Sunday, August 6

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Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Ways A Wife Disrespects Her Husband (without realizing it)

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 04:07 AM PDT

I have mentioned before that just as a woman desires to feel loved, men equally desire to feel respected. Respect, in all forms, speaks volumes to men and often results in them feeling worthy of their wife's affections.

As you can imagine, talking about this with my husband stirred up some important conversations between the two of us and I'm really glad that it did!

Sometimes we can be so blinded to our own shortcomings that we have to take the time to ask our spouses to boldly and lovingly share them with us.

1. Emotional Manipulation 
Do you ever use your moods to control your husband's response? For example: Have you ever responded curtly with, "Nope. It's fine. I don't care" – when it actually isn't fine and you do care? Guilt trips, using the words "always" and "never", aggression or passive aggression, the silent treatment, doling out ultimatums, crying for pity or exaggerating disappointment are many of the ways that women emotionally manipulate their spouses.

Friends, I want to encourage you to use your words. Be honest in the disappointment or sadness that you feel – nobody is telling you to suppress your emotions – but there is a boundary in knowing what you are saying to help your marriage versus what you are saying to control your marriage.

2. Mothering 
Okay guys, I can be such a mom – in every sense of the word. But gosh, it's damaging, and especially to my marriage. We have gotten to a place where I have recognized that this is a struggle for me and am actively choosing my words & actions more wisely, but that hasn't always been the case. And I believe in many marriages, the wife acts like her husband's mother, but because she thinks that it's what's 'best', she avoids the issue and drains her husband of all independence and joy.

If you are regularly telling your husband what's best for him or making your own convictions his convictions, it's likely that you're playing the role of 'mom' rather than the role of 'wife'. This tends to make a man feel smaller and smaller in his role as your protector.

3. Aggression 
Using aggression as a means of fighting or getting our way won't ever allow our husbands to win. If he responds with meekness or silence, we make him out to be a coward. If he responds with anger, we make him out to be a bully. If you need space after an argument because aggression tends to be your go-to, then take time away before you come back together. 'My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." (James 1:19-1:20).

4. Smothering 
Jesse and I have an 'open phone' policy and over-compensate when it comes to asking hard questions and telling hard truths. However, there comes a point when 'openness' becomes 'obsession' and 'asking' becomes 'smothering'. I have always said that if either party in the marriage truly wants to go out and have an affair, there's no amount of snooping that anyone can do to stop it.

But even more importantly, you should fight for your marriage. If you struggle with trust issues, don't smother your husband with prying questions to make him feel as if he's done something wrong, only because you assume he has. First – pray for his heart and entrust him to God. Secondly, step out and speak to a couple or counselor who would be willing to hold both of you accountable and to help you walk through the trust issues that you face.

5. Criticizing 
This one speaks for itself. If you spend the majority of your time criticizing the things that your spouse has done wrong rather than praising the things that they have done right, it's likely that they feel as if they won't ever be good enough for you. Your words have the power to destroy or build them up. Challenge yourself each day to voice ten positive things about your husband for every criticism you give.

6. Undermining 
This is a big one in a lot of marriages. Undermining your husband, especially as a father, teaches your children that he is not competent and shouldn't be respected. Overruling his decisions in front of your children not only teaches them to disrespect him, it brings discord and conflict into your home rather than bringing peace and unity. We are on the same team and any time we think that we're doing the 'right thing' by devaluing our husband's words or opinion, we are slowly giving no other option but for him to disengage and completely leave the parenting duties to us.

7. Lusting & Flirting 
This should be an obvious one, but a woman who either secretly or openly flirts with other men has the ability to immediately make her spouse feel 'less than', ashamed and embarrassed. When we married our spouses, they became our only 'type'; you are your husband's and he is yours. Talking about other men or hinting at the attractiveness of other men is degrading and disrespectful to our husbands and creates insecurity in their hearts.

8. Avoiding Issues 
Holding grudges and keeping a record of your husband's wrongs, rather than talking things out and expressing what's really on your mind, will likely lead to bitterness and resentment on both ends. If you continue to allow bitterness to fester in your heart, you will bring up past arguments when new situations arise, causing your husband to feel as if there is never any progress made.

9. Taunting 
Do you provoke your husband? Do you push his buttons for the sake of attention or to test his response? Do you nag at him when he walks in the door for not helping enough around the house, even though he has worked a 40/60/80 hour week? A taunt is defined as, "a remark made in order to anger, wound or provoke someone." We would probably never openly admit that we 'taunt' our husbands, but think back to the comments made the past few days – were they meant for building up or for tearing down?

10. Envy of Other Marriages 
Contentment is huge. And when we display discontentment in our lives, our husband immediately feels the need to 'fix, fix, fix' until he feels like there's nothing more that he can do and he just wants to give up. The more time and energy we waste comparing our marriages (or husbands) to that of other people, and telling him who he isn't or who he needs to be, the more we miss out on the beautiful quirks and gifts in the person that God gave to us.

[written by Lindsey Maestas, a good wife and mother]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Interesting Nigerian Marriage Traditions

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 03:07 AM PDT

With 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria can be easily be referred to as a culturally rich country with different ethnic backgrounds and culturally resplendent practices to admire. Marriage traditions is one of such culturally resplendent practices.

Jumia Travel shares 5 interesting Nigerian marriage traditions to know.

