by studying the book written by the Creator and Author of love. 1 John 4:16 tells us, "God is love."

Study how God's love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8), how it covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8), and how the only true source of love is God because "love comes from God" (1 John 4:7).

3. Turn to Prayer 
Scripture states, "Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray" (James 5:13).

Couples who feel their love has grown cold can begin by spending time in prayer for each other. Taking time to pray together is even better, as studies show that couples that pray together, are more likely to stay together for the long run.

Scripture confirms the value of prayer in that, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (James 5:116).

4. Examine Your Own Heart 
Take time to examine your heart. Has your heart become broken or hardened by past hurts and losses?

Psalm 147:3 assures us of God's care for the brokenhearted, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Ask God to heal your heart from the brokenness you've experienced.

As far as a hard heart goes, it is a serious condition and why Jesus began speaking to people in parables. "For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them" (Matthew 13:13-15).

Ask God to give you a soft heart that allows you to see and hear His leading.Ezekiel 36:26 explains how God is able to give us a new heart by removing a heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh.

Also consider fasting, as a fast has a way of digging up secreted attitudes of the heart and softening up hardened areas.

5. Look at Your Spouse Through God's Eyes 
Readjust how you look at your spouse. Instead of looking through eyes of past disappointments, hurts, or failures, look through God's viewpoint.

Scripture states we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

The ups-and-downs of marriage can wear on couples and make it difficult to see past the disillusionments. Yet, 1 Peter 2:17 encourages to treat everyone with high regard.

Take time each day to consider how your spouse reflects God's image and how much He loves your spouse.

6. Minister to Your Spouse 
Begin putting your partner's needs above your own. If you're not sure what your spouse needs, ask him what makes him feel loved. Be the first one to reach out in love.

As well, ask God to show you practical ways to minister to your spouse. 2 Thessalonians 3:13 urges to never tire of doing good.

My husband makes me cappuccino every morning. I fold his laundry the way he likes it folded. What may seem insignificant to others may speak volumes to your spouse.

God urges us to "do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others about yourselves" (Philippians 2:3).

If you're not sure where to start, take the initiative to show Christ-like honor and respect to your spouse, even if you think they haven't earned it or deserve it. Do it without waiting to receive it first from your other half.

Romans 12:10 encourages being devoted to one another in love and honoring one another above self.

7. Be Generous With Words 
Reflect on how you communicate with your spouse. Take time to express appreciation for good traits, hard work, or other qualities. Proverbs 16:21 tells how gracious words are persuasive.

Studies show that showing positive responses help couples to stay together and have long-lasting marriages.

Focus on showing gratitude over criticism because kind words are sweet to the soul (Proverbs 16:24).

8. Remember How You Met 
Remember when you first met. Reminisce over photos and dating mementos. Talk about or write a heartfelt letter telling your spouse what you first loved about them.

Like Psalm 77:11 talks about the importance of remembering the deeds of the Lord and of His wonders, in a marriage relationship, it's also import to remember the sweet moments and meaningful events in your life together.

9. Choose to Love Unconditionally 
If your spouse has said they don't love you anymore, or you feel out of love, instead of reacting in hurt and rejection, choose to love unconditionally. Scripture states if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them (Luke 6:32).

Make loving your spouse a choice and not a reaction. Follow God's lead in loving, "we love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

10. Commit to Love 
Present day culture presents love as a feeling, an uncontrollable force that just "happens" beyond a person's ability to choose or control.

Yet Jerry and Kirsti Newcombe believe that perhaps one of the biggest myths about marriage is that it's all about how couples "feel." After 37 years of marriage they know it's not about feelings, because feelings come and go.

As well a recent marriage project that interviewed more than 700 Americans, many who are happily married for over 40 years and longer, found that the most common ingredient in lasting marriages was a day-by-day commitment to making their marriage last a lifetime.

1 Corinthians 13:7 states that "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

As demonstrated in how "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son" (John 3:16), a commitment to love is intentional and comes with sacrifice.

[written by Lynette Kittle, a happy wife and mum]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Toyin Adewale Celebrates Daughter As She Turns 10 [Photos] | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 03:20 AM PDT

 Nollywood actress Toyin Adewale celebrated her daughter who recently clocked 10.

She threw the little one a birthday party over the weekend.

More photos below:

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Reigning Beauty Queen Calls Pageant Organizers Out After Reneging On Their Promises | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 03:20 AM PDT

Current Miss Health Nigeria Rita Chinedu has called out the pageant organizers for reneging on the promises made to her upon winning the crown.

