Saturday, August 12

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Types of Pressure Unemployed Graduates Face after NYSC

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 03:29 AM PDT

Being a graduate is one of the best feelings you'll remember for a very long time. You remember the Final Year Week, The departmental dinners, the Water Baptisms, etc.

Months later, you are off to serve your fatherland. Then you are back home after NYSC.

One month, Two months, Three Months.... NO JOB!! Pressure sets in. 

Here are the types of pressures many unemployed graduates are facing:

1. Parental Pressure 
If you decide to go settle back at home, your parents will be concerned about you. They'll advise you, trouble you, pray for you and still be overly concerned about you.

Some will force you to take a job you don't love especially when you are the eldest and have so many younger siblings and other responsibilities to take care of.

2. Peer Pressure  
You have friends and acquaintances. Some will oppress you with their new jobs, cars, clothes, and gadgets. We all have that one friend that got a slot in central bank or NNPC before graduation and you are wondering how you are going to catch up with them.

They throw reunions and other gatherings but you are afraid to attend because you don't know how to explain the fact that you are jobless.

Peer pressure can either drive you to become better or can make you depressed and desperate. You must learn to believe in yourself and take positive steps to achieve your dreams.

3. Societal Pressure 
In order to avoid societal pressure, most graduates are forced to relocate to another city. The female graduate is expected to be seen with a serious fiancé and everyone is expecting a wedding date sooner or later. For the male graduates, you are expected to land a big job, drive a car and take up responsibilities immediately.

There are people in your environment always asking and inquiring about what you are currently doing. Most of them don't even have a solution.

These pressures are just there to urge you to become a better person and achieve true success. You must not allow them to have a negative impact on you.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Herbalist Confesses: "I Duped Her Of N6m Because She Is A Greedy Thief"

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 02:24 AM PDT

An herbalist in Osun State, Usman Mohammed, has been arrested by policemen in Edo State for duping a female victim of N6m.

The lady allegedly gave the herbalist the money and asked him to help increase it to N12m.

Mohammed told journalists at Edo State police command headquarters that he duped his victim because she was looking for "what she did not keep".

The herbalist confirmed that he received N3million from the N6million while he shared the remaining to other members of his team. 

He said: "I live in Osun State. I was arrested in Osun State. She is from Benin. She patronized my office because I do medicine for her. Before she requested for money ritual, she said I should do something to make her business to grow.

"When she requested for money rituals I said she must bring the money. She said she has N6 million. I told her to bring a big bag and the money. I told her to keep the bag somewhere and the money will double to N12 million. That was what she requested for.

"She kept the bag in her room for three days and the day she opened it, there was no money inside. I told her she was responsible for the inability of the money to increase. 

"I got N3million. Other people ran away. She is looking for what she did not keep. She is ole."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Today's Reassuring Bible Verse

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 01:59 AM PDT

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

The Secret To Fixing Your Marriage

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 01:24 AM PDT

Several years into our journey of parenting three small children, my wife Mary and I decided to take a long walk together, because there were some unspoken conversations hovering around us that just needed to land. We walked because coffee shops are too loud, and because frankly, I'm better when I'm moving. Maybe Mary's penetrating gaze threatens me, or maybe the right things move around inside of me when my outsides are also moving.

By mile five, we had both said and heard some very difficult things, but I was feeling OK. I was open and soft. I was ready to listen. I was even a little upbeat. But then she said it. I think I stopped walking. Or maybe I walked faster. I honestly can't remember.

She looked at me and said, "Honey, now I have to say the really hard thing."

My wife sees and hears things that many people do not. She is frighteningly intuitive, but she is also very kind. She has never used her superhuman ability to see right through me to skewer me. Still, I braced myself.

"For a very long time," she said, "I have felt like you treat me as if I'm what's wrong with this relationship. And I need to know if that's true, or if I'm crazy."

I wanted to run. Immediately, I began shuffling papers in my mental file, looking for proof that she was wrong. She's always blaming me, I thought. What about all the years of counseling we've paid for? What about all the apologies I've given over the years? Are you telling me I'm the worst husband in the world? You're acting like I'm a monster.

I began to walk faster, but she kept up. 
What finally caught up to me was the crushing reality that she was right. I stopped walking and looked down. Then I looked up at her, this woman that I shared my life with, this woman that I loved. I realized that it was convenient for me to treat her like she was the one who was wrong, the one who needed saving, the one who needed help, because I like doing the saving. I like being right. I like swooping in for the rescue. And I hate hearing that I am doing anything wrong. I get defensive every time anyone hints that I may have dropped a ball or failed at anything. And the worst part about it is that I am charming and manipulative enough to make it look like I'm being vulnerable and open when I'm really just trying to do that right, too. I can make you think that you're wrong, but it's no big deal, because here I am to help you.

For years, this was our unspoken contract. Mary would be the messed-up one who actually talked about her issues, and I'd be the strong and steady one who fixed stuff and hid my own issues.

On that walk, Mary was saying that our contract no longer worked for her. She was inviting me to let go of our old contract and create a new one. It scared me to death. I realized on that walk that I hated doing it wrong even more than I hated hurting her.

