Tuesday, March 20

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Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Wole Soyinka & Nigeria's Dinner With The Devil - by Reuben Abati

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 03:28 AM PDT

Professor Wole Soyinka was keynote speaker at the maiden annual lecture of the Ripples Centre for Data and Investigative Journalism held in Lagos on March 15. Topic: "Rebuilding Trust in a Divided Nigeria: Can Nigeria be fixed?" 

The Nobel Laureate did not disappoint. 
His presentation titled "From Miyetti to Haiti: Notes from a Solidarity Visit" took us on a journey to Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, Nigeria also, and other parts of the world, including the past and the present, raising questions along the line about the humanity of the average Nigerian – the leaders, the followers - his or her humanity or non-humanity, the possession of a sense of dignity, shame, decency, memory, common sense, or lack of it, in comparison with conditions elsewhere.

Whereas other countries, classified along with Nigeria by Donald Trump as "shithole countries" and who may well fall under the same category with us as developing countries, may claim the right to feel insulted, Professor Soyinka asked his audience whether with the established mentality of enslavement, patterns of alienation between power and society, the distorted relationships within our communities, the failure of governance and the gross idiocy/shamelessness of the political elite and the moral turpitude of the Nigerian, whether indeed the Nigerian has earned the right to feel insulted or not to be insulted.

Can any Nigerian really rise to full height and ask Trump to shut the hell up, coming from a country as we do, where the leaders would rather be elsewhere when the people suffer: "I am not even obliged to be here", they would rather say. Ours is a country where in a conflict between murderous Fulani herdsmen and defenceless farmers, the government's response is to take sides with the aggressor, rather than check impunity and ensure that justice is done. The Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, the umbrella organization for Fulani cattle rearers actually, publicly admitted the title Fulani herdsmen, and so there is no point quibbling over that label, publicly stated as the right tag of identification by its very owners. Human lives invariably mean nothing to Nigerians. Our sensibilities have been inured by too much familiarity with tragedy.

Can Nigerians claim the right not to be insulted living as they do in a country where mass murder in fact, no longer means anything to political leaders- right after the slaughter of hundreds of persons or the abduction of young school girls, the leaders would rather troop to a wedding party. And when the main man manages to visit later, he gets a red carpet reception, and talks about sympathy. "Who needs sympathy?", Soyinka asked. "What we are talking about is justice, evenhandedness, fairness", the Nobel Laureate declared. These are obviously strange words to the constituted authorities of Nigeria. After all, one Minister had the audacity to declare that whoever has been killed by Fulani herdsmen has himself or herself to blame, for planting a farm or a house or even daring to stand, wait or engage in anything at all, including the intake of oxygen, along the cattle route that Fulani ancestors had carved out of Nigeria. Soyinka wondered what such a cruel person is still doing in the corridors of power.

But of course, to further strengthen the climate of fear in the land, any form of opposition or criticism has been branded "hate speech". There is even a Bill to this effect in contemplation before the National Assembly. The prescribed punishment is "death by hanging" – this at a time when the rest of the world is trying to move away from the death penalty. The Bill may never become law but it is a whip to be held above the head of the populace, to enslave, intimidate and frighten the people. And so on and so on, Soyinka delivered one blow after another, painting at the same time, pictures, with anecdotes, humour, and references to particular personalities in Nigerian history, notably his life-long sparring partner, President Olusegun Obasanjo whom he once confronted over his famous "I am not obliged to be here" remark only to be told: "Kampala ti e niyen." Soyinka had warned at the beginning of his presentation that the moment for introspection and frankness had come and he wanted the audience to "look in the mirror". He practically held up that mirror; what the audience saw or remembered about their country was ugly and disconcerting.

Professor Soyinka soon took his leave. I joined the Director of the Centre to see off our esteemed guest. As he stepped out of the venue, he was surrounded by a group of reporters and admirers who wanted selfies. One of them asked him to provide a quick summary of his keynote address. I thought that was an odd question. Was the reporter not at the event upstairs, did he not just exit the hall with us? One lady pulled at the Nobel Laureate's shirt, determined to gain his attention.

"Yes, Prof. you have described everything happening in the country but what is the way forward?"

"Way forward?", Soyinka asked

"Yes. Way forward? What is your solution?", she persisted

"Way forward", the Nobel Laureate repeated as if he wasn't too sure. Then he answered: "Way forward? Just keep walking, you'll find the way."

I was pleased with that sarcastic response. It was obvious the reporter did not understand the presentation. Or may be she was fishing for a headline, or a tailor-made sound-bite. This is also a national predilection. Nigerians are very good at over-simplifying everything. They like slogans, sound-bites, the same way they crave short-cuts even in matters that require the minimal use of the brain. Reporters these days are in a class of their own. When they invite you for an interview, don't be surprised if they ask you for example: "Can we meet you?" How? If you didn't know who I am, why invite me for an interview?