Igbo Marriage Tradition of Fund Solicitation 
This is one interesting marriage tradition that has been hotly debated over time and has prevented a number of eligible suitors from marrying their love interests. The custom is a peculiar and largely expensive one that involves presenting a list of gift items, sometimes alongside cash, before marriage to the prospective bride can take place. The list gets more expensive if the prospective bride is a bachelor degree holder, and increases significantly if she has acquired a masters or doctorate degree. Many a times, this fund solicitation has led to the collapse of courtships after the man realizes he cannot meet up with the challenging requirements for marriage.

The Fulani Sharo Tradition 
In what is referred to as an 'act of bravery' by the groom before he marries his bride, the potential groom is flogged publicly just before the nuptial and is expected not to wince, cry or show he is in pain. It is believed that this process will help prove the worth of the potential groom in terms of strength, endurance and resilience because the nomadic Fulani are one group of people known for their hard work, courage and discipline. The tradition is more or less a test of the strength of the groom, and any groom who cannot endure the required number of strokes losses out of the marriage race.

The Traditional Wedding Act of Prostrating 
This is a Yoruba traditional wedding act that is practiced even in modern times. Respect is highly regarded in the Yoruba kingdom and this goes out to every man intending to marry a Yoruba girl. The groom and his friends will have to prostrate to the bride's family, regardless of what they are wearing - be it imported lace or even gold; there is simply no escaping the tradition. Usually, after the prayers are said, the groom dances in with some of his friends and prostrates before the bride's family.

Custom of Not Marrying Until the Eldest is Married 
This is mainly synonymous with the Igbo custom, although it is currently not as widely practiced as it was in the past. It is based on the belief that marriage should follow in order of seniority. This tended to cause a lot of fighting and controversy when the younger sibling will be ripe and ready for marriage with a prospective bride or potential suitor, but will have to wait for the older sibling to marry first. Many men and women who found themselves in such situations, decided to postpone the idea of marriage till their elders tied the knot or, if they couldn't wait, go ahead with the marriage without the blessings of their family. In the case where it was the lady that was affected, some men would prefer to leave the lady and marry outside such tribes if they couldn't wait for the lady's elder sister(s) to get married first.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Son Kills Mother Over “Disappearance” Charm

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 02:37 AM PDT

An 18-year-old guy, identified as Agugu Adau, has allegedly killed his mother for refusing to give him a "disappearing" charm he claimed was his inheritance from his late herbalist father.

A family source told NAN that Agugu committed the crime at his Kisaghyip village farm in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau.

The source said that Agugu, after killing his mother, removed the sum of N20,000 from her blood-sucked clothes and used it to buy a mobile phone, a shirt and a pair of slippers.

Mr Tyopev Terna, spokesman of the Plateau Police Command, confirmed that the suspect was being held, but declined further comments.

"Investigation is ongoing. The details are not ready. Please understand with us and be patient," he told NAN on phone.

But Agugu, who spoke with our correspondent, said that he killed the woman because she refused to give him a charm that was his inheritance from his father.

"When I was 14 years old, my late father, who was a native doctor, showed me a charm that enabled him to disappear and reappear at will. He promised to handover the charm to me when I turn 18.

"On his dying bed four years ago, he gave my mother the charm and asked her to give me when I turn 18. But I am now 18 and she has refused to give it to me.

"On this fateful day at the farm, I asked her about it, but she threatened to throw the charm into the river, if I disturbed her too much.

"Her response infuriated me and I suddenly felt that she was of no value as a mother. I immediately slaughtered her with the knife I was using to harvest potatoes.

"After slaughtering her, I dumped her body in the bush," he said.

Mr David Adau, senior brother to the suspect, has, however, dismissed the suspect's claim that he killed the mother because of a charm.

"Prior to the incident, the family had faced several problems with Agugu. He was fond of stealing and causing trouble.

"I believe he killed our mother because of the N20,000 I gave her a day before the incident. I work at the mines in Barkin-Ladi, and usually give my earnings to our mother to keep for me.

"I handed over the money to my mother in his presence; in fact, when I gave her the money, she expressed fear that Agugu could attack her to get the money. He has proved her right," David said.

David said that on his return from work a day after the incident, he asked after the mother but Agugu said he did not know of her whereabouts.

"He said he did not know where my mother was. Later in the day, I saw him with a new mobile phone, a new shirt and slippers, and I became curious.

"I asked him (suspect) where he got them from, but he could not give me satisfactory answers.

"Other family members joined me and we kept pestering him over our mother, but he insisted he knew nothing.

"Three days later, I invited the Police to question my brother. That worked immediately as he confessed to killing her," he said.

David said that the suspect later led family members and the police to the farm where they saw the already decomposing corpse of the woman.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

7 Breathtaking Privileges Of Being A Child Of God

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 01:03 AM PDT

Feeling weary today? Distant from God? Anxious? Uncertain? This article warms our hearts with seven breathtaking privileges of being a child of God set out by Paul in Romans 8:14-17:

"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."

1. Security 
We are not to fear, but enjoy sonship (v 15a). An employee or a servant basically obeys out of fear of punishment, loss of job, etc. But a child-parent relationship is not characterized by a fear of losing the relationship.