I said I was sorry. I really was sorry. I actually felt sick. 
That conversation was hard, but what followed was harder. I began to see that living with me felt like being under pressure. I set up elaborate but unspoken rules about when it was okay to talk about certain things, and when it wasn't. Even though I'm good at problem solving, sometimes my solutions were bandages that didn't help, and I offered them just so we could be done talking about whatever it was that I wanted to be done talking about. And I wasn't listening well. I hurried Mary and sometimes ignored her.

I didn't have the language for it at the time, but I was standing at a threshold. I was being invited to let go of a harmful way of relating to my wife, so that I could grab onto a different kind of relationship with her entirely.

I was being expanded, and it was good. But it hurt. 
These moments are naked and vulnerable, but if we can see them, we have the opportunity to expand. If we miss them, we get to keep being the same person we were yesterday and all the yesterdays before that.

Paulo Coelho (author of The Alchemist) was once asked how he could remain married to the same person after more than thirty years. His response was both wise and immediate:

"I've been married for 35 years. I'm walking here in the countryside now with my wife by my side. And at the end of the day, she is a completely different person, physically and mentally, from the person I married 35 years ago. So am I. But people normally marry, and then they want that locked in time, so they think they're not going to change. We're going to change. Everybody's going to change. So accepting that changes are part of our lives makes marriage a blessing and not a curse, because love is stronger than anything else."

Do you want to be right, or do you want to walk in the countryside with your spouse, side by side? Do you want to remain in control, or do you want to meet your spouse all over again after all these years? Do you want to keep fighting the same old fight or do you want to walk into something bright and beautiful and different?

You don't arrive at wholeness in marriage and stay there. As you grow and change, you need to learn new ways of understanding your spouse, who is also growing and changing. Wholeness in marriage is about accepting the reality that you can't change your spouse, you can only discover new things about them, and about your relationship, and allow those new things to forge a stronger and stronger bond.

The secret to staying married is simple (but not easy): You can't stay married to the same person forever, because that person doesn't exist anymore. You can only keep deciding to get to know the person your spouse is becoming, over and over and over again.

[written by Steve Wiens]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Why we are silent on Diezani's loot allegation-PDP | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 01:07 AM PDT

The People's Democratic Party has explained why it has been silent on allegations of looting by former petroleum minister, Diezani Madueke.

The spokesperson for the party's National Caretaker Committee, Prince Dayo Adeyeye, at a press briefing on Friday said ,the former ruling party would not make any comment on the allegations against Diezani and other members of the party, who were being tried for corruption.

He noted that the publicity given to the corruption allegations against Diezani and others were intended to portray the PDP as a party of corrupt people.
He said, "The only thing you need to do today is to defect to the APC and all your sins would be forgiven. All APC members are saints and others are sinners.
"How can the EFCC make allegations and convict us by itself? It is the one making allegations and it is the one convicting people.
"Until a court of competent jurisdiction pronounces the suspects guilty, they remain just suspects and innocent as well. So, we won't talk about those issues.
"If there is a genuine case against her or any other person, please go to court and establish that they are corrupt. You can't just claim that you have found someone with money you suspect was illegally acquired and pronounce such person guilty. You need to go to court and establish it."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Mom sues Christian school for $30m after her 12 year old son was raped and told everything in God's kingdom happens for a reason'' | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 01:07 AM PDT

A 12-year-old rape victim was told by the headmaster of a Christian school "to turn the other cheek" and that "everything in God's kingdom happens for a reason".

The school is being accused of covering up repeated sexual assaults against the boy, downplaying the attacks and refusing to report a rape in a lawsuit that is seeking at least $30m  in damages.

The mother of the boy, who attends Brentwood Academy, a prestigious private school in Williamson County in Tennessee, filed the lawsuit in which she also accuses four eight-grade students, then 14 and 15-years-old, of having repeatedly sexually abused her son when he was in the sixth grade in 2014/15.

In the court documents, the mother of the anonymous victim, named as John Doe, claims the older students would force their genitals in her son's face and mouth and sexually harass him in the school's locker room in front of other students.

One boy allegedly "would place his penis before plaintiff John Doe and forcibly penetrated it into the mouth of John Doe without consenting claiming 'eat it, eat it, eat it, open your mouth, accept it'", the lawsuit alleges.

The same student is also accused of having anally raped the then 12-year-old boy. He allegedly boasted to the basketball team that he "f***d that boy up the ass and stuck a Gatorade bottle in him".

Throughout the academic year, the four students repeatedly intimidated, harassed and bullied John Doe, the lawsuit claims.

When John Doe talked about the incident to the school headmaster Curtis H Masters, he allegedly told him he needed to "turn the other cheek and that "everything in God's kingdom happens for a reason".

He added that staff had been speaking about installing cameras in the locker room and that in the meantime he could change in his office.

When John Doe's mother approached school employee Chris Roberts, a member of Christian counselling ministry Daystar Counselling, he responded: "reporting this may not be the best thing to do.... this isn't how Christian institutions handle these things", the lawsuit claims.

She also met with the school headmaster Masters to report the incidents of bullying and sexual harassment against her son but the court documents claim he allegedly considered that this was a matter of "boys being boys and he could not investigate each of those and run a school".

"Our highest priority is the safety and protection of our students. We take any allegation involving our students very seriously," Masters said in a statement to local paper The Tennessean.

"We responded immediately and fully cooperated with authorities when we became aware of concerns in 2015."

