Wednesday, August 2

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How To Stand Victorious In The Midst Of Spiritual Warfare

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 03:46 AM PDT

No one prepared me for the drastic change that would occur once I got married. I was prepared for a name change, an address change, and a status change. But the one thing I was absolutely unprepared for when I crossed the "I do" threshold was the physical change that happened once my title changed from Miss to Mrs.

Friends, I'm talking about the "fat and happy" weight gain that comes with marital bliss.

Perhaps I could blame the domestic diva that took over my body—the one who suddenly felt the need to bake casseroles and cupcakes every day. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that we stayed up late at night our first year of marriage watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix while munching cereal. I can't quite blame the nuptials entirely, but I will confess that I was shocked when, after the first year of wedded bliss, I had gained a whole dress size.

One day I finally got fed up with my clothes not fitting, so I decided to do something about it. We cut out our late-night cereal indulgence (RIP Raisin Bran), and I decided to buy a workout video advertised on TV.

Here's a little fact about me: I love infomercials. You know, those thirty-minute commercials filled with amazing before-and-after stories. I am a big fan of any transformation: dirty carpet that looks brand-new, acne-prone skin turned baby soft, or a dramatic weight-loss story. I am not safe around infomercials. I've pretty much purchased everything: skin creams, exercise machines, food storage containers. Buying the latest fitness video was right up my alley.

I'll never forget the day the package arrived. I was full of hope that the extra weight I'd packed on would be gone in just twenty- one days. I opened the DVD, popped it into the player, and hit play. A few minutes in, I realized a big problem: I was sitting on my couch, in my pajamas, eating chips and salsa. Yep, you read that right. Sure, I learned the moves. Sure, I watched other people break a sweat. Sure, I felt motivated. But I didn't do a single thing to apply what I was learning. It's not enough to know that something is true; we must put it into action.I needed to get up, stand on my feet, and actually exercise.

I could know all day long that lunges and squats burn calories, but if I didn't get off my tail and do the squats, I would never experience transformation.

Faith is not passive; it is active. There is a vast difference between having a knowledge of the truth and believing the truth. We can learn Scripture day in and day out, but information alone does nothing to resist the Enemy. The realities we face on a daily basis as believers require us to put feet to our faith and stand.

We might sit in church or attend Bible studies and learn amazing truths about God but remain defeated if we don't learn to resist the Enemy and stand firm in our faith. We can hear testimony after testimony of victory and watch others live out their faith, but all our learning doesn't help if we don't put into action what we know. All too often we sit on our proverbial spiritual couches, eating chips and salsa while other people experience victory.

To stand firm against the Enemy, we have to engage with truth, not just know the truth. We must put into practice the power and privileges we have as children of God. Many Christians can quote Scripture but do not live it. We must do both if we are going to stand firm in victory.

How to Stand Firm Against Spiritual Warfare.

1. Remember… The Battle is the Lord's! 

"Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. 
For the battle is not yours, but God's." 
 2 Chronicles 20:15

When a vast army surrounded God's people, the Lord told King Jehoshaphat, "The battle is not yours, but God's." Likewise, when we face spiritual warfare, we must remember that we do not engage the enemy in our strength or power, but we stand in the victory that Jesus already accomplished. Knowing that we fight from a place of victory is the first key to standing firm. This mental starting point is imperative to victory.

I'm going to shoot straight with you: we live in a war zone. This world is not neutral. We have a spiritual Enemy who seeks to "steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10). But the good news is rooted in the gospel. Jesus triumphed over Satan at the cross. He "rescued us from the dominion of darkness" (Col. 1:13) and transferred us to the kingdom of God. We are now seated victoriously with Christ. We don't fight for victory but rather from a place of victory. Knowing the difference is a game changer.

2. Remember… To Plant Your Feet on the Solid Rock 
One of the primary ways the enemy attacks Christ followers is with shame. The enemy begins with a temptation to lead us away from Christ then turns on us with condemnation just as soon as we've fallen. Therefore, the surest way to overcome Satan's fiery darts of condemnation is to actively plant our feet firmly on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ.

But what does it mean to plant our feet on the Solid Rock? Jesus teaches us:

Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. Them the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. (Matt. 7:24-27)

To plant our feet on the Solid Rock means two things: First, we hope in Christ alone for salvation. We recognize that we are fully dependent upon Him for our righteousness. Therefore the enemy has no basis to accuse or condemn us. When we plant our feet firmly on Christ, then we can stand firm against these accusations.

Second of all, to plant our feet on the Solid Rock means we obey Christ's teachings. Jesus warns us to not only "hear" His words but to also "put them into practice.Obedience to God's commands is not only right and beneficial, but it also proves to be a supernatural shield against the enemy. Scripture teaches us that when we willfully choose to disobey God that we open ourselves up to the enemy's attacks." Practicing righteousness proves a powerful protection against Satan's schemes. Likewise, in Ephesians 4:22-27, the Apostle Paul teaches us to "put off" our old sinful nature because those things create an "opportunity" for the devil.

3. Remember… To Put on the full Armor of God 
In my book, Stand, I take several chapters to explain the Armor of God, which is the supernatural protection we've been given to resist the enemy. Each piece represents an aspect of our identity and inheritance in Christ. The armor of God is not meant to be just words we memorize, but actual truths that we clothe ourselves in that empower us to resist the schemes strategies of the evil one. The book of Ephesians teaches us that "when the day of evil comes," we are to stand our ground and "put on the full armor of God." Do you hear the call to action? There is an engagement that takes place when we utilize the weapons the Lord has given us for victory. We are not passive but active in standing firm!

4. Resist! 
Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking
 for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith. 
1 Peter 5:8-9

Speaking of resisting, this may be one of the most overlooked and underutilized strategies when it comes to standing firm against spiritual warfare. Many Christ-followers live in unnecessary fear of the enemy or take a posture of defeat when the exact opposite should be true. The more we come to comprehend the victory of Jesus accomplished for us, the more we can stand boldly against the forces that oppose us. We are not victims; we are victorious in Christ. We are not defeated, we are more than conquerors in Jesus. Standing firm in this truth is what enables us to resist when the enemy hurls fiery darts of temptation, accession, or condemnation.

Friends, as one who was defeated more times that I care to admit, I am here to testify that Jesus wins! When we take God at His Word and apply it to our lives, we can experience real victory. We can stand firm against the darkness. Whether you are in a battle today with temptation, condemnation, or any form of darkness, I pray you experience the fullness of God's power working for you and in you as you stand in Christ.