2. Authority 
We have the status not of "a slave" but of "sonship" (v 15a). In a house, slaves have no authority. They can only do what they are told. But under their parents, children do have authority in the house — they are not mere servants. The children of God are given authority over sin and the devil. They are to move about in the world knowing that it belongs to their Father. There should be a confidence and poise about them. Children have the honor of the family name. There is a wonderful new status conferred on us.

3. Intimacy 
"By him we cry, 'Abba'" (v 15b). We need to know the original language here. "Abba" was an Aramaic term which is best translated "Daddy" — a term of the greatest intimacy. A child does not always (or even often) address his father as "Father"; likely, he has a different term for him that shows his loving, trusting familiarity with his father, such as "Dad" or "Papa" or "Daddy." And this is how Christians can approach the all-powerful Creator of the universe, who sustains every atom in existence moment by moment!

Martyn Lloyd-Jones is worth quoting here: "Let us notice the word 'cry'... we cry 'Abba, Father.' It is a very strong word, and clearly the apostle has used it quite deliberately. It means 'a loud cry'... it expresses deep emotion... It is the spontaneity of the child who sees the father … and not only spontaneity, but confidence." (Romans Chapter 8:5-17, pages 240-242)

4. Assurance 
"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children" (v 16). When we cry out to God as "Abba," the Spirit of God somehow comes alongside us ("with our spirit") and gives us assurance that we truly are in God's family. There is a lot of debate about the nature of this "testimony," but it appears to be an inner witness in the heart, a sense that yes, he really loves me.

Notice, Paul says our spirit is already testifying: "The Spirit … testifies with our spirit." This means we already have evidence that we are Christians. We know we trust Christ. We have his promises. We see our lives changing and growing. All these pieces of evidence lead our "spirit" — our hearts — to have a measure of confidence that we really are his. But Paul says that the Spirit can come alongside us and, in addition to all we see, "testify." This seems to refer to a direct testimony of the Spirit in our hearts. This probably is a sense of God's immediate presence and love that sometimes comes to us (something Paul has already spoken of back in 5:5). We don't get this all the time, or even often; and it may not be a very strong feeling. But there will be times when, as we cry out to Abba, we find ourselves deeply assured that he really is our Abba. That is the Spirit's work, testifying for us and to us that we truly are sons of the living God.

5. Inheritance 
"Now if we are children, then we are heirs" (v 17). This means we have an incredible future. In more ancient times, the first son was the heir. There may have been many children, and all were loved, but the heir got the largest share of the wealth and carried on the family name. This was the way a great family kept its influence intact and did not have it divided and dissipated. (Paul's reference should not be read as either supporting or rejecting this practice. It is simply illustrative.) Now, in a breathtaking turn, he calls all Christians "heirs of God." This is a miracle, of course, because the heir got the lion's share of the parent's wealth. Paul is saying that what is in store for us is so grand and glorious that it will be, and will feel, as though we each had alone gotten most of the glory of God.

6. Discipline 
"Now if we are children, then we are heirs … if indeed we share in his sufferings" (v 17). Fathers always discipline their children. When parents discipline a child, they allow or introduce a milder form of pain in order to teach or mature the child away from behavior that will lead to far greater pain later. Hebrews 12:9-10 explains: "We have all had human fathers who disciplined us... but God disciplines us for our good." A good father will lovingly discipline. He will not use his authority selfishly to indulge his own need to feel powerful or in control. But neither will he be so needy for his child's love and approval that he never does what is hard or difficult. It is a (painful) privilege to be put through discipline by the most loving Father in the universe.

7. Family likeness 
"We share in his sufferings" (Romans 8:17). Christians will suffer, not simply in the pains of this world that all people face, but specifically because they are brothers and sisters of Christ. Christ faced rejection because of who he was, and because he had come to expose sinfulness, warn of judgment and offer salvation through himself. Likewise, his family will suffer in the same ways as they live for him and speak of him. We get to be like him! God works in us and through our circumstances so that we would "be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" (v 29). Though we are adopted, God actually implants Christ's nature in us. As sons of God, we actually come to resemble the Son of God. As we bear the family likeness of suffering, we become more and more like the Son, and our Father, in our characters and attitudes. This is how the Christian looks at persecution and counts it as a privilege (eg: Acts 5:41; 1 Peter 4:13, 16).

We get to be like him!

[written by Timothy Keller]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Prince Harry jets Meghan Markle to Africa for her 36th birthday(Photos) | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:21 AM PDT

 Prince Harry and girlfriend Meghan Markle were spotted smiling as they embarked on a romantic African holiday on her 36th birthday.

Loved-up Prince Harry appeared to give a thumbs-up to other passengers as he walked across the airport tarmac after leaving the plane.The couple's holiday destination — hugely popular for engagements and honeymoons will only heighten speculation the prince, 32, is about to propose.

A royal source said:
"Harry has been planning this holiday for a long time.

"He's made the trip incredibly romantic. They'll go on boats across the lake, walk in the bush at dawn and camp under the stars.
"Who knows what will happen when they're watching a sensational African sunset together? Maybe he'll get down on one knee. Harry regards Africa as his spiritual home and has often talked of how he can get away from it all  there.
"Obviously he wants to show Meghan what an amazing place it is and create new memories together." The source added: "Harry's done a lot of conservation work in Africa with endangered el­e­phants and black rhinos and he'll show them to the woman he wants to marry.