The Independent

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

7 Simple Prayers That Helps Parents and Their Family

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 12:54 AM PDT

If you're like me, you constantly wonder what more you should be doing for your children. Am I giving them enough of my time? Am I offering enough encouragement in their lives? Am I being a good enough role model?

We all feel like we blow it at times, when it comes to parenting. And there's always guilt if we're looking for it – about what we could have done or should now be doing differently. 

Now that my daughter is an adult, I've found the most effective and rewarding things I gave her stemmed from the things I asked God to do in me through prayer.

You and I, as parents, can only do so much for our children. But God can work in their hearts and minds to shape them into the people He wants them to be. And God gives you and me the privilege, as parents, to be a part of that process when we surrender our will to Him and allow Him to mold and shape our character in a way that is best for not only us, but our children, too.

Here are 10 simple prayers that will make you a better parent:

1. A Prayer to Number Your Days 
Moses prayed in Psalm 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom" (NASB). I believe the key to wisdom as a parent is numbering your days – realizing you only have so much time to influence your children positively, and they will only be babies (or middle-schoolers, or young adults) for so much time, too. It's a "Seize the Day" prayer to keep you focused on the few things that matter so you don't rush through your days, rush through their growing-up years, and rush through all that you were meant to savor.

Lord, help me to number my days so I can present to You – and my children – a heart of wisdom. Keep me focused on the few things that matter in life so my children will follow my example by living with intention and making each moment count. Slow me down to savor what is passing quickly so I live life carefully and meaningfully.
2. A Prayer to Seek God First 
In Matthew 6:33 Jesus told His followers to "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (ESV). As we seek Him and His purposes above everything else, our lives will be prioritized and we won't fall prey to worthless pursuits, meaningless obsessions, and unintentionally serving the god of self, all of which make us parents our children won't want to be around.

Lord, help me to seek You –and Your purposes – above any other pursuit in life. I can easily be distracted by the temporary but keep me focused on the eternal. Help me to not just talk of a relationship with You but truly live it in my daily priorities and actions. Although there are things I want for my family, that I can tend to stress about, You are aware of them all, and Your Word promises that when I put You first, You will take care of everything else, according to what You know is best for us. Help me to truly believe that and live by it so my children will place their confidence in You, as well.
3. A Prayer to Guard Your Mouth 
When I was writing my book, When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter, I interviewed daughters of all ages about their relationships with their mothers and discovered that most daughters – by the time they were adults – believed their mothers were very critical of them, while their mothers had no idea that was how their daughters perceived them. That showed me how easy it is for parents to unintentionally come across as critical rather than supportive. Pray that God will only let words escape your mouth if they are words that will build your children up, rather than tear them down.

Lord, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of [my] mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29, NIV). Lord, I don't want my children to detect a critical spirit in me, or jealousy, or even a lack of faith or discontent. So, guard my mouth so I don't talk critically of anyone. And when it comes to how I address – and correct – my children, help me to build them up rather than tear them down. When they make mistakes or fail miserably, help me to discern when they need love, grace, and forgiveness instead of a lecture on what they should've done differently.
4. A Prayer to be a Grateful Person 
Scripture commands us to "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

There is no more miserable person to be around than someone who is constantly complaining, constantly singing their woes, constantly a downer. On the other hand, it is refreshing to be around someone who is grateful, always positive, and praising God in spite of the pain or difficult circumstances. Be a person your children will want to be around all their lives by being a person of gratitude.

Lord, help me to be thankful in all circumstances, not just the ones that are comfortable and enjoyable. Help me to especially be thankful in the difficult situations so my children see me as a person full of praise, not self pity. Whenever I praise You, it changes my perspective and focuses me on the good things You are doing in the midst of the troubles. Help my kids to see that. Make me a thankful person, a person of praise in every circumstance, a parent who can "in all things, sing."
5. A Prayer to Break Dysfunctional Patterns 
If you've ever feared your children will pick up on your own dysfunctions you are not alone. You don't have to be bound to your past. Pray that God will help you to live in your new identity as a child of God and a new creation.

Lord, thank You that when I am trusting in Christ alone, I am a new creation; the old things (about who I used to be) are gone and the new things (that represent who I am in You) are come (2 Corinthians 5:17). When I start to revert back to old patterns or hear old tapes playing in my mind, remind me that I have left that life at the cross when I died to self. Help me to remember that "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). Please don't let my children repeat the mistakes I've made, but remind them that they, too, are new in Christ Jesus when they surrender their lives to You.
6. A Prayer for a Gentle, Humble Spirit 
Some of the most generous and compassionate people I know came from humble beginnings, with parents who were gentle and humble, too. It isn't popular to be humble today. Our society feels entitled to everything. Pride is strong and ego rules. But not in Christ's kingdom. Be a parent who prays for a gentle, quiet spirit that is humble and precious in the sight of God.

Lord, help me to understand that in Your eyes those who are first will be last. And those who allow themselves to be last will be first (Mark 10:31). Help me to humble myself in Your sight so that You can lift me up at the proper time (1 Peter 5:6). And help me to cast all my cares on You instead of feeling I have to work out everything on my own. Help my children to remember me as one who served and put others first, not as one who always had to be at the front of the line.
7. A Prayer to Find Your Identity in Christ 
Too many times parents try to live vicariously through their children to the point that they push their children into sports, hobbies, interests, or excessive accomplishments. But your children need to find their identity in Christ, just as you, mom and dad, need to find your identity in Him, as well. It starts with you.