[written by Marian Jordan Ellis]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Beautiful Pre-Wedding Photos Of A Soldier & His Fiancee

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 03:16 AM PDT

These pre-wedding photos of a soldier Jude and his lady Miranda are adorable. She said;
"I've fought battles upon battles. Seen people rise and fall. Seen soldiers retreat and soldiers fight to the bone but nothing has touched my my heart like your love. Nothing keeps my heart at peace but your smile. I love you."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

How You Can Succeed With God's Perfect Timing

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 02:11 AM PDT

"We made a huge decision," our friends reported as we shared prayer requests. In a great step of faith, they'd decided to sell their dream home so the wife could stay home with their young children.

July 1 was the drop-dead date for a contract so she could withdraw from her teaching contract.
But weeks ticked by and the house sat. As the months dragged on, they began to worry. They were praying, so why hadn't the house sold? Their plans seemed on hold or worse, thwarted.

At what felt like the last possible opportunity, a buyer came, the house sold, they found a wonderful new house and – as only God can do – the wife was able to help another family desperate for a tutor.

We may know God's timing is perfect, but we don't always know the full implications of His perfection. Knowing how God works through time can help us rest rather than fret. Here are 7 reasons we can trust God's timing.

1. God created time and rules over it. 
Genesis 1 tells us that "In the beginning, God created…" and one of the first things He created is time. God is uncreated and exists outside of the time limits of our world. (Psalm 90:1-2) And like all things He created, God rules over time.

We see this clearly in Joshua 10, when Israel fought the Amorites and Joshua asked God to make the sun stand still until Israel had not just won, but defeated the entire enemy. "The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being." (Jos 10:13-14)

2. God chooses to work gradually over time. 
God could do things instantly. He could answer prayers immediately, heal instantaneously, provide on the spot. But it pleases God to unfold His plan over time. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…" (Ecc 3:1)

God took six days to create each aspect of heaven and earth. And though He promised a Redeemer when Adam and Eve sinned, it would be thousands of years before that Redeemer was born. "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship." (Gal 4:4-5) We can rest knowing that what God is doing now is part of His plan as much as what He will bring us to next.

3. God isn't bound by deadlines. 
"There is no panic in heaven" Corrie Ten Boom has famously said. And as my friends waiting to sell their house discovered, God is never late. The corollary? He's never early. We set up deadlines but God is not bound by any limits.

Henry Blackaby tells about waiting on a $60,000 wire transfer to complete their church building. After multiple delays, the money still hadn't come. Amazingly, the money was finally wired on the only day the Canadian exchange rate fell so much that it provided an additional $60,000. (Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby)

4. God knows the end from the beginning. 
When we hit a hard place, we want to know when and how it will end. As I read books on grief after my husband died, I always turned to the epilogue first – I wanted to know whether this widow had remarried and whether her kids were okay.

When we're in between, we can trust God with the ending. Isaiah 46:9-10 says, "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure." God doesn't just know now what will happen; He's known it from eternity past.

5. Time is not our enemy. 
Since God created time, it is good. We know that God uses time for His purposes and specifically determined the time each of us would be born as well as the span of our life. (Acts 17:26; Psalm 139:16)

Because God rules over time, there is enough time this day, this year, this life to complete the full will of God for our lives. When we feel rushed and pressed, we need to remember that time is not our enemy. We may have taken on tasks not meant for us or we may waste time given us, but God has provided the perfect amount of time for each of us to do His will each day.

6. There is no Fear of Missing Out. 
Ever scrolled through your newsfeed and felt like all the opportunities were passing you by? We're apt to think we're missing out and those opportunities will never come again. As the weeks and months and years roll by, we see our hopes, our dreams, our callings as fleeting.

But there is no missing out in God's timing! Sarah and Abraham thought they'd missed out on a child but God was revealing Himself in the wait. Joseph hadn't been passed by as he languished in prison; God was waiting for the perfect opportunity to catapult him to prominence and influence. And Paul realized the chains keeping him from the mission field actually advanced the gospel – far beyond what even he could see as we read today letters he was compelled to write in prison when he couldn't visit the churches. (Phil 1:12)

7. God works everything for good – in His timing. 
When Romans 8:28 promises God works all things "for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" we tend to add three little words – "in our lifetime."

But those words aren't there and they limit the timing of God's work. God is eternal and His work continues long after our life is over. Truth is, we may not see the fullness of God's good in our lifetime. Hebrews 11 tells us of persecuted believers who died never seeing the fulfillment of God's promised Redeemer because God was waiting for His perfect timing. Yet, they are commended for trusting God's promise and His timing.

[written by Lisa Appelo]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

5 Ways To Focus On What Matters Most

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 01:41 AM PDT

Our world has fallen head-over-heals in love with love – an idealized version of it that swallows massive amounts of our mental, emotional, social, and financial resources. "We all" pursue it. Chick flicks, romance novels, music and newsstand magazines all depict it. Advertisers appeal to it. Some brokenhearted people avoid it. And we download the sentiment of it with 90% of music selections.

And yet, God designed it. Love is a matter of the heart, and biblically, the heart is the center of our emotions and will. Oh, and by the way, since God has designed it…. The enemy is after it.

Our hearts are under fire by a culture that romanticizes, fantasizes, and strives to realize love its' own way apart from God. It's a brilliant tactic by "pseudo-love's" main sponsor – Satan. Think about it. The more distracted we can become by it, the less we can connect with the true purpose for it.

When Jesus was asked to rank the most important commandment in Mark 12, I imagine if He had a microphone He would have turned up the volume and shouted:
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." --Mark 12:29-31

Notice Jesus says the first way to Love God is with all your heart. I don't think it was an accident He put the heart first. So, is it any wonder why the top target that the enemy attacks is the numero uno commandment that God gives? And the strategy is to distract it.

By dreaming, chasing and investing in romantic love, the enemy can open up his arsenal of lies and deception to derail the most important purpose for our heart -- to love God with all of it.