Source-The UK SUN

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Rape is on the increase because women dress indecently- MURIC | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:21 AM PDT

An Islamic group, Muslim Rights Concern, has attributed the incessant cases of rape to Nigerian ladies dressing indecently .

Reacting to a protest staged by another group, War Against Rape, in Lagos, MURIC President, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, while condemning rape and all forms of violence and coercion, described the protesters as being ill-informed and misguided.

In a statement he said

"Rape is on the increase mainly because moral bankruptcy has hit its peak. Women are no longer ashamed of exposing their bodies in public. Even dresses which do not expose their bodies are sewn so tight that no one is left in doubt about the objective. It is the age of dress-to-kill. But women forget that many of them will fall victim of stray bullets.
"Indecent dressing is a provocation and this is the issue which decent societies must address. 
MURIC invites WAR to launch a campaign against indecent dressing. The way you dress is the way you will be addressed. You cannot send out a letter without receiving a reply. WAR should tell women to elevate their self-dignity. Why do they pose half-nude in adverts, magazine covers, etc? Why are women so willing to expose their Allah-given 'delicacies' to naked eyes?" MURIC president said. 
"Women who elect to cut their blouses low at the front and their skirts outrageously short above the thighs have deliberately entered into a contract with men who are sick upstairs. Women should be told in clear and unequivocal terms that indecent dressing constitutes sexual harassment," 

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Britain's youngest sex swap patient switches gender for the third time | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:21 AM PDT

 Ria  Cooper  who was born Brad , became ­Britain's youngest sex-swap patient at 15. Doctors controversially backed her belief she was a girl in a boy's body.

She was given blockers to stop her going through puberty, followed by injections of female hormones to impede face and chest hair and trigger the formation of breasts.

But, as she struggled with her new identity – and the fears of never being accepted as a woman – Ria decided to transition back and live her life instead as a gay man.

Daily Mirror reports that, before having crucial surgery, she ended her treatment and became Brad again soon after her 18th birthday.
But five years on Ria is more certain than ever that is not the real her – and is making her second attempt at becoming a woman to have the future she always dreamed of.

She said:
"I've always known I was female – it was everyone else who was confused, not me. I was wearing make-up and heels at the age of 12, there was no question.
"But I felt under so much pressure from society that six years later I caved in. I was torn. I knew exactly who I was, but I also wanted to conform and be 'normal'.
Only now I realise that made me even more unhappy. Now I'm going to be me – and I hope I will finally be happy."

Stung by critics who accused her of "wasting" thousands of pounds of NHS cash on her abandoned transformation, Ria has vowed she will fund her own surgery.

She has paid £5,000 to get her dream 34EE breasts, and will have an op next year for her genital transformation.

But as well as finally finding peace, she hopes it will allow her to find the romance and the family she longs for.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

17 year old rapes and injures woman,assaults man who tired to help her | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:21 AM PDT

A rapist has been jailed for more than nine years after he brutally attacked a woman as she walked home from a night out.

Derrick Mutambuka spotted the female in a street in Sunderland city centre in the early hours of the morning and dragged her into an alleyway before violently raping her.

Newcastle Crown Court was told the woman's screams caught the attention of a passing male, who tried to stop the attack, but was himself assaulted by Mutambuka and forced to back away,The Chronicle Live reports.

Prosecutors said the twisted pervert then continued with the sickening rape before another male intervened and chased him away.

The victim was left extremely traumatised and suffered 34 injuries, including abrasions, cuts and reddening, as a result of the vile attack.

Now, Mutambuka, 18, has been jailed for nine years and nine months after being found guilty after trial of one count of rape, one of sexual assault and two counts of common assault.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

What It Really Means To Be On Your Own

Posted: 06 Aug 2017 12:07 AM PDT

Recently, while touring the UK, I kept hearing the phrase "on your own" when referring to anyone who is making their way through life solo. What I liked about the term is the word "single" was not a part of it. It simply describes anyone who is, well, on their own.

They could be alone for many reasons, including:

• where they live
• they are without family
• they are without friends
• they don't have specific financial support
• they're lacking emotional support
• what they believe spiritually
• the type of work they do or a lack of employment
• various health issues such as having to fend for themselves or get to the doctor on their own, etc.
• how they make decisions
• their responsibility in taking care of their home, car, etc.

You see, while singleness is often described as those who are not married, referring to our widowed, divorced, young adult and single again friends, it can also mean married adults who have been abandoned by their spouse. This abandonment can be physical, emotional and/or spiritual (Single on Sunday), but it could also be because of distance due to family obligations, work schedule or the realities of military life, for instance.

This doesn't mean they're single in the sense of dating or available to date, but it does mean they're alone and, in that respect, on their own. Likewise, you could be unmarried but still live with someone (whether it's a sexual relationship or not) who is your roommate, friend or a family member. In that instance, some of the "on your own" terms wouldn't apply.

So, upon hearing this phrase, I decided to start calling anyone on their own an "OYO." Hopefully, naming it will help us understand the need to reach anyone who has no one, who lacks support, or who is on their own for whatever reason.

God designed most of us for marriage, but He designed all of us for community. And while not everyone will marry, we can all belong. This belonging helps us deal with being alone. For when we have the Lord, we are never truly on our own.

2 Cor. 5:17, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

But what does that look like in real life? What does having community mean? What does belonging look like?