The debate that followed at the event was of a different tenor, drawing heavily on the energy and excitement Professor Soyinka had infused the audience with. A panel of three led the discussions. Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi reviewed the crisis of governance in Nigeria and spoke about national unity and the urgent need for restructuring. Professor Pat Utomi, represented by Mr. Rasheed Adegbenro spoke about values in leadership, and offered a five-point plan including civic engagement, value re-orientation, civic participation, education, and a more positive role to be played by the Nigerian media. Mr. Peter Obi, former Governor of Anambra state focused on the failure of governance as the cumulative effect of years of neglect and omissions, the greed and indiscipline of the political elite and the bad politics Nigerians play, relying largely on his own experience as Governor.

Professor Soyinka had spoken for less than one hour, but the discussions went on for about three hours. Everyone had something to say. The event had mostly young people in attendance. As Nigeria enters yet another election season, most young Nigerians –many of whom have just attained the age of franchise since the last election, and frustrated by the travails of their country insist that they are determined to fix Nigeria.

It is not for nothing that more than 25 young Nigerians within the age bracket 35 -45, even when the age of qualification for the Nigerian Presidency is 40 want to be President in 2019. They include the publisher of Sahara Reporters, Omoyele Sowore, motivational speaker Fela Durotoye, Adamu Garba, Ahmed Buhari, and so many others. The urgency of this task was obvious in the tone of the discussions. When Peter Obi urged that Nigerians should simply "take back their country", more so as the line between governance and comedy had become blurred, and that it is not really a matter of age, but capacity, because many young people are in government already and have been part of the rot since the First Republic, the audience was ecstatic.

It was time to close the programme with Peter Obi responding to the last set of questions. But one young man wouldn't have that. He suddenly jumped atop his seat, and raised his hand, towering above everyone and screaming that he must have a say or the programme would not end. Earlier, there had been actual struggle for the microphone, but this particular young man insisted he had found the solution to all of Nigeria's problems. We had to allow him provide his earth-shaking, cure-all, solution. He ended up merely repeating what had already been said.

But can we really fix Nigeria? The consensus was that this is indeed possible. How? Look in the mirror and reflect. Education. Value reorientation. Leadership recruitment. Restructuring. Civic engagement. Media activism. Take back our country! What of the people factor? Are we going to import a new set of Nigerians and value system after restructuring? Professor Soyinka had prefaced his keynote address with the presentation- what he called the informal launch- of his latest book titled "The Road Map of a Nation: A Narrative of the First African Road Safety Corps (Ibadan: Bookcraft, 2018, 203 pp)." Like a teacher recommending further reading for his students, he had asked us to read the book, copies of which were on display at the venue. Being an obedient student, I complied. The preface to the book: "Table Manners for Dining with the Devil" is an excerpt from Soyinka's You Must Set Forth At Dawn, there is an appendix titled "The Pyrates" - a commentary on the confraternity which Soyinka founded in 1953, but essentially the book tells the story of Nigeria's Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), how it began, the challenges faced by the founder and his team of volunteers, the attempt by many forces including internal saboteurs, homicidal figures masquerading as drivers, suicidal passengers, koboko and sword-wielding soldiers, military leaders, Nigerian big men and corrupt elements who tried everything possible to frustrate the vision of the Road Safety Corps, from Oyo state to the national stage. This is a book to be read by all officers of the FRSC and the general reader as well. The FRSC is part of Soyinka's legacy to Nigeria, his own way of giving back, and here he documents that legacy, and the pains of bringing it to fruition.

There are echoes in this narrative, of previous writings: The Road, From Zia with Love, A Play of Giants, Opera Wonyosi, and the recent A Personal Odyssey in The Republic of Liars (2005), making the book much more than a narrative on the FRSC but a further interrogation of the environment called Nigeria and particularly of the Nigerian character. Is there something that can be called a Nigerian character? The setting for this interrogation is the road: the same road that lies famished, claiming lives due to reckless driving, robbing people of their lives prematurely, turning teachers at the time Soyinka was teaching at the then University of Ife, into perpetual mourners and the entire community an arena for endless mourning and condolences. In the mid-70s, Soyinka had drawn up a blueprint for a Road Safety intervention, a volunteer, self-policing initiative which stepped in, to fill the vacuum created by a military and a police force that didn't care about death on the roads or the odoriferous pile of cadavers that littered them.

But here is where the character issue begins: trying to make any difference in Nigeria is like having a dinner with the devil and to make any difference at all would require special table manners. The Nigerian environment is a sorry theatre of struggle and violence – physical, social and psychological between the forces of good and evil. Governments, the military, the police, and similar institutions, designed for public good have over the years signed up in the corner of the devil, with the oil boom and petro-dollar imposing a level of greed that makes a grab, steal and destroy mentality the new morality. The people themselves, glad to have access to part of the oil largesse simply assume government would take care of morality.