How to Focus On What Matters Most

Guard it 
Your heart is enclosed within a rib cage for protection. So too, we should enclose our emotional heart with spiritual protection. We need to avoid exposing our hearts from being distracted from an all-consuming pursuit for romantic love.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." -- Proverbs 4:23

Attach it 
Give God your heart, and He will give you all the rest. God knows you. He loves you. You are His. His son or daughter and He calls you a friend. Give your pursuit of romantic love to God, and when you are ready, He will place you with an ideal mate.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -- Romans 8:38-39

Scan it 
Our heart's emotions and intentions need to be continually under scrutiny. As we open our hearts to relationships, or fantasies, there is room for the enemy to creep in and create chaos with temptation. It's better to let God search your heart and help you identify any chinks in your armor.
"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." -- Psalms 139:23-24

Deal with it 
Should our affections go AWOL, our relational capital gets overdrawn and creates blockage in our ability to hear from, and love God with all our heart. That blockage is called sin, and after God's heart scan reveals it, we need to deal with it with a little heart surgery by owning it, confessing it, and changing it -- also called repentance.
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." -- James 5:16

Connect it 
Loving God with all our heart requires a life-support system. For men, it's other men. We need a group of guys who we can openly share what's on our heart with to give us the benefit of their experience, perspective and accountability. You wouldn't put the most important issue in the hands of an amateur. No, we need to treat this issue with respect and connect with other men to allow the "body of Christ" to serve its function.

Here's the kicker -- what you do and how you do it will have impact on your son or daughter, and their sons and daughters. Many times, the Bible explains the actions of men have repercussions. Others are watching. Your kids, co-workers, vendors, colleagues and family members. So connect your heart to other men, and demonstrate that you love God with all your heart.

"His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation." -- Luke 1:50

Love the Lord with all your heart, Jesus says is the top of top priorities. Shouldn't we take an honest look at what -- or who -- we love that much? If the answer is anything other than God, then your heart is under fire. Get your focus back on what matters most, and enjoy knowing your creator.

[written by Kenny Luck]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Ladies, 5 Ways to Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:46 AM PDT

Taking time to care for your mental health will benefit you, those around you, and the quality of your daily work. While caring for our mental health is a personal task that can look different for each of us, I hope this offers you a good place to start on your journey to continued mental health.

1. Know your breaking point. 
We tend to live our lives based on obligations and the expectations of others. We tend to stretch ourselves too thin and then wonder why we can't be great at everything we do. But we keep at it, believing the message of our culture that not only can we do anything and everything, but we deserve to do anything and everything. Even some Christian advisors tell us to keep "doing" by misapplying Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So we keep going, we keep doing, and for many of us, this causes our mental health to suffer.

We must remember that we are limited in our abilities, and that God limited us for our own good. We simply can't do anything and everything and we should stop trying. Know your breaking point. Know when to say no.

We hesitate to say no because we don't want to appear weak, lazy, or we simply don't want to miss out. But saying no is actually a sign of maturity and wisdom. We can only do so many things well. We ought to be wise enough to know how many plates we can juggle before our mental health suffers, and we ought to be honest enough to say no when we've reached our max.

2. Be open, honest, and silly. 
We need to start being open with our friends and family about the things in our lives that cause our mental health to suffer. For some, it might be wise to ask close friends or family members to hold you accountable to saying no, or to taking time for yourself to recover from the ongoing stresses of life.

In Galatians 6:2, we're told to bear one another's burdens. You'll probably find that those closest to you need your support as much as you need theirs.

While we all need trusted people in our lives to open up to and cry with, we also need people in our lives to laugh and be silly with! Laughter decreases stress hormones and releases endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good chemicals. We've all heard it said that laughter is good medicine; it just might be true! So be intentional about watching a funny movie, playing silly games or spending quality time with people who bring a smile to your face.

3. Eat right and exercise. 
We all know that a proper diet and regular exercise will help keep us physically healthy, but we often forget that it also helps maintain mental health. Studies show that a healthy diet and regular exercise can lessen the affects of depression, anxiety, insomnia and many other symptoms that affect our mental health.

1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20 asks a very important question: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." There are many ways to apply this particular verse; keeping our bodies healthy in order to maintain our mental health is certainly one of them.

4. Be in the Word and in prayer. 
We're quick to nourish and hydrate our bodies, but we often forget that our souls need nourishment too. Matthew 4:4 tells us that, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God." The Word is not only profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16), but the Word is the very lifeblood of our being and is vital for our mental health. Being in the Word daily will strengthen your faith, give you hope and fill you with the joy of Lord so that you can work for His glory in all that you do.

We often forget that prayer is our best defense and, when we find ourselves suffering mentally, prayer is often the last thing that comes to mind. While God knows our every need, it's to our benefit to talk with him, asking him to keep us mentally strong and healthy. Jesus often withdrew to desolate places to pray (Luke 5:16) and we should follow that example. Humbling ourselves before the Lord, the very lifeblood of our existence, can be nothing but beneficial.

5. Take time to refuel. 
Extroverts tend to refuel by being with people. Introverts tend to refuel by being alone. It's important to figure out what recharges your battery, and then make a point to do just that on a regular basis. Do something you enjoy and don't feel guilty about it! This might mean listening to music, watching television, reading, hiking, fishing, napping or simply being still before the Lord.

Taking time for ourselves is difficult for many of us, we tend to feel guilty about doing for ourselves rather than doing for others. But we must remember that we can better serve others if we take time to care for ourselves. Taking time to refuel can relieve stress, increase concentration and productivity, energize your body and rejuvenate your mind. Taking time for yourself can help you refocus and better prioritize your obligations. No tank can run on empty. Taking time to refuel will also lead to a greater appreciation and dedication to your walk with the Lord.

[written by Beth Ann Baus, a wife and mom of two boys]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

(Photo)They stripped my house bare- Jonathan confirms theft by 6 policemen | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:38 AM PDT

Former President, Dr. Goodluck  Ebele Jonathan, said, yesterday, that his house in Gwarimpa, Abuja, was stripped bare by thieves who carted away all movable items in the house.
Jonathan, who spoke through a statement issued by his spokesman, Ikechukwu Eze, last night, said

 "Following series of enquiries from journalists and other concerned Nigerians on the extent of the reported vandalisation and theft in the house of former President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan located in Gwarimpa, Abuja, we, therefore, would like to make the following clarifications: The theft was discovered last month upon which a report was duly lodged with the relevant police authorities. "The police immediately commenced investigations which led to the arrest and detention of some suspects, six of whom were policemen, even as investigations continue. 

"The house, which the former President bought from CITEC estate developers in 2004, was totally stripped bare by the thieves who stole every movable item in the house, including furniture sets, beds, electronics, toilet and electrical fittings, as well as all internal doors and frames. "However, contrary to exaggerated reports in some media, only six television sets, three refrigerators and one gas cooker were stolen. 
Being that the house is a modest, a 4-bedroom duplex, it couldn't have been fitted with "36 Plasma television sets and about 25 refrigerators" as falsely reported by some media outfits. "We thank all Nigerians for their show of concern and wish to convey the former President's goodwill to all Nigerians." 

