Saturday, August 5

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Mr Olumide's Blog .com

What You Need To Know About The Dangers Of Success

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 03:37 AM PDT

In Judges 7, under Gideon's leadership, God gives his people a victory over the occupying Midianites with an army of 300 men, none of whom end up actually fighting. God does it this way to show his people that he is the rescuer; God's people don't rescue themselves.

But Gideon soon forgets "the lesson of the 300." 
When in the next chapter two towns — Succoth and Peniel — refuse to support him as he pursues the fleeing Midianites (8 v 6, 8), Gideon responds with furious threats (v 7, 9).\

Gideon's anger shows that he expects to be given glory for his achievements (which he is forgetting were, in fact, God's). When Succoth and Peniel fail to trust that Gideon will triumph over Midian, he does not say to them: Yes, I know it is hard to believe we can beat them. But God in his grace is using us to win the battle, so don't trust my strength, but do trust in his. Instead, he says: You dare to doubt me? I'll show you my power when I get back. You'll learn to have respect for me.

And so, when he has returned from again routing a far stronger force with his three hundred men, and capturing Zebah and Zalmanna (v 10-12), Gideon is as good as his word. He "taught the men of Succoth a lesson by punishing them with desert thorns and briers" (v 16). In Peniel, things are even worse — he "pulled down the tower … and killed the men of the town" (v 17).

Gideon's need for respect and honor — and his violent, bitter rage when he fails to be given what he thinks he deserves — shows that his success in battle has been the worst thing for him. He has become addicted to and dependent on his success.

The Danger of Blessings 
There is a terrible spiritual danger involved in the receiving of any blessing. Success can easily cause us to forget God's grace, because our hearts are desperate to believe that we can save ourselves. God-given victory can easily be used to confirm the belief that, in fact, we have earned blessing for ourselves, and should receive the praise and glory for that success.

For example, imagine a man who works extremely hard at his job because he needs to prove himself through financial success. What is the worst thing that can happen to him? The obvious answer is career failure. Of course, someone who is basing their happiness and identity on their work will be devastated by career failure. But at least, through the failure, he may stop idolizing career advancement. He may realize that status and money could never fulfill him. No, the worst thing that can happen to him is career success. Success will only confirm his belief that he can fulfill himself and control his own life. He will be more a slave to success and money than if he failed. He will feel proud and superior to others. He will expect deference and "bowing and scraping" from others.

Back in 7:15, when Gideon knew his own weakness and understood that victory could only be by grace, he worshiped and honored God. But that is the last time we see him doing that. Now, he worships success and the honor it will bring him. He has entirely forgotten who it is that called him, equipped him, reassured him, and won the battle for him. We, too, find it all too easy to forget that everything about our salvation, and all of our good works, are gifts of grace, not of our own success — that "it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:8-10). We need to remember that we are saved by grace when we fail. But we need to remember it much more when we succeed.

[written by Timothy Keller]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

6 Tips For Making Safe Mobile Transactions

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 02:32 AM PDT

Many people now perform transactions with their mobile phones because it is convenient. But it does come with certain risks. Hence, you have to know that you will be vulnerable at some point if you are careless when doing the mobile transactions.

Jumia Travel shares some tips to make mobile transactions safer to prevent you from losing your hard earned money.

Monitor your accounts regularly 
It is now very easy to monitor your account. Except in some certain situations, you do not physically need to go to the bank. With online banking, you have 24 hours access to your account so take advantage of this and check your account on a regular basis. This is good for those who frequently use mobile banking.

Read app reviews before download 
While inside the app store you shouldn't just download the first option you see. There can sometimes be other third-party developers who will create apps linked to online stores. To determine the authenticity of the app, just read the review.

Protect your Mobile devices with passwords 
To prevent unauthorised access to your phone, you should use passwords especially if you settle bills and transfer money with your phone.

Always log out when you are done 
Imbibe the habit of logging out of your online banking session when you have finished your business. This will reduce the chances of someone else accessing your account.