The road map of Nigeria covered in this book is about the failure of government, institutions and even more so of individuals. A Third Force seeking to make a difference, starting with the roads, soon found itself attacked by the same persons whose lives it sought to save. Wole Soyinka tells the story in a way only he can. His table manner is to deal with the Nigerian pathology by preaching about it, teaching about it, offering advice, intervening where necessary and withdrawing when necessary, guided in all cases by the public good. He sees nothing wrong in direct intervention and in wielding the cudgel to crack the heads of agents of impunity no matter how highly placed.

This dinner with the devil in Nigeria is now in a worse shape: no longer a regular dinner, but a banquet! The forces of evil have seized the nation's throat. But Soyinka can draw consolation from this: there are still a few good men in our community who are prepared to stand up to evil, even if their table manners may be notably different.

- Reuben Abati

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Fayose: "Those Who Voted Buhari In 2015 Should Ask For Forgiveness"

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 02:48 AM PDT

Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state has asked those who voted for President Muhammadu Buhari in the 2015 general election to beg God for forgiveness.

According to him, the reason is because Buhari has brought untold economic hardship and unprecedented level of insecurity upon Nigerians.

Fayose said things would have been different if Buhari did not win.

"Those who voted Muhammadu Buhari as the president of our country must seek for forgiveness. His leadership has brought unimaginable hardship and misery on the people. The killing is too much and if he continues in office the hardship will be intolerable.

They said he would come and make the difference and make things better but the reverse is the case. Unemployment is second to none and he has killed the economy and made the people poorer. The level of nepotism is also unprecedented. Even their so-called fight against corruption is laced with favouritism and is one-sided," he said

He appealed to Nigerians to vote out the All Progressives Congress (APC), saying the hardship that will befall the country if Buhari is re-elected is better imagined than experienced.

He spoke at the government house, Ado-Ekiti, capital of the state, on Monday while addressing representatives of teachers, local government workers and private sector operators who gathered en masse under the Oshoko Mass Movement (OMM), a political group.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Photos From Site Where Nigeria Air Force Plane Crashed In Kaduna

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 02:48 AM PDT

Photos have emerged from the scene where a Nigerian Air force training air plane reportedly crashed in Kaduna.

The plane reportedly crashed in Kauran Dawa in Saminaka Local Area of the state.

The airplane known as Diamond 40, is a one person seater training aircraft which is used for training of personnel at the NAF base.

According to the air force, the pilot "force-landed the aircraft after an airborne emergency prevented him from flying back to 401 Flying Training School in Kaduna State."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Dino Melaye Reacts To Confession of Arrested Criminal Who Implicated Him

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 02:18 AM PDT

Senator Dino Melaye has described as preposterous and laughable, the allegations by the police that he hired two political thugs and armed them to cause mayhem in Kogi State.

He said, "No amount of lies and blackmail will detract my attention from speaking the truth and defending it."

Melaye also claimed that the withdrawal of police from VIPs, announced by the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, was targeted at him.

"I am the target. IG wants to expose me so I can be killed. Having survived assassination attempt twice, I deserve police protection in a country where I'm a tax payer", he wrote.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Nigerian Man Dies Abroad While On Phone With His Wife In Nigeria (Photos)

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 01:58 AM PDT

The sad story as shared by Diaspora Reporters;

"The African community in Helsinki are in shock over the demise of a Nigerian named Marley Biose who hails from Edo State, he died in the early hours of Saturday 17th March 2018.

When a friend of the deceased was contacted, he said the deceased was speaking with his wife who is based in Nigeria, all of a sudden his wife couldn't hear what he was saying and later on the communication went off, that was when she suspected that something bad might have happened to her husband who is processing her papers to enable her come over to Finland from Nigeria.

According to him, the wife of the deceased tried to reach her husband back severally but to no avail.

However, at the break of day, she called one of Marley's friends and explained what happened last night while speaking with her husband and she enjoined him to go to his house and check on him.

The friend had to call Marley as well but there was no response, that was how the police was alerted and they came to his apartment and after several knocking on the door they had no other choice than to break the door and when they gained entrance into the apartment, Marley was seen lying lifeless on the ground.

As at the time of filing this report, what might have led to the sudden death of Marley is still unclear as the police are yet to release an autopsy."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Buhari Should Wake Up To His Responsibilities, says Sultan of Sokoto Led-Group

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 01:13 AM PDT

The Jama'atu Nasril Islam under the leadership of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar lll, has asked the President Muhammadu administration to wake up to its statutory responsibility of protecting lives and property of Nigerians across the country.

The wake-up call, according to the group, became imperative following the killings by suspected herdsmen.

The National Publicity Secretary of the JNI, Dr. Khalid Abubakar-Aliyu, stated this in a statement in Kaduna on Monday.