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Davido shows off his expensive shoes | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:38 AM PDT

Davido showed off his expensive shoes are he boarded a private jet to Coutonou .Posting lyrics from Cardi B's track ''Money Moves'' , he wrote
These expensive , these is Red Bottoms these is Bloody shoes !! Cotonou !! meet me at the stadium !! Boutta be legendary!!!! 🇧🇯

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Police arrest lunatic for killing of step-sister | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:38 AM PDT

The Enugu State police have arrested one Chima Odo, who is suspected to be a lunatic, for alleged killing of his step-sister, Ndidiamaka Odo. A statement by the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr Ebere Amaraizu, said that the suspect also injured two other family members – his step-mother, Cordelia Odo, and another step-sister, Neriruka Odo.
Amaraizu said that the suspect and his victims were residents of Umuagali Amala in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu.

 "The reason for his attack on family members is not known, but the account by witnesses indicated that he used an axe to kill the step-sister and inflict injuries on his-step mother and another step-sister," he said. 

He stated that the suspect was being interrogated, while those injured were battling for survival at Bridget Hospital, Obollo-Afor. The body of the deceased had been deposited at the hospital's mortuary, he explained. (NAN)

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Sheer madness! Kim K lets it all hang out | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:38 AM PDT

The sheer trend is here to stay thanks to the likes of  Kim Kardashian.The reality star bared her bossoms in a sheet tank top paired with camouflage cargo pants and dazzling heels.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Bovi's epic response to fan who begged him for money for child's naming ceremony | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:38 AM PDT

 Ace comedian and actor ,Bovi took time to respond to a fan who begged him for money for his child's naming ceremony.The fan said his wife gave birth and he doesn't have a dime for the naming ceremony.

Bovi then said W,when he was ''pushing that baby forth through copulation,you didn't have to spend.Why should you spend to give the child a name"?

Obviously not pleased with the response, the fan sent back a cryptic reply about helping those you meet on your way up because no one knows tomorrow .

Read below

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Beauiful model hangs herself during video call with her husband | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 02 Aug 2017 12:08 AM PDT

 A model and young mother hanged herself while on a video call with her husband, according to reports.
Risila Binte, 22, was found unresponsive at her home in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, at around 2pm on Monday and taken to a nearby hospital.

But the fashion model and mother, who first took to the catwalk in 2012, was pronounced dead on arrival and sent for an autopsy,Times of India reports.

The Gulshan Police station Officer-in-charge Abu Baker Siddique said that the model was potentially having disputes with her husband. The young daughter was at her grandmother's house
The 22 year old model had a lot going on in her life. Apart from walking the catwalk since 2012, she was raising a young daughter and also pursuing her undergraduate degree in English Literature from Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Farmers lament distribution of expired agric inputs in Bauchi

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:27 PM PDT

From Ahmed Kaigama, Bauchi

Women farmers in Bauchi State have expressed worry that the distribution of expired agricultural inputs may hinder bumper harvest envisaged under the Anchor Borrowers Programme.
This was contained in a communiqué issued at the end of a one- day budget tracking meeting of women farmers organised by Fahimta Women and Youth Development Initiative Bauchi in partnership with Action-aid Nigeria.
According to the communiqué, women farmers also identified late distribution of inputs such as high yielding seeds, fertilizers and insecticides as other major factors that could frustrate farmers' efforts to boost both rain fed and dry season farming in Bauchi State.
Some of the women farmers, lamented Rifkatu Magaji from Warji LGA and Rhoda Haruna from Bogoro LGA said some of the seeds distributed in their communities were not high yielding varieties, alleging that crops that were slated for maturity within 3 months might take longer time to mature.
Other women farmers in their earlier request for the training and retraining of more extension workers while those already in existence within the communities should be given logistic support to advice farmers on modern farming methods.
On agricultural loan scheme, most women farmers complained of delay in the disbursement of loans which was always granted farmers in July as against March/April.

A lone voice, Malama Iyaji Shehu from Kwagal in Kirfi LGA of Bauchi State said women farmers' group in Kwagal Community had never benefitted from such schemes.
Earlier in her remark, the Executive Director of Fahimta, Hajia Maryam Garba urged the Bauchi State Ministry of Agriculture to always consider women farmers' groups in the rural areas while disbursing agric loans.
Also speaking, the acting Director, Research and Statistics in the Bauchi Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Ishaya Ayuba advised Bauchi based NGOs to always base their budget analysis on actual amount approved and released and not on proposed budget.

from peoples daily

How Nigeria can end violence, by IPCR DG, Oshita

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:27 PM PDT

By Ochiaka Ugwu

Director General, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR), Prof. Oshita Osang Oshita has expressed the need to build the capacities of many institutions in Nigeria as a means to wipe out war against culture of violence.
Professor Oshita gave the expression yesterday while declaring open the first Advanced Conflict Management Course (ACMC) of the Institute's National Peace Academy (NPA) in Abuja.
Oshita said the Basic Conflict Management Course (BCMC) of the academy which commenced last year serves as the foundation course adding that the curriculum has been elevated to a higher level for the ACMC.
According to him, the Institute had previewed meetings with the facilitators who have proven to be highly experienced while enjoining the participants to make the best use of the opportunities being offered by the Institute as pioneer students of the ACMC.
For the Nigerian Infrastructure for Peace to work, Oshita said the capacities of the personnel and staff of strategic institutions and organizations must continually be built to strengthen the operations of the peace infrastructure.
In fulfilling part of its mandate, he added that IPCR through the NPA will continue to provide various training needs so as to build clusters of peace practitioners in the country.
Head of the NPA, Dr. Bosede Awodola in her remarks disclosed that close to 30 individuals from the Nigerian Air Force, Police, Nigeria Prisons, Judiciary, Peace Corps, DSS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and CSOs from across the country will be participating for the 2-weeklong course.

from peoples daily

Industry minister, Enelamah emerges WTO vice chair

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:27 PM PDT

By Ab'eku 'kachukwu Abuja

Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Okechukwu Enelam

The Minister for Trade, Industry and Investment, Dr Okechukwu Enelamah

The Minister for Trade, Industry and Investment, Dr Okechukwu Enelamah

ah, has been elected the Vice-Chairperson representing Africa, for the 11th World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference.
This latest development was made available to journalists in a release from the Ministry signed by Constance Ikokwu, Strategy and Communications Adviser to the Honorable Minister.
According to the release, Nigeria's election was decided at the meeting of the WTO General Council on 26 July, 2017, adding that the General Council acts on behalf of the Ministerial Conference on all WTO affairs. It meets as the Dispute Settlement and Trade Policy Review Body (TPRB) to oversee procedures for disputes settlements between members and to analyse members' trade policies.
The Ministerial Conference, which meets every two years, is the topmost decision-making body of the WTO that brings together members of the organisation, all of which are countries or customs unions and can take decisions on matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements. The election therefore s viewed as an important recognition of Nigeria's leadership role at the WTO and contributions on trade policies.