Lord, show me my value and worth in You, not in what I accomplish or what my children accomplish. Don't let me put undue pressure on my children to perform because of my own lack of skills, or opportunities. Help me to support who they are as individuals, and be confident that I answer to You alone in how I parent them and You are waiting to partner with me to help me be the best parent I can be.

[written by Cindi McMenamin, author and speaker]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Another Kidnapper Caught in Lagos; almost lynched to death

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 12:29 AM PDT

Looks like it's finally doom season for ritualists and kidnappers operating in Lagos. According to report shared online, another suspected kidnapper was caught on Friday in the city.

He was nearly lynched to death by angry mob before officers of the Nigeria Police Force in Ikeja area of Lagos came to rescue him. More photos...

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Here's How God Speaks To People These Days

Posted: 12 Aug 2017 12:04 AM PDT

He conversed with Adam in the first garden. He told Noah to build an ark. He spoke to Moses in a burning bush. He promised Abraham a son. Paul heard His voice on the way to Damascus.

But does God still speak to us today? If so, how? When? Where?

Often when people ask this question, they are talking about an audible voice. And God can do that. He can do anything He wants. He's God. Why then, can't I hear God speak to me audibly, someone might ask?

I can't answer questions that the Bible does not make clear. And the way God works is one of those questions. I do think "hearing God speak" may mean different things to different people. To some, it may suggest, "I need answers for my life, or this particular crisis." Another may say, "I've asked God for _________, but He never answers me."

God treats each of us as unique children. None of us are cookie-cutter Christians. Because of that, God doesn't "speak" the same way to all of us. However, here are eight ways God often uses to communicate with us.

1. Through His Word in General. 
2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is "God-breathed." His Word sometimes gives us a warning, a word of encouragement, or a lesson for life. It's "His-story"–written with love as God's guide for life, "so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

That means God is whispering, and sometimes shouting, all through His Word, giving us instructions and principles for life. As we interpret Scripture by other Scripture, we avoid the false logic and misinterpretations that sneak into our world. If someone claims, "God told me to go kill my neighbor!" would you believe him? Of course not! God never violates His own Word or principles. That "voice" does not belong to God.

I needed help for raising my children. God "told" me about that in His Word, especially in proverbs. Marriage difficulties? God spoke about that as well. Times when I was afraid? I "heard" Jesus' words to His disciples as they feared for their lives one stormy night: "Peace, be still!" and it was as if God was speaking to me, too (Luke 8:23-25).

2. Through His Son, Jesus Christ 
The New Testament was the fulfillment of God's special plan. It's the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ. "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe" Hebrews 1:1-2, NIV).

Through the words of Jesus in Scripture, we can "hear" God's heart and God's voice–and know what God is truly like. These words were not written for a few, select individuals who could jump through the right spiritual hoops ("For God so loved the world…"). Someone in Africa, in Germany, in China, and in Alabama can "hear" Jesus' voice by reading the same Bible.

Comparing us to sheep and He as the Shepherd, Jesus says in John 10:27, NKJV: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Why? Because the sheep know who He is. They belong to Him, and they recognize Him by the sound of His voice. And He's the one who will always lovingly lead them on the right path–again and again.

3. Through Other Believers 
God may use a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a preacher to convey His message of truth to us. Their words may come as a warning, a blessing, or as a prophetic truth about our lives. Whether we choose to hear it or ignore it, depends on us. Do their words line up with Scripture? Will God confirm or affirm that truth in us? "The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere" (James 3:17, NIV).

I've "heard" God speak to me numerous times through other people. A good friend once cautioned me about flirting with danger. Words from a speaker or Christian author have both challenged me and convicted me at times. And I've "heard" God talking to me through my own children as their pure and honest words cut clear to my heart and spirit, reminding me of God's true priorities.

All these things may not sound to you like ways of "hearing God's voice," but it's possible to reduce God to our own image if we insist on Him acting or reacting a certain way. God is bigger than that. He once spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22:28). Why then, can't He speak through anyone at anytime or in any way He wants to?

Bottom line is that if we are His children, God loves us unconditionally and will spare no expense to show us. Our part? Believe Him!

Hearing His "audible" voice would no doubt cinch His reality in an awesome way. But I've never heard God through an angel's message. I have no taped recordings to tell you what God sounds like. But I have heard God "speak" through the above ways–and in a few more. Read on.

4. Through Circumstances 
When others claim to hear God through circumstances, I try to caution them to test their conclusions with other evidence. God is a Holy God, and often uses circumstances to get our attention. But He will usually confirm it in other ways.

This happened to us before my husband and I married. We were dating in high school and were both involved in what could have been a deadly accident, when a speeding pick-up hit our car broadside. Through that accident, my husband felt God had a special purpose for his life. Did he "hear" God's literal "Yes?" No, but through much prayer, seeking God's Word, and talking to others, he felt God's confirmation. Several months later, he committed his life to full-time Christian service.

Someone once told me they just knew God was telling them it was okay to buy a brand-new pickup. They'd prayed about it, and circumstances confirmed it: the local car dealership had just the color and model they wanted. But there was one small problem they were neglecting. They couldn't afford it on their income. And they ignored other red flags as well.

Through Moses, God used circumstances (plagues) to convince Egypt's leader to release God's people from slavery. But Pharaoh wouldn't listen.