She took to IG to pen her thoughts writing:

I am Miss Rita Chinedu , The Current Miss Health Nigeria 2016/2017.
Today marks the End of my Reign as miss health and I will not be attending the 2nd edition of Miss Health Beauty Pageant, I am therefore writing to Set the Records Straight.
For the Past one year i have been Miss Health Nigeria, I passionately embraced the opportunity to make impact holistically. I have done this through out my entire reign without any support or Encouragement from the organisers, I was also denied all the entitlements due to me as the Winner of the pageant and Miss Health Queen for the Entire Period of my Reign. This includes Star Prize, which was a Car(I was presented with a key and a car which was later withdrawn because they said the car did not arrive), accomodation, financial rewards amongst others , which was promised to me and showcased on the day of my crowning and published in various Newspapers and also shown on National Television.
Further more all Project done during my reign as Queen was financed by me except for some others that I was An Ambassador to the project.
I also want to thank Prince Osisioma Foundation for their immense support, wazobia TV, 95.1 Nigerian info, Hot fm 98.3 and AHF.
culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Disappearance of Pregnant Lady leads to shocking findings in her home days after

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:56 AM PDT

The investigation into the "disappearance" of a young pregnant woman in North Dakota has led to a startling discovery.

5 days into the investigators' search for 22-year-old Savanna Greywind, they reportedly found a newborn baby in her North Fargo apartment building.

Family members told reporters the 2-day-old baby girl was healthy but taken to a hospital for tests. Police have not said conclusively whether the child is Savanna's baby, though "our investigation thus far indicates the probability that this is Savanna Greywind's child," they wrote in a statement.

The young lady remains missing. Was she kidnapped by her male neighbours?

"We do not have information that tells us where Savanna Greywind is," Fargo Chief of Police David Todd said in a Facebook video Thursday.

Todd said the baby was discovered while investigators executed a search warrant at "the suspects'" residence.

Those suspects have been identified as William Hoehn and Brooke Crews, who live in the same building as Savanna.

Hoehn, 32, and Crews, 38, were detained and taken to the police department for interviews by detectives.

As further information was developed and evidence obtained, Hoehn and Crews were both arrested and charged with class A Felony Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping.

Still, police said their investigation into the strange case continues.
"We've had 35 detectives, four sergeants, two lieutenants and a deputy chief working — in many cases, around the clock — on this investigation and we have also received assistance from local, state and federal agencies. We've also used K-9s, watercraft and several aircraft in this investigation," police said.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Mercy Johnson And Husband Celebrates 6th Wedding Anniversary | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:50 AM PDT

Their union started amidst gossip and husband snatching allegations, but actress Mecy Johnson and her husband, Prince Odi Okojie have proved nothing else matters but love.

The couple today are celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary and Prince Odi penned a lovely message to further make it known he couldnt have made a better choice.

He wrote:

On this day six years ago, we both made pledges and commitments in pursuit of a life journey.
Today, those pledges and commitments are still alive, driving and rejuvenating in our everyday life.
I would not have made a better choice if not YOU My Dear Wife.
You have given me reasons to love and to stay in Love, I am so Happy and full of Life….No wonder the Bible says "A Merry heart does good like a Medicine"
You are a full Package, Specially sent from God to me and there's no doubt that our success is in Christ.
God bless and keep us together as we keep Flourishing.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to us.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Olori Wuraola Never Cheated On Ooni - Source Reveals | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:40 AM PDT

It is no longer news that the Ooni of Ife and his wife Olori Wuraola are no longer together.
A new reason as to why the marriage packed up as been revealed by Thisday.

According to a source who spoke with Spy Glass, Olori Wuraola had been victimised by some of Ooni's family members due largely to the fact that she is not Yoruba and because they wanted to turn her to their slave.

Olori however remained quiet all through because she not only loves her husband but respects the institution of marriage.

Contrary to the insinuations that she couldn't stand the sight of another woman sharing the bed with her husband, the source said, ''Olori Wuraola is aware of the Yoruba tradition that a king is allowed to marry more than one wife. It was part of the orientation she was given before marriage. However, the plot to bring her person down and relegate her in her marriage is what she can't stand. "

The source, who was quick to also dismiss the allegation of infidelity against the Olori, said, "The Yoruba cosmology and belief state that when a king is married to an Olori, nobody else dares sleep with the Olori. Death is the repercussion. If Olori is truly promiscuous, why is she still alive or why is it that none of the men who had allegedly slept with her has died?

"It's widely known that before Adeyeye married this Olori he has chased away two women in his life. This shows that the problem is not from Olori Wuraola, but from the Kabiyesi himself."