When I was a kid, I was horrible at sports. I was always the last one picked for kickball. I never felt that I fit in or belonged. I remember hearing the kids smirk and say, OK, who gets Kris? Like I had some type of disease. That horrible feeling of rejection—of not being included—stayed with me for years until I found things I did do well.

So, should we be like some of the parents today and give out participations awards to help each other feel included? No, I don't think that is what community is about. I think community is about 1- knowing we all belong to Christ and that He is enough and 2- we need to find a place in our work, church and home where we belong. Belonging based on our gifts and talents in the Lord, and this belonging will create the community that we need.

Who helps in belonging?

Romans 12:5, "…so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."

Having friends who really care about you is critical. Friends that are willing to be honest when you are headed in the wrong direction, friends that hold you accountable and vice versa. Friends that are there to support, encourage and help you.

At the end of Jesus' life, he turned to his now widowed mother and told her that John, his best friend was now her son and Mary would be his mother (John 19:26-27). Jesus didn't ask his siblings but his best friend. Why? Because for some of us, our friends are closer than family. For some, it is our friends who are our community and who help us belong.

Community also means a supportive family—a family that accepts your singleness and stops asking you if you have met anyone yet. Marriage is not the solution to loneliness. A family that values you where you are and how you are, is a family that involves you and helps you belong.

Community includes the church. A church that understands community remembers who you are, and they follow-up when you have missed a Sunday. They value singles equally with married adults and families. They include you in decisions about the church, and they live out what they preach from the pulpit.

A good community makes you feel connected, like an extended family. You know you are needed and belong, and you can't wait to come back.

Galatians 6:10,Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers

Community is traditionally thought about in our small groups and ministry teams. When we are put into smaller groups for leadership, serving, working, learning, etc. we have opportunities to grow. Jesus' community of disciples shows us how small groups can work.

In small groups, we are more likely to share about our lives, feel included, and learn. People notice when you are missing, sick, struggling, having family and or financial issues, etc. You are also more likely to have accountability.

Today, it's a big deal in most churches to get you into small groups. They know just coming to Church on Sundays is not enough to foster personal growth. However, for single adults, we don't normally go to someone's home we don't know. We need a large gathering before we go to a smaller gathering. For singles, we need to know we belong first from the pulpit. This may be the account of why we see singles ministry and so many singles struggling in our country.

While it would be comfortable if all Christians could work in ministry or be around other Christians all the time, most work is in the secular world. Being part of the community at your secular work is a good thing, and it allows you to love others as Jesus did. Live by example in this type of community; take notice of your actions and words and what kind of message they are sending.

John 8:47, "He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reasons you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."

In the beginning, God created community with Adam, one-on-one. He then created Eve and brought her to Adam for another kind of community. They had a family and that created yet another type of community and so forth. Community starts with God.

So, who is your community? What does it look like? Is it helping you grow in your relationship with Christ and with others? If not, I would encourage you to seek a place where you do belong. When you have this place, whether you get married or not, will not be your focus.

[written by Kris Swiatocho]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

I spent N15bn on security in 2016– Ambode | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:51 PM PDT

The Lagos State Governor, Akinwunmi Ambode, has said his administration spent over N15bn in 2016 to beef up security in the state

Ambode,poke at a dinner held at the Lagos House in Ikeja, in honour of the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Idris, who was on a two-day working visit to the state.

Thanking the former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Musiliu Smith, who was the pioneer Chairman of the LSSTF,Ambode said that the model he midwifed in 2007 has changed the face of security in the State.

"That same template that he (Smith) brought to Lagos that we have continued to use in the last 14 years and it's been working and in different forums, he has shared how he started it and how we have also improved on it.
"Like the Inspector General of Police said, the template we are using to run the security trust fund is worthy of emulation and he has also averred that they would like to replicate it in other parts of the country and also for men of the Nigeria Police Force,"
Recommending the LSSTF model to other states, Ambode revealed that out of the N15bn spent on security last year, the private sector contributed over N5bn.
For us to be having the private sector, just to give you a very clear example, as at last year, we have spent as a government close to the region of N10billion, but the private sector has actually contributed more than N5billion of their own money into the Security Trust Fund. "There is no way the private sector would do that if they don't believe in the cause of our Security Trust Fund. So I want to recommend it also to others, it is something that could work in other States. Like you said, funding is a major issue for security in this country and then we can have partnerships with the private and public sector to also help in securing the country," Governor Ambode said.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Chloe Green and Jeremy Meeks have a PDA-filled swim in Barbados | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:51 PM PDT

 Hot felon,Jeremy Meeks and Chloe Green aren't slowing down.The couple of a few months had a PDA packed luxury holiday - this time in the Caribbean. They were all over themselves as they hit the beach in Barbados.

Images-Splash News

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Those who doubt me will visit me in Aso Rock – Fayose on becoming president | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:51 PM PDT

Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state has opened up in an interview with Punch on President Buhari's recovery and not being invited as one of the governors who visited the president.He also stands by his prediction that he will  be Nigeria's next president or Vice president.

You said you are the next president. If your prediction comes true in 2019, don't you foresee a heated polity?