Sometimes God uses our circumstances to test our faith. We don't always know how to interpret the things that happen to us. I recently took my first trip in an ambulance to the local ER–unfortunately as a patient. My pulse, along with my blood pressure, dropped dangerously low. For several minutes my world looked like a spinning photo negative. Scary, to say the least. Four hours of testing later found no cause as to why it happened. The doctor pronounced me healthy and sent me home, after encouraging me to get a follow-up–which I did. Nothing showed up.

I don't know if God was speaking to me about something special, but the first thing I did was tell Him I was listening! If nothing else, life–and loved ones–suddenly became much more precious to me. One of the first things I usually ask God when circumstances change is: "God, is there something you want to teach me through this?" Yes, I know everything is "fodder" for writers. But I want to make it personal and learn the lesson first.

5. Through His Spirit I once heard someone teach about "minding the checks" in your spirit. Some may call it "God's whispers," while others say, "God's still, small voice." We are made in the image of God, and when we confess Jesus and follow Him as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit comes to live in us (John 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:16). God's Spirit speaks to us through our conscience, helping to make the right decision. When we're tempted, that same Spirit warns and nudges us to do the right thing.

As a writer, I depend on God's Spirit to give me direction. There are times when ideas pop into my mind totally unexpectedly–and sometimes directly after a plea for help from God. The good ideas I credit to God, because after all, He is the source of every good and perfect gift. The others? They're in file 13. Even the good ones need developing and rewriting, but that's a different subject.

Why do you suppose ten people can "hear" a sermon, but each person will walk away with a different truth that applies to him? In some cases, the speaker never spoke what the people say they "heard." Many times, that may be the result of God's Spirit speaking a personal "Rhema," a living, breathing word of truth to our spirits. It's when Scripture comes alive to us–because it is truly "God-breathed."

[written by Rebecca Barlow Jordan]

- However, the Lord still speaks to His "major" Prophets directly when necessary. 

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Sad Tale of Mother & Daughter Arrested for Selling Cannabis

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 11:14 PM PDT

Operatives of Ogun State Police Command have apprehended a 43yrs old woman, Alaba Mulika and her 16yrs old daughter identified simply as Olamide, for allegedly trading in cannabis.

The mother and daughter, who are dwarfs, were part of 56 suspects paraded by the Police on Thursday, with the Commissioner of Police, Ahmed Iliyasu, saying that various units of operatives had been deployed to curtail kidnapping, robbery, cultism and other crimes.

Speaking on the arrest of the mother and daughter, he said
Mulika had engaged in sale of the illicit drug for more than five years. He spoke at the command headquarters, added that SARS men got information about the sale of Indian hemp in Awa Ijebu, so they stormed the town and raided the suspects' joint.

"On getting there, they found the woman and her daughter selling hemp, skunk and other drugs and arrested them with their exhibits."

It was learnt that Mulika was arrested by SARS about two years ago and handed over to the state command of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). It was further gathered that the woman was once a visitor of the anti-drug agency before her arrest by SARS two years ago.

While speaking in an interview with Tribune, Mulika who said she was an Oru indigene but lives in Awa Ijebu, confirmed that she was arrested because she was selling Indian hemp.

"I didn't have any problem with the traditional ruler of Awa-Ijebu; it is the DPO in the town who said he doesn't want people selling Indian hemp.

"I know Indian hemp is not good, and the Nigerian law does not support trading in it, but I am into it in order to survive. My husband is late. My daughter, Olamide, was not helping me to sell Indian hemp; we were just together in the shop when policemen came to arrest me.

"When I was told to stop selling Indian hemp, I agreed, but I pleaded that I should be allowed to finish selling the ones I had. I am ready to stop selling Indian hemp; I am ready to join the theatre industry if I can find someone to introduce me into it."

The 16-year-old daughter, Olamide, who spoke with Tribune, also said: "I know my mother used to sell Indian hemp, but that was what we were surviving on.

"She feeds eight people along with herself, making nine. My grandma is down with stroke, and my mother's younger sister, who is also a dwarf, has cancer of the breast. And it is only my mother who is taking care of them all."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Resign If You’re Not Strong Enough, Bishops Tell Buhari | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 11:02 PM PDT

In support of the protests demanding the president's resignation, some bishops have asked President Muhammadu Buhari to resign from office because of his ill health.

Speaking on Friday at the second session of the Twelfth Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Owo, the Bishop of Owo Diocese, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Rt. Revd. James Oladunjoye, asked Buhari to resign and give room for another person to do the job.

The bishop said

"We thank God for the President and for the way he had been ruling according to the law, but there is something wrong that we want him to address."He has been ill for so many months in his tenure and so, is it not proper for the country to know his health condition as he is no more a private personality?"He is public property and if he is not strong enough to continue as the leader of this country, it is better for him to resign so that another qualified individual can take up the office legitimately."

Speaking based on his personal relationship with Oladunjoye, the Bishop of the Ibadan South Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Rt. Revd. Jacob Ajetunmobi, said his counterpart at the Owo Diocese was speaking based on the experience he (Oladunjoye) had.

Ajetunmobi said Oladunjoye had had accidents which forced the latter to consider early retirement, adding that if a cleric could be forced to retire early because of his health, the President should also be able to do so.