Speaking further, the source said Wuraola did not enjoy the maariage for a day. In fact, she never enjoyed the marriage for a day, she kept wondering what actually led her into the marriage in the first instance. It was that terrible"

Olori Wuraola, who was described as a millionaire and a successful businesswoman before she got married to the first-class monarch, was said to have supported the Oba in so many ways.

''The three sisters have never liked the beautiful Benin born from the very first day she set her feet in the palace. And they didn't pretend, they showed it to her. But she didn't get the signal,'' the source revealed.

It was reliably gathered that none of the Ooni's sisters had been in any blissful marriage. "Princess Folashade is married to an American returnee, who has a wife and kids in the United States. Princess Adeshola broke up with her Pastor husband for un-publishable reasons. Adebimpe, at 40, also left her husband, Dawudu, who still works in the Ooni's palace," said the source.

The three sisters known as Yeye 1,2,3 according to our source rely on their brother, the monarch for survival.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Nigerian women who were Classmates 49 Years Ago found each other on Facebook

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:31 AM PDT

One of the women, Florence Ehinlaiye, shared their photo online and wrote:
"Thanks to God and Facebook for reuniting with my classmate, Lizzy, Elizabeth Oniwor-bone since 1968. Our joy knew no bounds. Glory to God."

- This is sure one of the positive sides of modern technology.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Victim Bites Off Rapist Penis During Forced Oral Sex | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:10 AM PDT

A 17-year-old rape victim has ensured her rapist never uses his manhood again. She reportedly fought back against the man who is accused of making her perform oral sex act on him.

The rapist was left with serious injuries after she sunk her teeth into his private parts during the alleged attack.

The unidentified man is said to have taken himself to the hospital, an act that got the doctoprs suspicious. They immediatley reported him to the authorities.

Police attended the hospital where they arrested the man who has now been charged with rape.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

4 Fascinating African Cultures You Should Know

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Africa boasts of some of the world's most fascinating cultures and traditions that dates back to hundred of years. There a couple of fascinating African cultures that you probably don't know or might not even have heard of. 

Jumia Travel shares 4 fascinating African cultures to know.

Living With Their Mothers 
In the Gio tribe in Ivory Coast, children never live with their fathers. The women of the tribe have their own houses (typically small huts), where they live with their children until the children are old enough to move out.

Sons are Raised by Uncles 
In the Northern Angolan Songo tribe, when male children reach the age 5 or 6 years, they are sent to live with their uncles on the mother's side. This is because, in their society, chiefs inherit their titles and positions through matrilineal lines.

Preserving Wild Animals 
The Massai people of Kenya and Tanzania are averse to killing wild animals. They freely keep cattle and livestock, but wild animals are left untouched. This is largely because they consider these wild animals clan members, and each clan is associated with a specific species which they often keep close to them and treat as a clan member.

Beating the Suitor 
In the Fulani tribe in West Africa, the custom of beating the suitor is followed as part of the Sharo tradition. The custom is followed when two men are vying for the same woman. To determine the eventual suitor of the woman, the men are asked to compete for the hand of the woman by beating themselves up. The man who is able to take the beating while showing the least or no sign of pain, can take the woman as a wife. The people of the tribe might not practice the tradition as strictly as they once did, but there are still some parts of the tribe that practice it to the letter.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Do Christians Have To Go To Church Every Sunday?

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 01:26 AM PDT

It's Sunday morning: what's your practice of worship? Is it attending your traditional church service, including an organ and old hymnal booklet? Is it your coffee in hand, rocking out to today's hottest Christian songs, with fog machines and the works?

Both of these options are to be celebrated because we are continuing to practice our faith and dive deeper in relationship with Christ and His Word.

More often than not, I have friends that say they "woke up too late" or "didn't feel like going," but instead watched the service online (or simply missed it entirely). Through the convenience of technology, the idea of physically attending church can sometimes seem to fall second in priority.

Sunday in the Catholic Church remains a Holy Day of Obligation - meaning that it's strongly encouraged to attend mass at least once a week. Although this practice can lead to individuals "going through the motions", there's something to this practice that could benefit all Christians. So should all Christians have to go to church every Sunday?

The Origin of Observing the Sabbath 
Although church is a uniquely Christian experience, the beginning lies in the very creation of the world. We see in Genesis that on the seventh day, God rested. Even at the very beginning, there is an offering of time, specifically to imitate the example of God.