The religious body condemned the attack of villagers in the Bassa LGA, Plateau State, which left several people dead and over 150 houses destroyed.

It cautioned security operatives against taking sides with any warring party in Plateau State and other parts of the country.

The JNI also called on the authorities not to spare anyone culpable in the sundry attacks, adding that the attackers should be fished out and made to face the wrath of the law.

The statement read in part, "The Jama'atu Nasril Islam received with grave concern, the news of premeditated killings of innocent persons and destruction of properties worth millions in the Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, as well as Rukuba Chiefdom in the same Bassa LGA.

"Attacks and counter-attacks were carried out repeatedly and reports reaching us state that over 150 houses were razed while animals were not spared.

"The JNI condemns in the strong terms the heinous attacks in their totality.

"We nonetheless, expect the Plateau State Government and the Federal Government of Nigeria through their respective relevant agencies to wake up to their respective responsibilities of protecting lives and property."

The JNI called on the citizens to eschew bitterness and live peacefully with one another.

"We also call on government to provide relief materials to all affected victims as they are now in utmost need for such.

"Similarly, the need for an all encompassing surveillance in flash points on the Plateau cannot be overemphasised to avoid a recurrence of the incident."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Final Year Female Student R*ped, Bathed With Chemicals By Robbers

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 01:13 AM PDT

A final year student of the Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, University of Maiduguri, Fatimah Abu, is in a critical condition at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Gwange, after she was reportedly robbed, r*ped and bathed with chemicals by suspected robbers.

It was learnt that the 24-year-old had boarded a tricycle at her school's park on Friday en route to her residence when she was abducted by the men.

The two robbers allegedly took turns to r*pe her in a bush and poured chemicals on her body.

The chemicals reportedly caused blisters and burns on different parts of her skin.

According to The Punch, the victim's purse, containing her phone and some money, was taken away by the suspects, who dumped her by the roadside.

The victim, upon regaining consciousness, reportedly flagged down a tricycle rider, who took her to the Dandal Police Station.

The police then rushed her to the state specialist hospital, Maiduguri.

The victim's friend, Musa Alkali, said she could not identify her assailants.

He said, "She is a 500 level student of the Department of Nursing, UNIMAID. She lives at the Federal Low Cost area and had boarded a tricycle from the university's park.

"That was the last thing that she said she could remember. She just woke up around a cemetery in the Gwange area with acid on her face. Her legs and different parts of her body were affected.

"She stopped a Keke Napep (tricycle) rider who took her to the Dandal Police Station. She managed to come down from the tricycle and collapsed. She was taken to the state specialist hospital from where she was transferred to the UNIMAID Teaching Hospital.

"From what her sister told me, the robbers r*ped her and collected her phone and purse. The assailants were two in number. She said she boarded the tricycle around 5pm."

Alkali said while he suspected that the attack might not be the handiwork of ordinary robbers, he could not tell if Fatimah had any problem with anyone.

He noted that the school's park was usually crowded around the time she boarded the tricycle.

"We hope that when she recovers, she will give further information on the attack," he added.

Alkali told Punch that Fatimah, who hailed from the Biu Local Government Area of Borno State, was in dire need of medical assistance as the family could not afford to raise money for her treatment.

The victim's sister, Zara, while wondering what could have triggered the attack, said that Fatimah was an easy-going woman.

She also maintained that acid was poured on her.

"She is my younger sister and I have been sleeping at the hospital since she was admitted. She cannot talk much because the acid affected her mouth as well. She does not know those people (responsible for the attack). She is innocent. She does not quarrel with anybody. Even her classmates testified to it," she said.

Zara urged the police to identify, arrest and punish the culprits.

The state Commissioner of Police, Damian Chukwu, told Punch that acid was not poured on the victim, saying the police were on the trail of the suspects.

He said, "On the day of the incident, she said she went to a bank for a transaction and after she was done, she came out and boarded a tricycle. She said there were two other passengers in the tricycle and she sat in their midst.

"She said along the way, one of them came down, remaining her and another passenger. She said suddenly, the passenger brought out an handkerchief which he started waiving. She said she suddenly lost consciousness.

"According to her, she was s*xually assaulted. She found herself around a railway line and she managed to get a Keke Napep which took her to the Dandal Police Station. There was no physical pouring of acid. It was the handkerchief which probably contained some chemicals that affected her skin and later degenerated into blisters. The blisters then turned to burns. With this information, we have spread our dragnets and we are on the trail of the suspects."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Lagos Yahoo Boy Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison

Posted: 20 Mar 2018 12:38 AM PDT

A Lagos High Court in Igbosere has sentenced an Internet scammer, Demola Ajibade, to 15 years' imprisonment for attempted robbery.

Justice Sedoten Ogunsanya convicted Ajibade, 36, of attempting to rob his childhood friend, Charles Akpati, with a toy gun on February 7, 2014.

The sentence, which takes effect from the date of his arrest in February 2014, was without an option of fine.