Ajetunmobi said,
 "He (Oladunjoye) had separate accidents that led to him suffering from a broken hand. He had taken treatment in Nigeria but had to travel to the United States for more treatment. He is now being forced to retire early before turning 70 as a result of that.
"He is speaking from personal experience that if health challenge will not permit him to function properly in his position, he would rather resign.
"Acting President Yemi Osinbajo should be able to carry on with the administration of Nigeria. Buhari was one of those calling for late President Umaru Yar'Adua's resignation then, but now, he knows that what goes around comes around. We should be careful what we wish others.
"Here, I am a bit more radical in my opinion, but it is much more complex than we think. There are underpinning theological positions involved." "Buhari has about one more year to spend as President, but he should not think of coming back for a second term. The All Progressives Congress should think along and restructure its leadership or be ready to fail in 2019."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I'm ready to die for Nigeria- Charly Boy | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 11:02 PM PDT

 Entertainer and social crusader, Charly Boy, 66, has opened up about the ''Our Mumu Don Do' protest calling for president Buhari to resume work or resign.He said the few people on the protests are those who are ready to die for Nigeria.

He also reacted to claims by the Police that his 'collapse' was staged for the cameras.Read excerpts from his interview with  Ademola Olonilua of Punch

On being sprayed by teargas during the resume or resign  protest

You know you cannot make an omelette without breaking an egg. You cannot be in this kind of struggle and do not expect people to misunderstand you, twist your intentions and roughen you up a little. These are the kind of things that happen especially when you are fighting a good fight and that is what we are doing. I am used to being roughened.

On report by the police that he fell to the ground when he saw cameras around you…
We have a government of lies and deceit; even the police lie. It was on the social media for everyone to see. They said they were trying to protect people against miscreants but who are these miscreants that 150 policemen could not contain and then they began to spray water cannon on just seven people? Because nobody paid us to come and talk about how we feel that is why our numbers are small. The few people that have embarked on this protest are those that are willing to die for what they believe in and this concerns Nigerians. Enough of all of this rubbish; the government lies, steals and cheats. It is an evil government. Although I have a few good people as friends who happen to be policemen but the truth is that the police is nobody's friend especially the common people.

On celebrities not joining the movement despite his call

The bible says, many are called but few are chosen. If there are only two of us, we are going to keep insisting on the right thing. Don't forget, I did not start this movement. It was some young Nigerians that started it and they roped me into it. My job as an Area Fada is to guide them because what was missing in the past which made people claim that the youths have gone to sleep is that they did not have the right leadership. I have come out to say that I would take a bullet on their behalf because I feel and believe that this country would only be saved by some exceptional youths. If you look at the trend, the youths in this country have really done Nigeria proud, especially when they are abroad. There are so many Nigerians in Harvard Business School, Nigerian doctors have helped to shape the American health care system; I can go on. So why is it that in our own country, the youths do not have any future? It is because the terrain is polluted and infected by all these criminals. I am happy that I am making that connection with some exceptional youths and I am proud to say that it is just a question of time. We are not looking for a crowd. Like I always say, the people holding Nigeria at its jugular, those who are responsible for the excruciating poverty Nigerians are going through are not up to 50. My own equation is that the people that would rescue this country may not be up to 20 despite the fact that they would try and kill some or throw tear gas at them.

On the protest making any impact

What we are doing is to force a discussion. We want Nigerians to think because the truth is that it is young people that rule the world now, the old people are just there to advise the young; and I am talking about old people with brain. The future belongs to the youth but in Nigeria, it is not so. Normally the government is meant to fear the masses but in Nigeria, the reverse is the case. The government is supposed to be afraid of us and they would soon begin to fear us because all these things that are happening in Nigeria must stop. We cannot have just a few people benefitting at the expense of the nation.
On plans to run for political office

I cannot run but I can find someone who is qualified to do the job. I am too old for that. I have been privileged to meet some wonderful people in this country and I know it is doable. I am not wired to run for office, what I am able to do is to fix things, inspire and motivate people. I am a teacher and that is who I am.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Ludacris buys his daughter a Range Rover for her 16th birthday | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 11:02 PM PDT

Rapper Ludacris celebrated his daughter, Karma Bridges' 16th birthday by gifting her a range rover evoque .The proud dad shared photos of the surprise, writing "Happy Sweet Sixteen @karma.christine Don't Hurt em too bad. "

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

5 Safety Tips For Traveling Long distances

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:39 PM PDT

Whether traveling by air or by road, there are a couple of safety tips you should keep in mind to protect yourself from certain avoidable occurrences. Jumia Travel shares 5 safety tips for traveling long distances.

Ensure You Get Enough Sleep 
This might seem like an obvious fact but there are still a lot of people that ignore this and drive through long distances while tired or while taking heavily caffeinated beverages to help them stay awake. You should not for any reason, no matter how late you are going to be, drive through long distances if you are tired or sleepy. It is better to get to your destination late than not make it there at all. If you're very tired and can't drive, then you can consider putting in a little extra money and booking a flight to the place, if there are available flights. There are a lot of online flight booking platforms like Jumia Travel, that offers you cheap and great prices for flights.

Try to Know all the Laws Regulating Your Route 
This is to avoid being harassed by traffic officials. If you are not sure about any of the traffic signs, it's best to ask someone or take another route that you're familiar with.