With the Mosaic law passed down to the Jewish people, this is taken a step farther. The sabbath is established as a day of fasting from work. It was an important part of the day for the Jewish people to go to the synagogue, where there would be a Rabbi reading the sacred Scriptures. From there, the Rabbi would instruct the people on the meaning or message of the passage. Even throughout the Gospels, we see multiple examples of Jesus attending and teaching in the local synagogue.

The Inconvenience of Community 
In our modern day, we have seen a trend of decreasing church attendance, especially in the last 100 years. A 2016 Gallup poll found that about 71 percent of people within the United States report being a Christian. Yet shockingly, they also find that only 36 percent of Americans attend Church regularly. So what is contributing to this decline in physical church attendance?

There has been much change in our culture, but nothing has shaped it like the rise in technology and the demand of instant gratification. A noticeable shift of focus has also been found from the benefits of community to the preference of individualism.

Technology has brought several blessings in its development that cannot be ignored. The Bible is now literally at the fingertip of anyone who wants it, in whatever translation or version they prefer via Bible apps. Churches are able to put their sermons on iTunes and Youtube, and are easier to share than ever before. Yet with this convenience comes unforeseen consequences on church attendance.

One of the largest trends, especially among millennial Christians, has been the use of the internet to watch what churchgoers would otherwise go to church to hear. Why would one wake up earlier, get dressed, and sit through an hour and a half service when you can get the same message, condensed in its 30-45 minute sermon? Why would one leave the comfort of their bed when the same message can be found at the click of a button? If you feel inclined to tithe, you can even set up recurring gifts online. So hypothetically, one can be a member of a congregation without literally stepping a foot inside the building.

However, there is one thing people who take part in this practice are missing.

Look at Paul's letters: Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Corinthians, etc. These letters are not written to individuals, but to entire communities of Christians. Paul never mentions options that are given for those with different preferences to the faith, but gives the way to follow Christ in a simple command for all.

It is within one of these letters that Paul addresses the biggest problem that occurs when one chooses to not attend church. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about how the many members of the church make up one body in Christ. He continues in verses 26-27, saying, "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." (NIV)

Here lies the problem when one decides not to attend church. They may not feel like they are losing anything themselves. Instead, they are depriving their church, the incarnation of the Body of Christ, of an essential member. THEMSELVES.

We have all been given different gifts and blessings, and we are called to use those for the good of the whole body. Just as someone can't walk if they are missing a foot and a leg, those who choose not to join a local church are crippling the growth of the entire church as a whole.

Carrying Our Cross to Church 
Joining a church is sacrifice. There is a sense of suffering that comes from cleaning up and coming presentable to church every Sunday. It may have been a late Saturday night, we may feel under the weather, or it is a nightmare to get the kids ready for the morning service. Sometimes, the church faces internal or external conflicts, and sometimes we may not like the sermon series.

However, in a certain sense, church isn't just for us. We see an example of this sacrifice in the first century church mentioned in the book of Acts.

Acts 4:34-35 mentions, "... that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need." (NIV)

Many of these individuals worked hard to get their current standard of living, and could have held onto what they earned. However, they brought everything to the table to the benefit of the entire Body of Christ (the church).

Time is a valuable commodity. More than anything else, today's society has become defined by how we spend our time. To an outsider, it may seem foolish to sacrifice two hours a week for God. In fact, an 80-year-old who has gone to church his entire life will spend over 8,200 hours in church!

It is a lot at times, but it is an opportunity for us to sacrifice ourselves, to carry our cross, and to freely give that time as an offering to God. Why wouldn't we want to come together every Sunday for Jesus? Why wouldn't we want to grow our church together?

[written by Mindy Fitterling]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Ladies, How To Live Like A True Daughter Of God

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 12:56 AM PDT

It seems to me that Christians, even more than anyone else, ought to be deeply grounded, living a courageous rhythm of rest, prayer, service, and work. That rhythm is biblical, and it's one that Jesus himself modeled. It seems to me that Christians ought to be free in meaningful and radical ways to bow out of the culture's insistence on proving and competing. Again, like Jesus.

It seems to me that Christians ought to care more deeply about their souls than their bank accounts and pants sizes. But I am a Christian, and I am guilty of all these.

My faith has not failed me, but I think maybe I have failed it...
Our beautiful historic faith tradition is built on feasts and holidays, Sabbath and evening prayers—a rhythmic, beautiful life with God. And many of us, myself certainly included, have stomped on the accelerator of our own lives and obliterated all evidence of that lovely path laid out for us. But the pattern remains if you squint—if you're willing to be creative, if you're fed up enough with the noise and speed of the alternative.