Ajibade, from Ijebu Ode in Ogun State, but living in Festac Town, Lagos, was arraigned on June 24, 2014 on a one-count charge of attempted robbery.

Prosecuting counsel Adebayo Haroun said the offences contravened Section 296(1) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.

Ajibade pleaded not guilty.

According to The Nation, during a three years and nine months trial, the court heard how the incident occurred near a bus garage in Ikorodu, Lagos.

Akpati, a customer care executive, said Ajibade stopped him on the road and identified himself as his former neighbour at Festac Town.

He said: "I asked him to explain how we met and he mentioned my secondary school, Festac College.

"Later he said someone did not like me in my office and that he had been mandated to kill me. He lifted up his shirt a little. There was a gun there. He said he would kill me and that that was what he did for a living. He said eyes were on me and I could not escape because his members were in hiding, watching us, but that he had decided not to kill me."

The victim said Ajibade demanded N300,000 to spare his life, but he negotiated for N100,000.

"Ajibade accepted and followed me to a nearby commercial bank so I could withdraw the money."

Akpati said: "He followed me to the bank and on getting to the security door, he said he would not enter with me because of the gun and warned me not to misbehave when I got inside."

The victim said he quickly informed the bank's security officials, who, with a mobile policeman, Corporal A. Richard, from a nearby commercial bank, pursued and arrested Ajibade.

The prosecution said police investigation showed that Ajibade specialised in Internet scam, also known as Yahoo Yahoo and had been fraudulently obtaining money from victims in Italy.

The suspect denied the allegation.

He claimed that Akpati owed him money and refused to pay, adding that he set him up for an unlawful arrest by the police.

Justice Ogunsanya held that Akpati's evidence, as well as that of eyewitnesses, including the exhibits tendered, were credible.

The judge added: "The victim identified the defendant as the person who tried to rob him. The court is satisfied that the defendant is as guilty as charged."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Touching Story of Beautiful UNILAG Graduate Who Died Just Few Weeks Before NYSC

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 12:33 PM PDT

A young Nigerian, Enoch B. Godson, has told of how his friend, Oluwaseun Ezekiel, died after graduating from the University of Lagos.

He took to his Facebook page to call out the management of the University College Hospital in Ibadan, Oyo state after Oluwaseun Ezekiel allegedly died in the hospital due to alleged negligence of staff and failing infrastructure.

Below is how he captured the sad incident:

"UCH Ibadan A Death Trap.

"I write this from a place of inconsolable grief, sheer anguish, unimaginable pain, and the very zenith of fury having lost a dear one so cheaply and unjustifiably in a place that is erroneously believed to be safe but apparently needs saving itself, riddled with egomaniacal doctors with God complexes, nurses like witches, patients attendants who will not attend to you until you have called them a billion times, morticians who will milk you out of your very life savings just to get the remains ready for burial without caring that you were just bereaved, almost everyone there just seemed inappropriate for their respective jobs - such a shambolic and toxic environment! I lost hope in Nigeria for a moment.

"We rushed to the emergency department calling for help at about 12am with our dear Oluwaseun diagnosed with Cardiac failure, but it took 15 minutes to have a not-so-friendly looking doctor amble to the car we brought her in just to see whether or not the case was an emergency. Soon we were asked to pay for so many written things including an oxygen tube so that she could breathe, but getting to the cashier, he told us in no uncertain terms that he would not attend to us until he downs his bowl of amala (biko, who eats amala at such an ungodly hour? But that's by the way)

"We had to scream for help then a senior nurse came and spoke some sense into the glutton who reluctantly attended to us after he heard that the patient was dying. Then again we overheard a nurse say "I hope these ones are here with much money, otherwise they shouldn't even bother.

"Eventually, Oluwaseun was checked into the resuscitation unit and trust me, that place reeked of death. A resuscitation center that had only one functional heart monitor to serve four dying patients, no even a single defibrillator, stuffy as hell, very mean nurses; one of whom even threatened to check out any patient whose relatives were not cooperative, two malfunctioning air conditioning systems while every last office there had working ones, it was generally a place prepared to make patients sweat their very weak pulses out. It should rather be called a euthanasia ward. How patients were objectified was absolutely distressing. One would have that euphoric shimmer of hope when a team of smug doctors strolls in like demigods only to realise that they came to learn with the patients rather than care for them. What is the point of acquiring redundant knowledge? These people are more used to deaths than saving people. 

"Oh Goodness Gracious!!! I thought their Hippocratic Oath should mean something or are they just murderers with licence? When you kill someone with your inaction, apathy and negligence are you not complicit? This grieves my soul and won't stop replaying in my head. I held her, watched her breathe her last, crashing; with pain written all over her face. We screamed for help but they were rather concerned with quietening us than reviving Oluwaseun. They managed to get to her, gave her a few chest compressions in a futile CPR charade, chatting and laughing while at it, and then pronounced her dead JUST LIKE THAT.