I never predicted my presidency. I have a right to contest and I said I will contest and I will win. When I predicted that I would come back as governor of Ekiti State, many people doubted (my prediction). But because man has no capacity to see tomorrow, they can write you off. Those who wrote me off then see me in the position of authority today. When I was down the valley, they thought I would never rise. But the Lord said in Psalm 23: 'I will set a table before you in the presence of your enemies.' In this country, I'm going to the (Presidential) Villa. I'm saying that, by the special grace of God, those who doubted me today will visit me in Aso Rock as the president or the vice president – as the case may be.

On Buhari's recovery
We thank God that the President is able to come up and talk that he is hale and hearty. My statement put pressure on the Federal Government – because since the President left no one heard anything about his health status. If you listened to the Ebonyi State Governor (Dave Umahi), he said it was a miracle that the President recovered. If something is a miracle, it means that what I said about the President's health was the truth. With due respect, everything I have said is the truth and remains the truth. The fact that one is placed on life support does not mean that the person cannot recover. But the question should be: does one have the health to continue with rigorous work of office?
I'm indifferent. Nigerians wanted me to be there. But I believe in the judgment of my colleagues. If Nigerians wanted me to be there but they (Buhari's handlers) didn't give me the access, what can I do? I have to move on and join them to wish the President well. What is important is Nigeria. When Senator (John) McCain was sick in the United States, he came out boldly to say he had a brain tumour. The health of the President is a public issue. It is the handlers that are causing the confusion. Like I said, I don't want the President dead, but we want to know the true state of health of our president. For me, I'll love to go there (the UK) to see (him). But if they say they are not giving me a passage, it is all well and good, as long as the President is hale and hearty. If he is not fit, let him resign.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Parents donate daughters to Boko Haram as suicide bombers | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:17 PM PDT

The Nigerian Army has made a shock discovery about how Boko Haram has been getting the supply of female suicide bombers.

Army spokesman, Brigadier Gen. Sani Usman said the girls were donated by their parents, according to some of the would-be-bombers apprehended and who made revealing statements during interrogations.

"It was discovered that most of these hapless minors were "donated" to the terrorists sect by their heartless and misguided parents and guardians, as part of their contribution to the perpetuation of the Boko Haram terrorists' dastardly acts against the Nigerian society and humanity", Usman said.
"The acts of these parents and guardians are not only barbaric, but condemnable and unacceptable", he added.
"Nigerians have a responsibility and obligation to collectively mould our children and wards and define a better future for them rather than condemning them to death by the criminal Boko Haram terrorists and their sympathizers through suicide bombings," Usman said.

He urged the people to be more vigilant, security conscious and report any suspicious persons or those whose daughters or female wards are missing or have not been seen recently.

" You can report by calling 193 on any network.
"The public is also  reminded that the Nigerian Army's offer and reward of the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000.00) to anybody that provide information about suicide bombing, is still valid," he added.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Heartbroken mum dies 6 weeks after her son passed away following his arrest | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:17 PM PDT

 A mom has died following the death of her son,6 weeks ago. 42 year old Manuela Araujo, whose son Edir Frederico Da Costa died in June ,collapsed while on her way to a health centre, as relatives said she had struggled to cope with his death.

The death of the 25-year-old  known as Edson  sparked violent protests near his home in East London.

His family told the Newham Recorder the tragedy had "weighed down on her heart".

While the cause of her death is not yet known, Edson's dad Ginario Da Costa said she could "no longer cope with the death of her son".

Edson's cousin Jair Tavares, 32, wrote online:
"Manuela learnt of Edson's death while she was in Portugal and the circumstances surrounding her son's death and the involvement of the police came as a terrible shock. This weighed down on her heart.
"This has come as a shock to us all, especially considering the fact that it has only been six weeks since Edson has died."

Dad-of-one Edson was stopped in a car by police in Beckton, East London, on June 15 and arrested.
Cops are accused of using force and spraying Costa with CS gas.

He fell ill shortly after and was rushed to hospital in a critical condition, dying six days later.

A postmortem concluded there is no evidence severe force was used on Costa and The Sun has been told that he died from a drugs overdose.

Scotland Yard believes Mr Da Costa swallowed a "large quantity" of drugs, which could have led to his death.

But campaigners claim his neck was broken and he suffered head and other injuries after he was stopped.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating the treatment of Mr Da Costa.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

4 Survival Tips For First Time Flyers

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 11:07 PM PDT

For first time flyers the experience can be quite daunting and even tedious. However, with a few survival tips, first time flyers will be able to ease their flight experience. 

Jumia Travel shares 4 survival tips for first time flyers.

Get a Broad Idea of the Range of Air Fares 
The best and easiest way to do this is to search different airline websites and flight booking portals to find the reliable ones with the best fares. When you find a reliable site with the best airfare for you, you can select it and follow its purchase instructions. You will eventually get a confirmation email with an e-ticket number that you should take note of for reference purposes because you will need it when you get to the airport.

Consider Your Luggage 
Check the luggage requirements and specifications of your airline on their website and ensure your luggage aligns with it. This is to avoid issues, hassles or delays in checking-in your luggage and also to avoid having to pay excessively for excess luggage.

Get To The Airport Early 
If it's your first time on an airplane, you need to arrive at the airport early so that you can give yourself time to familiarize yourself with the travel process to avoid costly omissions and delays. It is advisable to arrive at least two hours before a domestic flight and three hours before an international flight.