I believe that certain strains of our faith have led us to this spot—they shouldn't have, of course, but this is what humans do sometimes. Christians have made too much out of work in the same way that Americans have begun engaging in yoga competitions—twisted-up versions of a purer thing. Christians want to make a difference. So we do, and we do, and we do, and then we find ourselves exhausted.

In more fundamentalist strains of the faith, there's great value on happiness, constant kindness, selflessness above all else. These are wonderful things . . . that, over time, make it really hard to say things like, "I need help." Or, "I can't do this anymore." Many Christians, women especially, were raised to be obedient and easy, to swallow feelings, to choke down tears. This has not served us well. This has made it far too easy to injure our bodies and our souls in the name of good causes—there are enough good causes to go around.

Christians ought to be decidedly anti-frantic, relentlessly present to each moment, profoundly grounded and grateful. Why, then, am I so tired? So parched? So speed-addicted? Again, the fault lies not with the tradition but with the perversion of it, and with the Christian herself—in this case, of course, me.

These days, I'm not looking for more to crusade against or for, but trying to reimagine my faith as a soft place, the antidote to my addiction, not the enabler.

I'm trying to relearn a set of patterns from the inside out: centering prayer, lectio divina, the prayer of examen. I don't practice these things instead of Bible study, corporate worship, or service, but alongside them, to build an inner core of silence and substance, unshakable in the business of life. I listen more; I picture God's heart, red and beautiful; I breathe deeply and try to imagine my faith as protection from this frantic, soulless way of living, instead of one of its motivators.

Many of us who have found ourselves to be useful in Christian service have found ourselves unable, if we're honest, to connect with God any other way. We do for him, instead of being with him. We become soldiers, instead of brothers and sisters and daughters and sons. This is dangerous, damaging territory, and I've spent too much time there.

These days, I'm relearning daughter-ness, and I find it most through silence and nature. Nature, of course, connects us back to that innate sense of having been created—of order and beauty and humility. We have been made. We are fragile. We live in connection to water and air and plants and sunshine, and when we acknowledge those things, we acknowledge our Creator. Far too often, in the winter especially, the natural world is simply something that disrupts our plans—flights delayed, schools closed.

One snowy morning recently, I felt at loose ends, disconnected from myself, from God. I'd been sick, and my mind had been anxious. I practiced lectio divina, selecting a passage from Psalm 8:
"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?"
As those words began to take root in me, as I read and reread them, as I prayed and listened, I felt my tangled spirit begin to untangle. I felt my breath slow and deepen. I felt a part of the natural world, governed by a good God, created with care and attentiveness. I felt my daughter-ness, my place in the family of God. And I exhaled.

[written by Shauna Niequist]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Photos: Floyd Mayweather beats McGregor in 10th Round

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 12:26 AM PDT

The multi-million dollar fight went down as scheduled and the rich black man, Floyd Mayweather eventually had the upper hand, defeating Conor McGregor after 10 rounds of what many who love boxing have  described as a good match.

At least $100m has entered Mayweather's bank account for only this fight. Some serious money in boxing these days.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

9 tips from Psalm 23 to Help You be content Where You Are

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 11:56 PM PDT

I have a good job. Two beautiful children. A deliciously wonderful husband. We love God. Go to a fantastic church. Live in a nice house. In a nice street. In a good neighbourhood. My children attend a fine school. We make memories each year on vacation. I am healthy. My family is healthy. None of us has emotional scars or mental illness. We are happy and flourishing.

Yet I want more.

It calls out to me. You know, more. The bigger house, nicer car, luxurious vacation. They call to me with pressure and guilt. Make my life seem hopeless and inferior.

Content. Why am I not content?

We blame media, commercialism, and consumerism, but there is a deeper problem. Sin. Covetousness. The tenth commandment. The deception of Eve. Fooled to think God is holding something back. When the opposite is truth. God has more. I receive it through contentment.

Trust in God is a life of paradox. Hungry for more of him, yet filled with the Spirit. Pursuing destiny from the vantage point of rest. Satisfied whether in abound, or abased (Philippians 4:12).

Contentment is a choice. Psalm 23 provides a few tips on the attitude of a satisfied soul.

The Lord, my Shepherd 
The Lord is my shepherd... (Psalm 23:1).

Sheep are prone to wander aimless, following every impulse, unless they have a shepherd. There are many distractions in this world, vying for attention, steering toward a whim in an instant. Keep your eyes on the Shepherd. Don't get caught up in fads or what others do. Follow His lead and you will be content.

I shall not want 
...I have all that I need (Psalm 23:1).