"We had waited and waited for the cardiologist who neither showed up nor called for her to be relocated to the cardiology unit until she gave up at 7:20 pm on the 17th of march 2018. This is a fresh brilliant UniLag graduate due for NYSC in a few weeks, someone's beloved daughter, beautiful sister and wonderful friend; someone's decades of physical, psychological and financial investment left for dead in a Nigerian foremost health centre.

"Oluwaseun Ezekiel we love you. Even though you were a victim of inept doctors and failed health policies, you forever will be in our hearts. I write this hoping to find some closure by laying it all bare, peradventure it would get to relevant authorities who will amend and enforce the standard operating procedures of this helluva health facility, but unfortunately; Oluwaseun you will still be greatly missed. Rest on in the arms of the Lord.

"Don't wait to experience this before you know about some doctors playing God. Please share until someone in authority notices and this menace is fixed #fixuch #fixourhospitals #ripseun"

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

SLOT MD, Nnamdi Ezeigbo's Mother Kidnapped

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 11:33 AM PDT

Managing Director of SLOT Phones, Nnamdi Ezeigbo's mother has been kidnapped. She was reportedly abducted by unknown gunmen on Sunday March 18th, 2018 at Ubakala, Umuahia South Local Government Area of Abia State.

How did it happen?
According to an online platform, Society Reporters, family sources said that she was kidnapped on Sunday morning while on her way to church at Nsukwe Ubakala in Umuahia.

"The kidnappers were waiting patiently for her to come to Assemblies of God Church Nsukwe Ubakala where she worships. They took her away to an unknown place."

It would be recalled that sometimes in 2016, it was rumoured that same woman was kidnapped until it was later proved to be a rumour but the source insisted that this time it is a known fact.

The kidnappers are yet to contact the family or make any demands as at press time.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Dino Melaye Charged With Illegal Possession Of Guns

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 11:33 AM PDT

Senator Dino Melaye who is challenging moves to recall him by his constituency is in fresh trouble: the Police said they have filed a case in court accusing him and three other persons of illegal possession of firearms.

The police took the action, following the confession of two 'dreaded' thugs who claimed they were working for Dino.

Police spokesman Jimoh Moshood, announced the move today in a statement.

The men were arrested on 19 January at Ogojueje in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State, after a shootout with the police and have confessed being hired by Melaye, to cause mayhem in the state, Moshood said.

One of the persons arrested was identified as 31 years-old Kabiru Saidu, a.k.a Osama. The other was Nuhu Salisu, who is 25 years-old. The third person charged to court was identified as Alhaji Muhammed Audu, a politician, who is now said to be at large.

The police said they seized from the thugs and their gang members , two AK47 rifles, five pump action guns, two locally made pistols and heaps of charms.

According to the police, the men not only confessed to have been involved in several kidnappings in the state and environs, they also claimed to be hired thugs for politicians.

"According to the gang leader, Osama, he has been working as a political thug for one Alhaji Mohammed Audu a Politician in the State.

"He said Alhaji Mohammed Audu invited him to Abuja and introduced him to Senator Dino Melaye and they met on Airport road, Abuja inside the Senator Dino Melaye's Car in the month of December, 2017.

"The suspect further confessed that Sen. Dino Melaye told him that they should start working for the Senator as his political thugs and they should recruit and train more other(sic) thugs to work for him in preparation toward 2019 General election to enable him ( Sen. Dino Melaye ) challenge his political opponents and disorganised Kogi State.

The police said Osama further confessed that Melaye handed over a bag containing one AK47 rifle, two Pump Action guns and the N430,000.00 to share with his boys.

"Consequent on the indictments and criminal confessions against Senator Dino Melaye by the principal suspect KABIRU SAIDU a.k.a OSAMA "31 YRS", Nigeria Police Force, wrote a letter dated 2nd of March, 2018 addressed to the Senate President, Federal Republic of Nigeria informing and requesting him to release Senator Dino Melaye to report to Commissioner of Police, Kogi State Command on the 7th March, 2018 to answer to criminal offences levelled against him, to enable the Police carry out a discreet investigation into the confessions of the principal suspect against Senator Dino Melaye. But Senator Dino Melaye have refused to honour the Police invitation till date.

"A case of Criminal Conspiracy and unlawful possession of prohibited firearms have therefore been filed by the Nigeria Police Force at Federal High Court Lokoja on 16th March, 2018 against the two suspects mentioned above, Senator Dino Melaye and Alh. Mohammed Audu who is also a suspect in the matter and is now on the run."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Uzor Kalu's N3.2B Fraud Trial: Abia Government House Accountant On The Run

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 11:33 AM PDT

An accountant in Abia State Government House, Akpan Udoh, who is scheduled to testify in the ongoing trial of former Abia Governor, Orji Uzor Kalu, is now on the run, the prosecution told a Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday.