from peoples daily

Make children’s education first priority, NOUN VC urges parents

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)

From Mohammed Ibrahim, Kaduna

National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN, Vice Chancellor, Professor Abdallah Uba Adamu has called on parents to make their children education their first priority in life so as to make their contribution towards development of the country in future.
According to him, sound education is the best legacy any parents can give to his or her child.
He explained that education is essential in the lives of every human being and a key to development of any nation.
Speaking during the 5th NOUN Staff Children School Speech and Prize Giving Day ceremony, Professor Uba Adamu Represented by Dean Post Graduate School Mande Samaila charged parents to always pay their children's school fees at an when due.
" My appeal to parents is to understand that God gives them the position to be parents. So whosoever is in control of a child should ensure that child is educated. It's based on this that I'm appealing to them in terms of their obligation to educate their children.
'" They should make sure they are prompt in paying the child's school fees . NOUN is a flexible university and it will be flexible in its approach towards the needs of the children. It's important for every parent to pay attention towards educating his child and that can be done only when the school fees are paid," he said.
Earlier, Chairman Parents Teachers Association of the School, Muhammed Ali Chiroma commended the school management for given their children proper education, saying as parents they are ever ready to support the school management in whatever way they can.

from peoples daily

Ensure sanity of public payroll, Tambuwal charges ANAN

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

Sokoto State Governor, Alhaji Aminu Waziri Tambuwal Tambuwal

Sokoto State Governor, Alhaji Aminu Waziri Tambuwal Tambuwal

By Ese Awhotu

Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal has urged the Association of National Accountants (ANAN) to ensure all public pay systems are sanitized for the benefit of the generality of the populace.
Speaking in Sokoto when ANAN's Council Members, led by the President, Shehu Usman Ladan, paid him a courtesy visit, Tambuwal described the work of accountants as crucial for national development.
"I was a member of the National Assembly when the law establishing ANAN was approved. I must say that we feel vindicated by that decision because you have deepened professionalism in the accounting profession in Nigeria.
"Your members are holding key positions in this administration and their input is well appreciated.
"However, I want to urge you to do more to wean your profession of bad eggs. You are so important to public accounting system that any misdemeanor will have negative effect on the federation," the Governor added.
In his remarks, the ANAN President said their intervention has helped in boosting ethical conducts in the accounting profession in Nigeria.
"We have instituted mechanisms that enhance the capacity of our members to act ethically and professionally in the discharge of our responsibilities.
"We call on the Sokoto state government to liaise with us to train your workers and enhance their professionalism," he added.
Ladan used the occasion to invite Tambuwal to serve as a special guest of honour during ANAN's annual conference in Abuja in October.

from peoples daily

We’ve put creative Industry in the front burner – Minister

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

By Umar Muhammad Puma

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, says the ministry has succeeded in putting the Creative Industry in the front burner of national discourse due to its critical role in the diversification of the economy.
The Minister said this in Abuja on Monday when he received the Music Producers and Marketers Association of Nigeria (MUPMAN) on a courtesy call.
"Our commitment in this ministry under this administration, especially to the Creative Industry, is not just a matter of words. We have taken practical steps to demonstrate our commitment to the promotion and protection of the Creative Industry.
"Mr. President has said it many times that we must diversify our economy and that we must produce in Nigeria what we consume in Nigeria, and in the last two weeks or thereabout, the Creative Industry, through the programmes and actions of this ministry, has dominated discourse," he said.
He said despite criticisms and unsavory comments, the ministry remains overwhelmingly committed to re-positioning the Creative Industry into a viable sector of the economy.
The Minister expressed the optimism that the newly-inaugurated Anti-Piracy Committee consisting of officials of the ministry, Creative Industry stakeholders and the police will stamp out the piracy of intellectual property that has become rampant.
In his remarks, the National President of the Music Producers and Marketers Association of Nigeria, Mr. Sharon Essco-Joshua, hailed the Minister for his uncommon commitment to the growth of the Creative Industry in Nigeria.
He briefed the Minister on the forthcoming Nigerian Music Stakeholders Awards being organized by the Association, and which is aimed at recognizing major stakeholders in the industry with a view to encouraging them to strive for excellence.
Also speaking at the occasion, the President of the Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji, allayed the concerns raised by the Association on the menace of piracy, saying the minister has activated a plan of action to tame it.
"The meeting going on here (conference room of the Hon. Minister) is a major historic development. We have major stakeholders here. They are meeting with two Deputies Inspector General of Police sent by the IG and we have crafted a serious attack on piracy and none of this could have been possible without the support, the inspiration and leadership of the Honourable Minister.
"What I can say to you confidently is that during his tenure Alaba will no longer be a no-go area. We are dealing with it and we have set up some important action plan but it shows what can happen when you have the right kind of leadership," he said.
The Association later honoured the Minister with the title of the Grand Patron and also conferred on him the "Most Prestigious Stakeholder Award".

from peoples daily

NAF trains more special forces

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

By Ese Awhotu

The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, has approved the training of 450 carefully selected Regiment personnel as Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Special Forces to be trained in 3 batches, the first of which was formally flagged off during the weekend.
The training is taking place at the NAF Regiment Training Centre in Kaduna but is being conducted by FOUR-TROOP, a reputable foreign military training organization from Israel.
A statement from NAF yesterday, said that the training was aimed at further developing the capacity of the personnel to fight under all types of terrains and weather conditions.
The statement said, " At the end of the 9-week course, successful participants would be deployed to defend NAF air assets and bases as well as critical national infrastructure and assets like airports and oil installations, among others. The Special Forces would also be required to take the battle to the adversaries whenever necessary."
While flagging off the training of the first batch of 150 personnel, the Air Officer Commanding Ground Training Command, Air Vice Marshal Samson Akpasa, stated that a robust counter-force to respond to any contingency was vital in Nigeria's contemporary security environment, which was characterized by insurgency, militancy, oil theft, cattle rustling, kidnapping and other vices.
He added that as conflicts become more complex and diverse, a force multiplier unit such as the Special Forces would enable the tactical commander gain an upper hand in battle.
He urged the trainees to be physically fit, mentally alert and psychologically sound in order to learn and assimilate instructions that would be passed to them in the course of their training programme.
He thanked the foreign partners, especially the 'FOUR TROOP" company, for accepting to conduct the training.
Earlier, the Commandant of the NAF Regiment Training Centre, Group Captain Isaac Subi, had disclosed that the NAF Regiment Specialty was a blend of the Army Infantry and Artillery Corps. He also described the Special Forces an invaluable adjunct to conventional forces and that they are capable of sophisticated, specialized and measured response in a complex air-ground environment covering both land and sea areas.
He said that the decision to invite the Israelis to conduct the training in Nigeria, in conjunction with other Nigerian instructors, rather than conducting the training overseas, was aimed at further developing the instructional capacity of NAF personnel while also saving the nation additional expenses in foreign currency.