Many objects we want, but few we truly need. Trouble follows those who strive after wants. We sing, "Jesus, you're all I need." But are they empty words? Is he all you need? Is he all I need?

Christ is more intimately acquainted with you than you are. He is aware of your needs and will provide. Jesus is all you need. May the rhetoric become a revelation.

Let me rest 
He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams (Psalm 23:2).

The Good Shepherd gives rest. With the current pace of life, many have forgotten what it means to rest. Even on their day off they can't slow down. Rest is important. Spiritual rest more so. Switch off your phone and other devices. Eliminate stimulants and give your soul a chance to rest. Once you have experienced his peace, you will know contentment.

On the right path 
He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name (Psalm 23:3).

Jealousy results in discontent. Different paths may seem more attractive but Jesus has it all mapped out for you. The grass is not greener on the other side. Trust him. Following his path has rewards. And greatest of all, his name is honoured.

And in the valley 
Even when I walkthrough the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me (Psalm 23:4).

Paul knew to be content in the highs and lows. As did Job. Would I? If all was taken away in a night, would I sing bless the Lord? Could I say the Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need?

He is with us in the valley. What is lost will be restored. He is working all things together for good. That is our God. We don't need anything else.

Honoured life 
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil (Psalm 23:5).

When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness he told him to turn stone into bread. Temporary relief. Immediate satisfaction. Jesus replied, "People shall live by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).

Satan only offers bread. Father will give you a feast. Live by his Word. Don't be tempted by the world. It has nothing more than bread. You are destined for a feast.

You are blessed 
My cup overflows with blessings (Psalm 23:5).

Life overflows when you live for Jesus - pressed down, shaken together, running over. Busyness crowds our perspective, problems overwhelm, abundant overflow forgotten. Count your blessings. Be thankful. Be satisfied. To most of the world, your life is the stuff of dreams. You are living in abundance.

Pursued by goodness and mercy 
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6).

And if overflow was not enough, goodness and mercy will hunt you down every day of your life. That's right, hunt you down - goodness and mercy. Goodness is coming after you because you don't have enough. You need more goodness. Receive it!

Feeling frustrated lately? Mercy is hunting you down. Grace erases exasperation. Perhaps you are living a little too fast. Get back in sync with God. The necessary mercy will catch up, dissolving all frustration.

Assured of heaven 
And I will live in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6).

In Psalm 84 the writer expresses, "Oh, to be a sparrow and build my nest in the rafters of God's house." Enthralled in God's presence, the author cannot imagine a more stimulating environment. "Better one day in God's courts than a thousand elsewhere."

Nowhere on earth is like house of God. A house of freedom. A house of courage. A house of victory. Where the Lord satisfies desires, renews strength, and heals disease. There's no place I'd rather be.

Oh yes, I can bless the Lord. I am content.

[written by Sarah Coleman]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

“I chose the right dance partner for my last dance-Floyd Mayweather retires from boxing | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Floyd Mayweather has announced his final retirement from boxing after he defeated Conor Mcgregor. The 50-0 undefeated champion said

: "I chose the right dance partner for my last dance ... this was my final fight"[Conor]'s a tough competitor - we gave the fans what they wanted to see
"He's a lot better than I thought he was ... he used different angles. But I was the better man ... It was our gameplan to take our time and take him out down the stretch."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Move Over Wizkid! Meet Jizkid | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Jizkid feels he looks like Wizkid.Agree?

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

5 Reasons Why Your Visa Application May Be Rejected

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 11:26 PM PDT

The process for applying for a visa is very exhausting and rigorous. Hence, it will leave a sour taste in the mouth after serious planning, submitting and been interviewed for a visa, you end up being denied. As such, if you are about to make your visa application, then you should look out for these signs shared by Jumia Travel to further prepare you against a visa rejection.

You cannot clearly explain the source (s) of your funds 
The majority of embassies will assume that applicants are seeking permanent entry into their country until you prove them otherwise. And one way to prove them otherwise is to present evidence that you have strong economic reasons to return to your country following your stay. What other way to do this than your bank statement? Hence, ensure that your cash inflow and outflow are credible. They do not want to give visas to criminals.

Your visa agent cannot answer basic visa questions 
If your visa agent promises to deliver to you a visa without asking you basic questions that only you have answers to, you should feel very uncomfortable about that application. It may most likely be rejected.

You have a record visa denials 
If you have a record of refusals from a particular embassy, they will know that you arguably are desperate to leave your country. If you have been refused once at any embassy, they have the record. Hence, do not submit any visa application without consulting reliable visa businesses for advice. The more you are rejected, the more your visa application will be denied and vice-versa.