Udoh is listed as a witness for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The EFCC had on Oct. 31, 2016, slammed a 34-count charge bordering on N3.2 billion fraud against Kalu and his former Commissioner for Finance, Ude Udeogo as well as Kalu's company — Slok Nigeria Ltd.

The accused had pleaded not guilty to the charges.

So far, the prosecution had called no fewer than 12 witnesses since the trial began.

According to NAN, at the resumed trial of the case on Monday, the EFCC Prosecutor, Mr Rotimi Jacobs (SAN) called the 13th prosecution witness, Mr Tobore Ovie, who introduced himself as an operative with the EFCC, whose work schedule include investigations of economic and financial crimes.

Led in evidence by the prosecutor, the witness told the court that on Jan. 15, he was instructed to proceed from the commission's Port Harcourt office to Umuahia to locate the residence of Akpan Udoh, an accountant in Abia State Government House, who is sought to be called as a prosecution witness.

He said he linked up with the State's Attorney General, who called the Accountant-General of the state who in turn took him to where Udoh is supposedly living.

According to the witness, operatives of EFCC gained access to the property of Udoh the following morning and met Udoh's wife and children.

He said that the operatives were told that Udoh had travelled out of town.

The witness said that after obtaining Udoh's phone number from his wife and consistently failed to reach him on phone, he then left his own number with Mrs Udoh with an instruction that there was a pending case in court which required her husband's attention.

He also instructed her to inform her husband to call him back.

He told the court that since there was no response from Udoh, he got another instruction on Feb. 15, to proceed to Umuahia with a court order to be served on the Accountant-General and Udoh.

The witness said he had served the order on the Accountant-General, who acknowledged same, adding that when he arrived at the residence of Udoh, he discovered that it was under lock and key and only saw some youth corps members in the adjourning apartment.

"I pasted the court order on the wall of the premises and instructed the youth corpers to draw the attention of the lawful occupants to it whenever they come back."

He said a media team of the EFCC also accompanied him on the journey and had a video recording and shots of the premises.

The prosecutor then tendered copies of the orders before the court and they were admitted and marked as exhibits.

Meanwhile, when the prosecution sought to tender the video the defence raised an objection, arguing that by the provisions of the Evidence Act, only the maker of such recording could give admissible evidence on it.

Following the objections, the prosecutor withdrew the DVD and informed the court that he had no further questions for the witness.

Justice Mohammed Idris adjourned the case until March 20 for cross-examination.

Kalu and others allegedly committed the offences between August 2001 and October 2005.

Kalu was alleged to have utilised his company to retain in the account of a First Inland Bank, now FCMB, the sum of N200 million.

The sum is alleged to have formed part of funds illegally derived from the coffers of the Abia State Government.

Kalu's company — Slok Nigerai Ltd — and a man, Emeka Abone, who is said to be at large, were also alleged to have retained in the company's account the sum of N200 million on behalf of the first accused (Kalu).

They were alleged to have utilised Manny Bank, (now Fidelity Bank Plc), Spring Bank Plc, the defunct Standard Trust Bank and Fin Land Bank, now First City Monument Bank (FCMB).

The accused allegedly retained about N2.5 billion in different accounts which funds were said to belong to the Abia Government.

Cumulatively on all the counts, the accused diverted over N3.2 billion from the Abia State Government's treasury during Kalu's tenure as governor.

The offences contravened the provisions of sections 15(6), 16, and 21 of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2005, the Money Laundering Act of 1995 (as amended in 2002) and Section 477 of the Criminal Code, Laws of the Federation, 1990.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Tears As Nigerian Beauty Queen's Fiance Dies Shortly After She Missed His Call

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 10:38 AM PDT

These are sad moments for the Most Beautiful Girl in Akwa Ibom Ambassador 2017, MBGAK, Queen Ndiana Inyang following the sad loss of her fiance.

The beauty queen who's reported to have been in attendance at the Thanksgiving service in honour of the Akwa Ibom state speaker yesterday at Uyo, revealed her fiance called her when he was probably about to pass away but she didn't pick due to her busy schedule. She wrote;

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

IGP Orders Return Of Police Officers Attached To VIPs, Politicians

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 10:38 AM PDT

The Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, while citing the security challenges facing the nation, on Monday ordered the withdrawal of all police offices attached to Very Important Persons, including political and public office holders nationwide.

The police boss, who announced this in Abuja during a conference with senior officers, stated that the directive also affected private businessmen, multi-national companies and other corporate organizations who are enjoying special police protection.

To this end, IGP Idris explained that a task force had been constituted at the Force headquarters under the command of ACP Mohammed Dankwara to ensure compliance to the directive while state commissioners of police are to replicate same at their commands.