Keep Your Valuables Safely Locked Away 
This can be especially helpful if you're traveling by air because there are baggage handlers that might try to steal them. It is important to never pack your valuables in a checked baggage because they are of course not safe there. It is best to put valuables in your carry-on bag or if your valuables won't fit in your carry-on bag, you should contact the airline before your flight and ask if you can declare the extra value of your items and if they can cover loss or damage. If the airline can't, it's probably best to ship it or leave it behind if you don't have to travel with it.

Make Sure Someone Knows When and Where You're Traveling To 
Make sure you inform either a friend or relative about your travel plans and keep them updated as your journey progresses with texts and phone calls, until you reach your destination.

Stay Focused 
Especially when you're driving through long distances, you're likely to encounter repetitive scenery like long stretches of road or endless fields that can distract you and make your mind wonder. It is therefore important for you to make a conscious effort, especially when driving alone, to keep your mind focused so you don't get distracted while driving, because that can turn out to be extremely dangerous for you. Listening to music or to the radio can help you stay focused while driving.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Man releases completely silent 10-minute song and it soars up the itunes Charts | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:27 PM PDT

 Mnay had projected some day,Kanye West would produce a track with no words or beats and ask fans to imagine the music.Well,someone has beat him to it.A 10-minute-long track consisting of nothing but silence is breaking the iTunes charts.

The song is created for anyone who has plugged their iPhone into their car stereo only to have it automatically start blaring whatever song is alphabetically at the top of their list.

So what this song does is, instead of listening to the first song queued on your iphone, Samir Mezrahi's silent song titled  "A a a a a Very Good Song" plays in utter silence.So you have enough time to search your phone and play the track you actually want.
Genius right?

As of Friday afternoon,the song was sitting at NO 30 on the iTunes chart......Not bad for silence!

Celebrating his success Thursday, the hushed hit maker tweeted out at Canadian competitor Justin Bieber, "Here I come for your #1 spot."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Rob Kardashian emerges with baby Dream for the first time since revenge porn drama with Blac Chyna | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:27 PM PDT

 Reclusive Rob Kardashian stepped out for the first time since his revenge porn drama with ex and mother-of-his child Blac Chyna back on Instagram in July.

He appeared to be in good spirits as he took care of errands with his  baby girl Dream on Friday in Los Angeles.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

(Photo)Two-year-old survives 100-foot fall after SUV tumbles down a hill | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:27 PM PDT

In nothing short of a miracle, a 2-year-old boy survived after the SUV he was playing in rolled over a ledge,carshing at the bottom of a hill.

Vandergrift police said the toddler, who was playing alone inside the SUV while his mother was cleaning the car on Tuesday,must have knocked the car out of gear.

In a bid to desperately stop the car from rolling over, his mother ended up being run over in the process.

The car tumbled down the 100-foot hill and landed near some railroad tracks, wedged between two trees.
Witness Alex Lee told Channel 11:
 "I just heard some crashing, some yelling. They had to have rolled at least three or four times."

When Lee heard there was a boy inside the car, he descended the hill, only to see the toddler climbing out of the SUV.

Lee marveled that the boy wasn't even crying, and Officer Joe Gray said the toddler had "no bumps, no bruises, no scrapes" when he was rescued.

Both the boy and the mother were taken to the hospital for a medical examination.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog


Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:09 PM PDT

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Battle of the exes- Kris Jenner vs Caitlyn Jenner | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:02 PM PDT

Former couple Caitlyn Jenner and Kris Jenner sure have a similar taste in fashion.It appears Caitlyn stole a lot of style tips from Kris .Who rocked the bandage dress better?

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Graphic Photos: Couple ,child suffer horrific burns in gun powder explosion | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:02 PM PDT

 A couple and their child have been severely burnt after a gunpowder explosion and need help.According to Facebook user Hallmark chibuzo paul"
My fellow life severs who is at Mbaise pls, please someone should help us visit Holy Rosary Hospital Nguru Mbaise......Popularly known as Ogbor Hospital to see Mr Fenian Eke who got burnt with his wife and a child on thursday night, Mr Fenian Eke is was making gun powder before it caught fire and burnt them but thanks to the almighty that they re still alive, we cant let them die NO we will never let them die, please any body in mbaise or mbano please help me visit this hospital to know the situation, before we proceed.

Pls Donate to save FENIAN EKE WIFE AND CHILD . Account name: BDMG Resources Limited.
Ac number: 0246496310
Fenian Mobile number:08102271010
Together we can save this family, we can't let them die. We need to raise fund before Friday 11th August according to the doctor. Pls share and save a life.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I don't care about money....I'm out to win Mayweather-Conor Mcgregor | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:02 PM PDT

As he gears up for his upcoming multi-million dollar boxing match against Floyd Mayweather on August 26, Conor McGregor says he has become "the face of the fight game"

The 29-year-old Irishman, told reporters at the UFC Performance Institute in Las Vegas on Friday that his sole concern was defeating 40 year old Mayweather,not the money.He said

"I am the face of the fight game, period. And I'll rule over both (boxing and MMA) with an iron fist - an iron left fist," he told reporters"The word (money) isn't even in my vocabulary. I'm preparing to win, and to win in devastating fashion," he said. "I don't care about money.
"As long as I make my correct decisions and don't make stupid decisions, I'm set for life.""This is a fight that has been in my crosshairs since Floyd's been opening his mouth, simple as that," 

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Contrary to lies on social media,Buhari redeems campaign promises-Lai Mohammed | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 10:02 PM PDT

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has said contrary is beingpeddled on social media, the Buhari administration is redeeming its electoral pledges, especially in the areas of developing the economy as well as fighting corruption and insecurity.