You apply for the visa category 
There are different visa categories and, for every visa you are applying for it must correspond with your lifestyle. If it does not support the category of visa you are applying for, that is a strong signal, which you address before even submitting your application or else you will suffer the embarrassment of a rejection.

You have an uneasy feeling about an answer 
If you have answered a question on your application but you don't feel comfortable about the answer you have provided, then you need to take steps back and peruse your responses again. The reason is that, you will unconsciously communicate your uneasy feelings to your interviewer while answering that question; particularly if they seem interested in that particular answer.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

This is a woman who had 3 children with 3 different men-Mel B's first husband speaks | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 11:10 PM PDT

The first husband of Mel B says people should not feel sorry for her over her bitter divorce battle.

Jimmy Gulzar, whose marriage to the former Spice Girl lasted two years, said Mel, 42, had always been able to look after herself.
He said:

"Does she really think all these man are wrong and she isn't? We are talking about a woman who had three children with three different men."
Jimmy, 49, fathered Mel's daughter Phoenix, now 18, after they met when he was a dancer for the Spice Girls.

He continued to the UK Mirror "The birth of our daughter was like a fairy tale, my biggest high."
 But the couple started to have problems and Jimmy claims they embarked on counselling in a bid to make things work.
'We called in a mediator but that didn't work either,' claims Jimmy.'The rose tinted glasses were gone. Then we had to go back to work. Mel started her solo career and I arranged the creative stuff for her. I am not the kind of person who gives up easily and wanted to talk things over.'We were supposed to go to Thailand to save our marriage, but Mel wanted a lot of people to come with us. She just didn't want me there. The next day she called me saying; "yeah, you better call a lawyer".'
 Jimmy was awarded £500,000 but claims the divorce nearly broke him.
He said: "I was said to be the bad guy – 'Gold Card Jimmy' who couldn't keep her satisfied. It was horrible, the power of celebrity. What good is cash when you're emotionally dying?"

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog


Posted: 26 Aug 2017 10:51 PM PDT

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

I don’t know if I will box again-Conor Mcgregor speaks following defeat to Floyd Mayweather | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 10:40 PM PDT

Conor Mcgregor has said he may never box again after Floyd Mayweather defeated him,sealed his 50-0 undefeated status in Las Vegas tonight. Conor said

: "I thought it was close ... I get a little floppy when I get tired ... [Floyd] was a lot more composed. You've got to give it to him ... I don't know if I will box again"
 I turned him into a Mexican. I took the early rounds pretty handily.
He's composed. He's not that fast or powerful, but he's composed. I got to give him respect.
I thought it was a little early the stoppage. There's a lot on the line, they should have kept it going.
I was fatigued. Early on, I felt it was handy enough. That's what 50 pro fights will give to you.
I don't know if I'm pleased. I would have liked him to let it go.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Undefeated Champion! Floyd Mayweather beats Conor Mcgregor | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 10:40 PM PDT

 Floyd Mayweather took his record to 50-0 after beating Conor Mcgregor at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.

The 40-year-old returned to the ring after a two-year absence but simply had too much for McGregor, making his professional boxing debut.Mayweather is set to earn at least $100m, while McGregor set for $30m purse.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Re-arrest Kanu and quicken the realization of Biafra : IPOB leader's family dares FG | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 10:10 PM PDT

The family of leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the group itself, have dared the Federal Government over the latter's move to get the director of Radio Biafra, who is on bail, re-arrested.

Federal Government had last Friday filed an application for the revocation of his bail,claiming that the IPOB leader had flouted all his bail conditions, including setting up a security outfit, Biafra Security Service (BSS).

Speaking in Umuahia on behalf of the family, Nnamdi Kanu's younger brother, Prince Emmanuel Kanu said his elder brother was not afraid of being re-arrested as that would help fastrack the actualization of Biafra...........

"In fact that will facilitate and fast track the coming of Biafra. On a more serious note, any attempt to re-arrest Nnamdi Kanu will spell doom for Nigeria, the nation will never be the same again. Re-arresting the IPOB leader means re-arresting over 70 million Biafrans. Nnamdi Kanu is not the target, he is the symbol of Biafra today, arresting him is like arresting the whole Biafrans."

According to The Sunday SUN, Prince Kanu said it was laughable that one of the reasons the Nigerian government had given for seeking Nnamdi Kanu's re-arrest was that he formed what they called Biafra Secret Service (BSS).