from peoples daily

150 women benefit from IFAD/VCDP rice processing in Niger

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

From Yakubu Mustapha,Minna.

At least 150 women in Niger state have benefitted from training in rice processing through the use of false Bottom Technology this year from Agricultural Value Chain Programme.
This was sequel to the partnership between the International Fund for Agricultural Development and Niger State Value Chain Development Programme currently being implemented in five local governments of the state.
The Coordinator of the programme, Dr Mathew Ahmed disclosed in Minna at the 5th Supervision Mission of the IFAD Programme in the state added that the benefitting local government Areas to includes: Bida, Katcha, Wushushi, Shiroro and Kontagora local governments.
Dr Ahmed explained that 20 Km feeder roads were constructed in Wushushi, Bida and Katcha local councils to the sum of N4.53 million.
He added that a total of 13,108 both male and female have been profiled and are benefitting from various services to improved their productivity and income while 4,178 Rice and Cassava farmers have also benefitted from Agricultural inputs worth N240,054,700 with 50% matching grants from farmers.
He appealed to the state government to pay its counterparts fund to enable IFAD extend its activities to the rest 20 local governments in the state.
In same vein, the commissioner of local government and chieftaincy affairs, Hon. Haliru Zakari Jikantoro have enjoined the staff to be cognisance in ensuring scrutiny, vigilance and strict compliance with the provision of finance guidelines.
Jikantoro said this would surely sustained strategies for improving Internal Revenue Generated IGR in the state and applauded the effort of the local government commission in organizing workshop with the theme: financial accountability and prudent management of public fund for effective leadership ".

from peoples daily

NAF trains more special forces

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

By Ese Awhotu

The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, has approved the training of 450 carefully selected Regiment personnel as Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Special Forces to be trained in 3 batches, the first of which was formally flagged off during the weekend.
The training is taking place at the NAF Regiment Training Centre in Kaduna but is being conducted by FOUR-TROOP, a reputable foreign military training organization from Israel.
A statement from NAF yesterday, said that the training was aimed at further developing the capacity of the personnel to fight under all types of terrains and weather conditions.
The statement said, " At the end of the 9-week course, successful participants would be deployed to defend NAF air assets and bases as well as critical national infrastructure and assets like airports and oil installations, among others. The Special Forces would also be required to take the battle to the adversaries whenever necessary."
While flagging off the training of the first batch of 150 personnel, the Air Officer Commanding Ground Training Command, Air Vice Marshal Samson Akpasa, stated that a robust counter-force to respond to any contingency was vital in Nigeria's contemporary security environment, which was characterized by insurgency, militancy, oil theft, cattle rustling, kidnapping and other vices.
He added that as conflicts become more complex and diverse, a force multiplier unit such as the Special Forces would enable the tactical commander gain an upper hand in battle.
He urged the trainees to be physically fit, mentally alert and psychologically sound in order to learn and assimilate instructions that would be passed to them in the course of their training programme.
He thanked the foreign partners, especially the 'FOUR TROOP" company, for accepting to conduct the training.
Earlier, the Commandant of the NAF Regiment Training Centre, Group Captain Isaac Subi, had disclosed that the NAF Regiment Specialty was a blend of the Army Infantry and Artillery Corps. He also described the Special Forces an invaluable adjunct to conventional forces and that they are capable of sophisticated, specialized and measured response in a complex air-ground environment covering both land and sea areas.
He said that the decision to invite the Israelis to conduct the training in Nigeria, in conjunction with other Nigerian instructors, rather than conducting the training overseas, was aimed at further developing the instructional capacity of NAF personnel while also saving the nation additional expenses in foreign currency.

from peoples daily

The deadly Boko Haram ambush

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

The Nigerian military has officially apologised for misinforming the citizenry about the deadly Boko Haram ambush on July 25 in the Lake Chad area of Borno state. An oil exploration team, made up of officials of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and experts from nearby University of Maiduguri was being escorted by armed troops when they ran into the ambush. It happened in Bornoyesu district in Magumeri local goverment area.

The military's initial reaction said 9 soldiers were killed in the ambush while "all" 12 NNPC officials were rescued. However, social media reports and a video clip released by the terrorists showing 3 captured members of the exploration team pleading for their lives revealed the military was wrong. On July 31, Brigadier Gen. Sani Usman, director, Army Public Relations, issued a second statement, acknowledging the mistake, with an apology.

The second statement described the July 25 ambush and the military's initial claim as "unfortunate and highly regrettable". It also clarified the earlier statement, saying this time that "additional bodies of five soldiers, 11 JTF (the civilian force supporting the military) and five members of the exploration team" have been recovered.

We, at Peoples Daily, commend this new openness of the military. Before now, it was not forthcoming with information about the conduct of the counter-insurgency, let alone talk of admitting the excesses of troops, wrongs that rights organisations including Amnesty International have repeatedly complained about.

However, we must point out that the "apology" given does little to assuage the fear gripping Nigerians that Boko Haram is on the rebound, after the government, last year, declared it "technically defeated" it. It will seem that announcement was premature. The result is that the military hierarchy and soldiers dropped their guard, top commanders retreating to their comfort zone in Abuja. Acting President Yemi Osinbajo has reacted well to this setback by ordering chief of army staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai and his commanders to return to Maiduguri, the Borno state capital, where the insurgency has been localised.

Again, Buratai's order to his war commanders to arrest Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau "dead or alive" , an order widely reported in the local media, was not necessary. Everybody, including Shekau, knew that his capture was the ultimate goal of the Nigerian military. Making it public was saying the obvious; it gave the enemy the excuse to prove that it was not the spent force it was believed to be.