The Minister stated this in Abuja on Friday while signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the visiting Chinese Vice Minister of The State Council Information Office, Mr. Guo Weimin, in the area of media and cultural relations.He said

"Contrary to the lies that are being purveyed daily in the Social Media, this government has been working assiduously to redeem its electoral pledges. Our fight against insecurity is yielding very positive results.
"Our fight against corruption is focused and is ongoing and we are resolute and we have resolved that we are going to fight corruption until corruption goes under. We are happy that in this regards, we have a very good partner in China because we are aware and we know how China fought corruption and how China is fighting corruption.
"We have succeeded in nursing a very sick economy and very soon, Nigeria will get out of recession," he said.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Muslim woman awarded $85000 after her hijab was forcibly removed by policeman | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 02:07 PM PDT

A Muslim woman whose hijab was pulled off by a male officer while she was in police custody,has been awarded $85,000 .

 Kirsty Powell, an African American Muslim filed a lawsuit, in 2016 and it prompted the Long Beach Police Department to reverse its policy barring inmates from wearing religious head coverings.

The case started in May 2015 when Powell and her husband were stopped by two officers because he was driving a lowrider vehicle on Long Beach Boulevard, Rifahie said.

She provided them with her identification information. When officers ran her name through their database, they discovered she had three misdemeanor warrants for petty theft, vehicle theft and resisting arrest, police said.

Powell was not aware that a warrant had been issued for a 2002 petty theft offense, her attorney said. The other warrants were issued after Powell's sister had falsely used her name, according to the federal lawsuit.

As officers prepared to arrest Powell, her husband requested that a female officer be called to the scene since physical contact must be done by a woman, the lawsuit contends.

The officers refused and handcuffed Powell, according to the suit. She was then told she would have to remove her hijab.

Powell told the officers "that she wears a hijab in accordance with her religious practice and that it is her legal right to wear it," the lawsuit said.

She was driven to the Long Beach police station, where she was booked and stripped of her hijab in front of other male officers and inmates, according to the lawsuit.

Powell was detained for 24 hours without her hijab. Once she was allowed to leave, she was given a property bag containing it.

"She was held in the jail overnight, forced to sit in a cell feeling distraught, vulnerable and naked without her headscarf to everyone that passed," the lawsuit said. "She cried throughout the ordeal and experienced humiliation when both her religious beliefs and personal integrity were violated. She felt that the male officers and male inmates had seen parts of her body that they should not have seen, according to her religious beliefs."

Shortly after her release, Powell reached out to CAIR, the Muslim civil rights organization, to go over her options.

LA Times

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Man kills self, two kids after baby mama left him | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 02:07 PM PDT

A South African identified as Njabulo Khomohas has killed his two kids in Mophela Village,and himself

According to Daily Sun SA, he had threatened to commit suicide after his baby mama left him, though he was calmed by his family.

On Wednesday, the body of his kids-Njabulo ,2, and Sibonelo,3, were found hanging from the ceiling of his rented apartment.

Speaking on the incident, his sister Sindi Mzulwini said he came to take the kids who were staying with her and lied that he was taking them k to Sangoma. She said what tore her heart apart was the amount and level of violence against the children.

Sindi said, "We spoke to him several times about how he had to accept that the baby mama had ended their relationship. It seemed as if he had listened."
"They had nothing to do with the fight between him and their mum," she said. "Even though it's painful to lose him, it would have been better if he had only killed himself."

"He lied and said he wanted to take them to a sangoma," she said.
"When we discovered what had happened the next day, we realised he had planned it carefully."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Boy with 12 inch hands called the devil and shunned by villagers | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 11 Aug 2017 01:32 PM PDT

 A boy with 12 inch long hands has been shunned by all his friends and refused entry to every school in his area.

According to his family, 12-year-old Tarik can't dress himself and has been labelled 'the devil' by villagers who believe his large hands to be the result of a curse.
The young boy, from Uttar Pradesh, India, works on a tea stall and lives with his brother.

 His aunt, Pushpa, said:
"Since birth, his hands were always big. As he started growing his hands got bigger.
"When his father was alive he took him to the local doctors a lot. But his father passed away and he only has his mother now, so he can't get any treatment."
 Tarik's older brother, Hargyan, takes care of Tarik and helps him with simple daily tasks that his hands prevent him from being able to do.

Hargyan said: "His hands are really big. I have never seen such big hands in my life. He is stuck in his life. He cant even change his clothes. I have to look after Tarik.
"Its difficult for Tarik to complete his daily chores like bathing, dressing, and eating."

The condition, which has not been diagnosed by doctors, has caused Tarik's huge hands to grow to a length of 12 inches.
 Sadly that has resulted in Tarik being bullied by his neighbours and friends.He was also refused admission to school.

Tarik said: "I had few friends in the beginning but now I don't have any.
"People are scared of my hands. I wanted to study but school refused my admission.

Tarik said:
"People think having this condition is a result of some curse. They don't know it's a medical condition and it can be cured.
culledf rom daily mirror

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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