Know What to Expect 
For most first time flyers, the flight is where fear and anxiety begins to set in for them, however, knowing what to expect makes it easier to manage the fear and anxiety. The fear that most first time flyers have of flying can eventually be overcome by educating themselves on flight safety statistics and by understanding that turbulence – a phenomenon caused by fluctuating air pressures – is a normal flight experience which is generally seen as more of a convenience issue than a safety issue.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog


Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:37 PM PDT

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Photos from Serena Williams' 50s themed baby shower | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 09:51 PM PDT

 Serena Williams held her 50s themed baby shower titled, 'Shake Rattle and roll 2017,which saw many celebrities in attendance .
They include,Ciara,Kelly Rowland, Ciara, Lala Anthony, Venus Williams and Eva Longoria.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Convicted murderer releases rap album from prison,victim's family enraged | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 09:51 PM PDT

A murderer serving 30 years has enraged his victim's family after he released a rap ­album from one of Britain's highest-security prisons .

Terngu Agera is believed to have ­recorded vocals for the LP on a ­contraband mobile phone while behind bars for stabbing an innocent dad to death at a bus stop.

The recordings, which appear to ­glorify the brutal killing, were sent to contacts on the outside.

According to Sunday Mirror , the finished album, sickeningly titled Exit Wounds, was released this week on the online music service Spotify and sells for £6.99 on the iTunes web store.

The killer, who raps under the name Mover, could benefit financially – in which case web giants Spotify and iTunes will ­be taking their cut.

Indre Pedrieziene, who was forced to move house in fear of reprisal attacks after spending a month in court for Agera's trial, said:
"He took my brother's life. If he's singing about it then he's not feeling sorry."
A victim support charity called for the Ministry of Justice to tell internet giants such as iTunes and Spotify to stop ­cashing in on killers

His victim, Zydrunas Laurinavicius, 38, was murdered in front of his dad as he waited for a bus after a day's work in Hendon, North London.

The hard-working builder was set upon by Agera and his gang, who were on their way back from a burglary.His dad Pranas, 69, had a knife held to his throat as he saw his son slashed in the arm and stabbed in the left side of his torso with such force the weapon came out the other side.

Zydrunas, who had been in the UK only a few months after moving from Lithuania, was bleeding to death in the street when police arrived.

Agera's record includes the lyrics:
"Hit man in his chest and neck then quick flee, looking at life cause was prints in the bloody car, two snitches due stitches, I move vicious."
]"Murder squad got me 30 locked, my lawyer said he'll bring it down."
 Artists get a ­payment ­depending on how many times a track is played. Agera's most ­popular track has been listened to 15,000 times.

The album artwork ­features a picture of Agera and bloodstains, along with a parental advisory label warning of explicit lyrics.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I Would Never Attempt Killing Myself - Moyo Lawal | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:46 AM PDT

Nollywood actress Moyo Lawal has come out to debunk claims she is suicidal.

Recall the curvy actress had taken to IG a few hours ago to reveal she is battling depression and suicidal thoughts, well she says she never meant things that way.

She again took to IG to clear the air writing:
Wait.........hold up lovers.... I think we are ..eeem blowing things out of proportion!!!........................ God has been really good to me and my support system👌 is different shades of amazing ,my family ,friends turned family ,friends who have remained as friends 😒😐😁 turned friends are everything ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Its just well ,I got really numb for a bit 😳 ...
............ it still shocks me that God Almighty has blessed me so much that I can actually live my life accordingly to my own rules small short bowlegged, one kind looking me 🙈....although( Baba God🙌 please answer my call oooh)" I am still awaiting that. ••• "Hollywood magic and money"💎💎 and my "Kanye" ❤"••• .. But otherwise ,I can't complain•••••• P.s .......Thank you all so much for the love,because honestly the amount of people that have reached out me despite having their own problems is whew ...too sweet ....may the Almighty meet each and everyone of you in your hour of need💙
P.s..p.s ...So many people have reached out to me ,talking about their experiences and I will really love that to continue ,so pls feel free to reach out to me,I will love to listen and hopefully make things better 💙 ................................. P.s..p.s...p.s 😞😒 I didn't and will never attempt to kill myself ,ya all watch too many movies😨•🙈.... ........... 💜ML

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Kemi Adetiba Sends Sexy Message To Anthony Joshua On IG | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:46 AM PDT

Filmmaker Kemi Adetiba, is not shy to go after what she wants.

The beautiful lady shared a sexy photo of herself lying on a bed with a message to boxing champion, Anthony Joshua.
She wrote:
Dear Anthony... Please ignore all the sorcery
@latashalagos is posting up on her Instagram for you to see. She is really a size 0 in real life. This one is for you... just in case you're having a hard time getting up this morning. See you in Lagos 💋 #Toodles

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I Slaughtered My Mum With The Potatoe Knife Used For Harvesting - 18-Year Old Confesses | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:46 AM PDT

Police has arrested an18-year-old man, Agugu Adau, for allegedly killing his mother. Adau was said to have committed the crime due to his mother's refusal to part with a charm for that could have aided him to appear and disappear at will.

The suspect confessed to have slaughtered his mother with a knife he was using to harvest potatoes at the time of the incident.

The charm, it was claimed, was his inheritance from his late herbalist father.

A family source who spoke with News Agency of Nigeria revealed that Agugu committed the crime at his Kisaghyip village farm in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau.