Before the July 25 ambush, Boko Haram had been sending out a strong message it still retained a fighting capability though now much reduced. It had frequently attacked the University of Maiduguri, markets and highways, using suicide bombers. In the light of that, we consider it highly irresponsible of our military authority to have allowed the oil exploration team to enter uncharted enemy territory, escorted by a small number of lightly armed infantry men. One of two persons that escaped capture said the Boko Haram fighters were in their hundreds and they displayed "superior firepower" during an exchange that lasted "over two hours".

The military told a visiting African Union (AU) defence delegation Monday in Abuja that what happened on July 25 was a failure of intelligence. Independent security experts suspect sabotage by possibly politicians and members of the civilian joint task force (JTF). We call for a high powered inquiry to get to the root of this embarrassing military debacle; anyone found to have, in any way, compromised themselves must be made to face the music. The searchlight must reach the highest level of the military hierarchy.

from peoples daily

Addressing challenges of hawking in major cities

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

Street hawkers operating yesterday near Karu bridge, in Abuja.

By Uguru Uchechukwu Okanagba

Over the years, Nigerian children and young persons have been subjected to hawking and begging in the major cities of Nigeria, like Lagos, Abuja and Port-Harcourt, etc, base on the untold hardship and life challenging situations they find themselves.
It burdens my heart that in a great country like Nigeria, there are numerous laws which if properly enforced, virtually all areas of human endeavour will be adequately and perfectly taken care of, but the bane is that majority of them are not being enforced. Virtually all the laws exist in theory and not in practice. This is because when a law is not enforced as at when due, the presumption is that such law does not exist in the first place.
In a democratic system of government like Nigeria, laws are meant to be enforced to the latter and not just to show that we have such laws like other countries which do not tamper with the full implementation of their laws.
Relying on the above premise and proposition, may I now x-ray why the problem of Nigeria is not making laws but the enforcement of the laws already made on the area of my interest for the purpose of this article.
The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) provides in section 1 (1) as follows: "This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall have binding force on all authorities and persons throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria "
By section 1 (2) of the Constitution it provides: "the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall not be governed nor shall any person or group of persons take control of the Government of Nigeria or any part thereof, except in accordance with the provisions of this Constitutions".
Section 18 of the same Constitution further provides:
(1) Government shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are equal and adequate educational opportunities at all levels.
(3)(a) Free, compulsory and universal primary education
(b) Free University education.
In view of the sections mentioned supra, it is indisputable and unarguable that the authorities saddled with the responsibility of implementing our laws are living below the expectation reposed on them, even though they are constitutional obligated to implement laws.
It does not elude my memory that many gurus in constitutional law will not hesitate to put up justification of non-justiciability of section 18 of the Constitution cited above, owing to the fact that it falls within the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy, and therefore, one has no locus to ask for such right, hence it is within the objective principles which no court of law is allowed to adjudicate upon, on the ground that such provision is not actionable against the government.
This will not avail whoever that is relying on such justification because it is the overdependence of the fact that such right is not justiciable, even though, it is provided in the Constitution and evade responsibilities which ordinarily ought to be carried out, necessitated the National Assembly to in their wisdom enacted and ratified other laws to ensure that such artifice of executive lawlessness is not condoned.
Considering the intent and spirit of the Child Rights Act enacted by the National Assembly on 31st July, 2003 and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Right (Ratification and Enforcement) Act, ratified on 17th March, 1988, it will be obvious and glaring that the essence is to give effect to section 18 of the 1999 Constitution by palliating the hardship of children and young persons owing to their vulnerable nature.
It will not be out of place to bring out the salient sections and provisions that are to the effect that the right of children and young persons shall be considered paramount and shall not be treated with levity. Section 15 of the Child Rights Act provides:
(1) "Every Child has the right to free, compulsory and universal basic education and it shall be the duty of the Government in Nigeria to provide such education."
This provision is in pari materia and on all fours with section 18 of the Constitution.
Section 30 (2) of the same Child Rights Act also provides:
(a) A child shall not be used for the purpose of begging for alms, guiding beggars, prostitution, domestic or sexual labour or for any unlawful or immoral purpose;
(c) A child shall not be used for hawking of goods or services on main cities, streets, brothels or high ways;
(d) A child shall not be used for any purpose that deprives the child of the opportunity to attend and remain in school as provided for under the compulsory, free universal basic education Act.
In line with the provisions of the Child Rights Act, every lettered and unlettered people of this country shall not have any impediment in agreeing that there is an Act of the National Assembly that has graciously and judiciously outlined the rights of children and young persons and equally guaranteed the protection of such rights. It is not in doubt in view of the Act that every Nigerian child and young person has the right of education and not the right of hawking and begging on the high ways and in the streets during and after school hours on the ground of poor background.
It is highly regrettable and an eyesore that our great country Nigeria, the "giant of Africa", is encompassed by teenagers hawking and begging in its major cities like Lagos, Abuja and Port-Harcourt. These are children and young persons between the ages of fifteen to seventeen years, who ought to be taken care of if our laws are what they are meant to be. It is very worrisome that these children and young persons stays under heavy scorching of the Sun while their mates or counterparts are in Schools in order to make ends meet and our leaders did not consider such ugly situation worthy of being addressed. Under the sun or in the rain is more appropriate to the hawkers than the corps members who has it as their anthem, because it is the hawkers that are practicing it to the fullest!
This article will end up being hypothetical if I should end it without specifically mentioning some areas where the incidence is most common. If one is traveling from eastern part of this country to Lagos, immediately you get to Beggar you will be welcomed with "Gala! Gala! Gala!". From there down to Ojota and from Ojota to Ojuelegba, what you will be seeing are teenagers hawking gala, plantain chips and other things on the high ways. The same thing applies to streets of Oshodi, Ajah, Mile 2, CMS, and Idumota, etc. vis-à-vis Abuja and Port-Harcourt areas which I cannot itemize because of its prolixity.
Many Governors and other authorities have condemned and blamed these teenagers for constituting nuisance in their States without taking any drastic or proactive measure to address the challenge in accordance with the Child Rights Act. Condemning or describing the act as disgusting alone has no bearing or positive effect whatsoever, until the right thing is done via the Act. Baning them from hawking without given a lasting solution to the problem by given them alternatives, just as the incumbent Governor of Lagos State is doing now, will not only orchestrate more harm than good but the crime rate shall be on the high level.
One cannot forget in a hurry that sometimes in 2013, the Governor of Lagos State then, Babatunde Raji Fashola loaded the teenagers hawking in Lagos State in a trailer and dumped them at Up-Iweka in Anambra State at about 2:00am without considering their plight and legal rights, even though he is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) of whom such flagrant breach of one's right is not expected of. Such action left many questions unanswered. Instead of giving a lasting panacea to issue of teenagers hawking in the State of Lagos in accordance with the Child Rights Act, the former Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola rather resorted to turning the predicament of the children to a way of generating revenue to the State by charging the Kick Against Indiscipline popularly called "KIA" to humiliate and arrest the less privileged children & young persons, and upon being arrested they will bail themselves with heavy amount of money or else they will be subjected to inhuman torture.
Finally, I humbly cling on the view that for our country (Nigeria) to accomplish the hopeful change which all Nigerians are clamouring for, respect to rule of law, implementation and enforcement of our laws, regard to fundamental human rights and other rights provided by other Acts of the National Assembly and the laws made by the House of Assembly of the various States of the Federation should be considered to be a cynosure. We cannot continue to do the same thing in the same way and expect a different result!