 He said it was not true, explaining that what was put in place is a vigilance group, adding that they are harmless people because IPOB is non violent, but only uses civil disobedience as its weapon.
"This group is just to police our land against Fulani herdsmen, armed robberies and all that."

The younger Kanu said it was wrong for the Federal Government to say that the IPOB leader had flouted the bail conditions given by the court, stating:
"I don't think it sounds okay before anybody. Freedom of movement is allowed anywhere,, any day worldwide. Is Nnamdi Kanu a terrorist? So, we disagree with the Federal Government on that."
"In fact, Nnamdi Kanu remains resolute and very committed to the struggle. Whatever you do in terms of intimidation spurs him on the more.These are the type of things he likes so much. So, re-arresting him will make him stronger and quicken the realization of Biafra and will also spell doom for the nation."

Prince Kanu said his brother was granted bail on health grounds and that he was still taking treatment and had an appointment with his doctor on Monday. He added that his treatment had taken long because his brother was allegedly almost poisoned while he was in detention.

The family further stated:
"The Federal Government's current threat will never make Nnamdi Kanu to be afraid to stand trial for whatever reason. Anyday, anytime, he is ready to stand trial because he is a man who has committed no crime. He is more than happy to stand trial and challenge whosoever that comes up. He is not afraid of going to court, he is not also afraid of going to prison. He was in prison and issued the sit-at-home order and people obeyed, so, his going back to prison will make things worse for the Federal Government.
"Nnamdi Kanu and Arewa youths that gave the Igbo in the North quit notice, who between the two committed treasonable felony? It was the Arewa youths and since then, nothing has happened to them."   

Speaking for IPOB, Apostle Kanada, an inner caucus member of the Biafra agitation group and founder of Afra Descendants Movement of Opobo in Rivers State, advised the Federal Government not to contemplate re-arresting Nnamdi Kanu because the action would be self defeating.

Kanada said the IPOB leader never flouted any bail condition, as curtailing his movement was on its own against his fundamental human rights since according to him Nnamdi Kanu was not a statue.  

"Whether he accepted the bail condition or not is immaterial at this point in time, what we are saying is that the young man is positively affecting the lives of some people and the Federal Government is supposed to be happy about that.
"If Nnamdi Kanu is re-arrested as the Federal Government is requesting, things will be worse for this country, because IPOB members and other Biafra groups both within and outside Igbo land will not fold their arms and allow their leader to suffer," he cautioned.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Katie Price is divorcing third husband Kieran Hayler over affair with nanny | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 10:10 PM PDT

It appears the saying,''Once a cheat,always a cheat '' is true in Katie Price's case as her husband,Kieran Hayler  has admitted to a year long affair with their children's nanny,after she forgave him for having affairs with her close friends Jane Poutney and Chrissy Thomas in 2014.

The British glamour model told The Sun she had caught the ex stripper sending intimate emails to their nanny Nikki Brown.
She said:

 'I was gutted. For a year I was basically paying her to f*** my husband.They had sex everywhere except in our bedroom, they even did it in the kids' bathroom.When I confronted him he denied it at first, even when I said she'd admitted it. I was crying, asking, 'How could you do this to me again?' 
The couple who married 5 weeks after they met in 2013, have two children while Katie has three from her previous two marriages.
In 2014,she took him back after he had a secret affair with her married best friend of 20 years,Jane Poutney who was also the maid of honour at their wedding.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Manny Pacquiao trolls Floyd Mayweather ahead of Conor McGregor fight | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 09:45 PM PDT

 Manny Pacquiao took to Twitter to troll Floyd Mayweather just hours before his $500million super-fight against Conor McGregor.

In the now deleted tweet, he 38-year-old WBO welterweight title holder who faced Mayweather back in 2015 made reference to accusations that Floyd ran all thought their 2015 fight.
Replying Mayweather's 'Talking doesn't win fights' tweet, Pacquiao responded with:
"But running does ;). God bless on your fight tonight."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Alligators invade the streets of Texas following Hurricane Harvey | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 02:10 PM PDT

 Alligators have turned up outside homes and under cars as a result of Hurricane Harvey .

A warning was issued by the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office as Texas was las night slammed with the most powerful storm to strike the US mainland in a decade.

Authorities have now warned residents to keep an eye out for confused alligators which will look to move to higher ground because of floods.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Beautiful photos of Empress Njamah and Fathiah Balogun | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 26 Aug 2017 01:40 PM PDT

 Empress Njamah shared some lovely photos with fellow actress, Fathiah Balogun.The stunning duo attended an event in Asaba.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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