Announcing his plans to withdraw the policemen on private guard duty, the IG said, "In view of the current security challenges in the country, it has become expedient for the Nigeria Police Force to streamline the deployment of its personnel attached to political and public office holders, aimed at enhancing effective and efficient policing of the country.

"To this effect, a memo will be forwarded to the President for approval which will serve as a guideline or template for deployment to VIPs, political and public office holders in the country. Accordingly, a directive for withdrawal of all police officers deployed to VIPs, political and public office holders with immediate effect, is hereby given," he stated.

Idris, however, explained that businessmen, corporate organisations and individuals who required special police protection and "are found worthy," would be considered by the Special Protection Unit of the force on application for re-validation through the state Commissioners of Police where they are resident.

"By so doing, I am charging the Commissioners of Police with the responsibility of supervising such official deployment and thereby holding them accountable," the police chief informed his audience consisting of senior police officers.

The Punch reports that the IG bemoaned the abuse of police Supernumerary number plates and the illegal use of siren and covering of vehicle number plates by motorists and warned the culprits to desist.

He directed the holders of the police SPY number plates to return them to the Force Transport Officer and apply for re-validation.

He also asked the state CPs to enforce the directive and arrest violators, adding that the list of task force teams that would ensure compliance to the order should be sent to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Operations, by March 31, 2018.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

"How God Used A Mad Man To Help Me..." Interesting Story

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 04:28 AM PDT

A Nigerian lifecoach/entrepreneur, Fola Olatunji-David has taken to social media to share a touching experience how a mad man saved him from many travails.

Read how he chronicled his story;

God is still in the business of embarrassing us with miracles.

Summary; My car stopped on the road today in Surulere. Was stranded for 45 mins trying to diagnose and find help. A half naked MADMAN shows up and tells me what to do (go buy fuel). 15 mins later, problem solved.

Took the car to the shop for some mechanical work a few days back… As per Naija mechanic (fix one, spoil another), he spoilt the fuel gauge. So I didn't realise I was out of fuel (guage was still well over half, and i hadn't driven car in days to remember proper level)

After my informed diagnosis of problem elimination, I concluded that the new fuel pump that was replaced must have been fake. Thank God I kept the old one right? Wrong! I start to struggle with the back seat of the Toyota to access the fuel pump cannister.

Just to be on the safe side, I decide to try starting again. I was wearing a white dress shirt, and was already half soaked in sweat. This guy shows up shirtless and starts to shout "Na the fuel". Thinking it was a tout, I just ignored and continued my "work".

After 10 mins of struggling and not making headway, I step out of the car to catch my breath. This guy starts walking to me, it was then I realised that he wasn't a boy in the hood showing off his abs, but a middle aged man who was mentally unbalanced and destitute. MAD MAN!

I was certain today was an unfortunate day because not only was my car bad on Eric Moore Road, I was going to be accosted by a madman. He calmly walks up to me and says "Oga it's the fuel, go and buy fuel". I said thank you to let him leave me peacefully, and he did!

A few problems here (in my mind):
1. My gauge said otherwise
2. Even if, I didn't have a keg to buy the fuel
3. I didn't know where to buy the fuel
4. It definitely wasn't the fuel – I now remembered that I bought a full tank less than a week, and hadn't gone anywhere with it.

30 seconds later, this guy comes back with a dirty 5 litres keg with a makeshift cover made of all the nylons and "pure water" satchets he could find, and says I should "leave here and go buy fuel". Y'all know that in Nigeria, leave here is not an advice, it's a warning.

I decided I needed a break either ways, and I was probably in his turf. As I was flagging a bike he didn't say a word, just looked at me like he was going to sell my car the moment I went out of view. Today couldn't get worse! Have you had a mad man angry at you before?

Anyways, I make a quick trip to the conoil up the road, and come back. Get back to my car and the mad man was gone! Hallelujah. Next up create a funnel out of empty plastic water bottle, I grab one bottle from the car, looking for something sharp to cut it.

Couldn't find something in the car so decided to improvise. Immediately I came out the car guess who was holding an already cut bottle… Yes, this mad man. He gives me and moves back (as you would if you gave someone something very dear to you). I was half spooked, half amused.

Anyways, I pour the fuel, run the engine and the car starts on the spot as if I just drove from servicing… I couldn't believe it. I had reluctantly bought the fuel and wasn't expecting it to work. Stunned I start to thank the guy and he was just smiling.

I reached out to thank him, but by now he was back to being mad… talking complete rubbish and point to the ground and stuff! I forced 1000 on him and left. Mad as in, kolo!

Fam! God made a mad man temporarily gain his sanity to sort me out!!!

I grew up hearing my father proclaim "I can never be stranded" and "I was young and now old and never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed beg bread"… Today, those words became life.

It's more amazing because I'm not righteous, not by a mile, but its a continuous testament of God's love and commitment to embarrassing us with his mercy and grace!

I repeat, God used a mad man to help me! Wow.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

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