The source continued saying Agugu, removed N20,000 from his mom and used it to buy a mobile phone, a shirt and a pair of slippers.

Spokesman of the Plateau Police Command, Mr. Tyopev Terna, confirmed that the suspect was being held, but declined further comments.

"Investigation is ongoing. The details are not ready. Please understand with us and be patient," he told NAN on phone.

But Agugu, who spoke with our correspondent, said:

"When I was 14 years old, my late father,
who was a native doctor, showed me a charm that enabled him to disappear and reappear at will. He promised to hand over the charm to me when I turn 18.

"On his dying bed four years ago, he gave my mother the charm and asked her to give me when I turn 18. But I am now 18 and she has refused to give it to me.

"On this fateful day at the farm, I asked her about it, but she threatened to throw the charm into the river if I disturbed her too much.

"Her response infuriated me and I suddenly felt that she was of no value as a mother. I immediately slaughtered her with the knife I was using to harvest potatoes.

"After slaughtering her, I dumped her body in the bush," he said.

Senior brother to the suspect, Mr. David Adau, however has a different story to tell. He said:

 "Prior to the incident, the family had faced several
problems with Agugu. He was fond of stealing and causing trouble.

"I believe he killed our mother because of the N20,000 I gave her a day before the incident. I work at the mines in Barkin-Ladi, and I usually give my earnings to our mother to keep for me.

"I handed over the money to my mother in his presence. In fact, when I gave her the money, she expressed fear that Agugu could attack her to get the money. He has proved her right."

David said that on his return from work a day after the incident, he asked after their mother, but Agugu said he did not know her whereabouts.

"He said he did not know where my mother was. Later in the day, I saw him with a new mobile phone, a new shirt and (a pair of) slippers, and I became curious.

"I asked him where he got them from, but he could not give me satisfactory answers.

"Other family members joined me and we kept pestering him over our mother, but he insisted he knew nothing.

"Three days later, I invited the police to question my brother. That worked immediately, as he confessed to killing her," he said.

David said the suspect later led family members and the police to the farm where they saw the already decomposing body of the woman.


culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Jenna Dewan Shows Off Sexy Fit Body In New Photos | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:46 AM PDT

The beautiful mom of one decided to show her followers just how hot she still is.

 Jenna Dewan showed off her incredibly fit body as she lounged about in lingerie as part of a campaign for activewear line Danskin.

The 36-year-old gazed seductively at the camera as she played with her hair.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

We Released You Bevause You Are A Mom - Group behind British model's kidnapping boast | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:11 AM PDT

The mysterious kidnappers of the British model who was recently released has boasted of its 'huge generosity' in letting her go 'because she is a mother'.

The said lady was drugged, handcuffed and loaded into a car boot in Milan before being driven 120 miles to a farmhouse in Turin where she was kept for six days. 

The kidnappers,  Black Death however decided to take her back to  Milan, with a  letter warning her not to disclose anything to the police or she'd be would be '. She was also warned against speaking negatively about the organisation, which claims to offer services including 'assassinations, bombings and arms dealing'.

The warning letter also said the  model had been captured 'by mistake' and should 'under no circumstances' have been kidnapped, adding one of its 'well respected' members pleaded her case.

Black Death offers the sexual services of women for auction on the dark web and are very hostile to people asking questions. 
Technology writer Joseph Cox previously tried to investigate Black Death in 2015 when he attempted to enter a human trafficking auction to discover how the syndicate worked and whether they were legitimate.
After finding them through a link on Reddit, he posed as a customer and asked to be involved in the auction, sending an encrypted email stating 'I'm interested in the girl, want to see more photos first'. 
But the aggressive response that came back was 'Who are you, how do you know about us? Who recommended us?'


culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Truck Crushes 3 To Death In Ogun | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 10:11 AM PDT

3 persons have died following a truck and motorbike accident. The deceased were said to have been crushed to death.
The accident happened at Alagbon along Owode-Idiroko axis in Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State.

PR Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps, Babatunde Akinbiyi, said the victims were travelling on the motorcycle when the truck rammed into them killing them instantly and injuring 3 others.

He said,
"The accident occurred this morning at Alagbon along Owode- Idiroko road.

The six persons were travelling on a motorcycle, four males and two females.

"The rider of the motorcycle lost control which caused the motorcycle to face the oncoming truck.

"Three of them, two males and one female, were crushed by the truck, while three others were injured."

Akinbiyi said those injured were receiving treatment at King Cross Hospital Owode while the corpses had been deposited at state General Hospital at Ota.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Woman Undergoes Plastic Surgery To Avoid Repaying $3.8m Debt | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 07:46 AM PDT

A 59-year old Chinese woman went under the knife to avoid $3.7m of personal debts, state news agency Xinhua said.

Following the woman's arrest who fled to the south eastern city of Shenzhen after a court in Wuhan ordered her to pay off her debt, police are still in shock as to the length she went.

"We were very surprised at the scene," Xinhua quoted a policeman as saying. "She looked in her 30s and was different from the photos we had."

The woman, identified as Zhu Najuan, confessed to have also used different peoples identity to travel around the country. She financed her plastic surgery using borrowed bank cards, it was revealed.

Xinhua said the city of Wuhan has also launched a series of crackdowns on debt defaulters, and detained a total of 186 people in the first half of the year.
culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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