Barr. Uguru Uchechukwu Okanagba is a Public Affairs Analyst.

from peoples daily

Yobe gov. queries N274bn spending by predecessor

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

From Uche Uche, Damaturu.

Yobe state governor, Alh. Ibrahim Gaidam has expressed doubt over how a total sum of N274 billion that the state received eight years before the inception of his government was expended, stating that there is nothing on ground to prove that something worth N5 billion out of the total sum was expended for any socio-economic development of the state.
He made this known during a ceremony organized at the state Government House in Damaturu, the state capital for the reception of PDP abandonees who shifted their loyalty by embracing the APC in Yobe state
"In the last eight years, a total sum of N274 billion was received in Yobe, what was done that is worth N5 billion in the state, where is the money," Gaidam asked, pointing out that what was rather witnesses in the state was Pharaoh type of government by people squandered state resources, unpatriotic individuals who were self-serving..
He stated further that, if what his administration has done since its inception in 2007 till date were done by the previous administration, it would have served as a foundation so that what his government has done now, added to the achievements made earlier, would have turned Yobe into a semi London.
Gaidam, to buttress his statement said he has the record of the said amount in a booklet he obtained from the federal ministry of finance and has reserved copies of same with others in case of any emergency and that as an old auditor, when he lives office of governorship of the state and took up profession, no doubt, many would sleep outside.
"In my position as former auditor, when I put off my attire of governorship and hang it, and put on my attire as an auditor, I believe many people would sleep in the house of Ibrahim Magu," Gaidam said.
He said the records are in his office, also in his home town in Bukarti, others in the custody of his friends in case of emergency.
He urged the people, the electorates to be wary of such people who squandered state funds and those who they have given their mandates in the past election but who turned and abandoned them and made Abuja their hometown.

from peoples daily

Bauchi: CITAD urges stakeholders support for education sector overhaul

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:18 PM PDT

From Lawal Sa'idu Funtua, Katsina

Katsina State Governor, Alhaji Aminu Bello Masari has warned officials handling this year's Hajj operations to be alive to their responsibilities or face sanctions for any wrong doing during the exercise.
The governor gave the warning yesterday while launching the airlift of the first batch of pilgrims to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Masari who was represented by his deputy, Alhaji Mannir Yakubu urged the pilgrim officials to fear Allah and discharge the trust given to them with the absolute fear of Allah.
He noted that the government has given adequate support to the state pilgrims welfare board through the provision of comfortable accommodation in the Holy Land, recruitment of preachers and guides to assist the pilgrims.
Masari called on the pilgrims while in the Holy Land to pray for the state, the country and for the speedy recovery of President Buhari and his safe return from medical vocation.
In a remark, the executive director of the state pilgrims welfare board, Alhaji Muhammad Abu Rimi has disclosed that 4930 pilgrims from the state were expected to participate in this year's Hajj exercise in Saudi Arabia.
He similarly warned the pilgrims against indiscipline while in the Holy land, adding that the state governor, Alhaji Aminu Bello Masari has given them all the necessary support to conduct a hitch free exercise.
Also in a remark, the emir of Daura Alhaji Umar Faruq Umar has urged the pilgrims to pray for the country and its leaders, advising them to be good ambassadors of the country.

from peoples daily

EL’RUFAI says Flights Will Boost Kaduna Economy

Posted: 01 Aug 2017 08:07 PM PDT

Kaduna State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai

Kaduna State Governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai

Mohammad Ibrahim, Kaduna

Ethiopian Airline yesterday commenced regular international flights from Kaduna State to Addis Ababa Airport.
Speaking during the inauguration of the flights from Kaduna, Kaduna State Governor Nasir El'rufai,expressed gratitude to all the stakeholders that made it possible.
EL'Rufai assured the management of the airlines of the State Government support to make Kaduna-Addis Ababa flights successful.
" Kaduna State Government welcomes with delight the commencement today, 1st August 2017, of regular international flights from the Kaduna International Airport. The government appreciates and recognizes the profound statement of confidence Ethiopian Airlines is demonstrating in the prospects and viability of Kaduna.
"The flight of Ethiopian Airlines from Kaduna to Addis Ababa today marks another step in the steady insertion of Kaduna into the global economy. With this direct flight from Kaduna, and the imminent start of operations at the inland container terminal, Kaduna is being upgraded to a port city despite its considerable distance from the nearest ocean. International travel for business people and the ability to export and import cargo with little hitch are being considerably enhanced.
"This is giving considerable boost to the state government's strategy to anchor growth and development on attracting investments to create jobs, increase internally generated revenues and empower people. The investment strategy is receiving emphatic support with investment inflows above USD 300m in two years amidst two very successful investment summits.
"Kaduna State has within two years successfully reversed the fortunes of the Kaduna Airport which had for too long punched below its weight, both in terms of facilities and flight availability. Since 2015, the government led by Malam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai has worked to improve this, engaging with federal aviation authorities and airline managers to persuade them to start or increase flights to Kaduna, "he said.
He further thanked the Federal Government for supporting Kaduna Airport to move closer to its potentials.
El-Rufai pointed out that federal and state governments made investments to ready the Kaduna Airport to serve as alternative destination during the six-weeks closure of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
He said Regular local and international flights are ensuring that those investments generate multipliers.
"Regular flights from Kaduna offer passengers from across the North-West zone a nearer alternative to Abuja.
"The State Government will continue to engage aviation stakeholders to ensure that more local and international flights come to Kaduna."

from peoples daily

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