Avoid clicking through emails 
Very few financial institutions will send you an email asking you to provide any of your login details. If you receive an email that appears to be from your bank that asks for such details then treat it with suspicion and delete it immediately. Do not even open it.

Set up account notifications 
Some people do not activate alert because they do not want their money deducted. But they will be the first to shout blue murder if their monies disappear from their account. Hence, it is safer and advisable to set up notification so that you will be aware of your account activities.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

How To Deal With Difficult People In Your Church

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 01:32 AM PDT

Church. It's meant to be a lovely place.

People are supposed to see church gatherings and say, "Oh look! That's what God is like." That's why the Bible calls church the body of Christ. (Ephesians 1:22-23; 1 Corinthians 12; Colossians 1:24).

It's where we are meant to highly value, care for, and demonstrate love for others. (John 13:34; 1 Corinthians 12:25-26). Which all sounds nice! Except for when we…don't.

Valuing, caring, and demonstrating are not things that just happen.
They are each an act of will and the trouble of church is when someone acts out their own will right up in our face.

When confronted with a not so valuing, caring, demonstrating kind of behavior at church, what are we supposed to do?

Tip #1: Deal with difficult people: directly. 
Once upon a time, things got ugly between apostles Peter and Paul. Peter decided to blow off his Gentile friends and only sit with his visiting, religious buddies. (Gal 2:11-13)

In front of everybody, Paul gave Peter a first century version of, "Being a sanctimonious jerk is not cool when you're a believer."

So, if a person is not valuing, caring and demonstrating like a church member ought, it might be on you to let them know. Sometimes that's direct and "in the presence of all" as Gal 2:11-21points out. However, Matthew 18:15 says to keep it just between the two of you. Which is to say, there are a lot of ways to get the point across, and this is pivotal.

Our current generational social media experience of expressing or addressing conflict is not great. Diplomatic, purposeful disagreements can actually be a first best step to refine the direction our church is going (not to mention our character) and recommit to the greater cause of Church – to love one another and help each other grow in the knowledge of God, like iron sharpening iron. (Proverbs 27:17)

We need not let disagreements ruin our relationships. Peter and Paul didn't. (2 Peter 3:15-16).

So, first step, address the problem, but do so in a way that respects the benefits of conflict and also underscores a desire for reconciliation.

Tip #2: Deal with difficult people: charitably. 
Somehow we've all neglected to get comfortable with the idea that churchgoers are not going to look that great. Like, a lot.

Jesus said, "By this, all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35). We know right there that if our first admonition is to love, it's because we're going to need forgiveness and affection and kindness and a lot of other things that do not rhyme with words like "uncomplicated" or "perfect."

Churchgoers have never been perfect, which means churches have never been perfect. Committing to a concept that has inherent flaws is…well…frankly…the way God set this thing up.

There's no need to rally ourselves into thinking church is something other than it is: beautiful and hard. If God doesn't shy away from that, then why should we?

Yet, when people are difficult in church, that can hurt us more than outside the church. We hold churchgoers to a different standard, which is a good thing (refer back up to Tip #1) and also an unrealistic thing, since walking out faith has always been a lifelong journey, not a destination.

It was true from the earliest churchgoers. Even having been first on the scene, in short order, they were being told they needed to "wake up!" (Rev 3:2) and were prone to "forsake their first love (God)" (Rev 2:4).

We need to be charitable with one another, in love, as we proceed. It's more of a choice and less of a feeling, more of an action than a reaction.

Loving people in that way is the Church's legacy. In fact, Church is the place where this philosophy was borne and sprouted out into society – that all human beings are precious and worthy of dignity because every one is created in the image of God.

It stands to reason then, that trying to love in a way that honors God's unique creations might take a few personalities with different agendas. That can stir things up - sometimes in a good way.

The first century churches stirred each other up to love and good deeds, and gathered together for encouragement (Heb 10:24-25).

May we take a moment right here to offer the writer of those lines a thank you and you really nailed it because stir us up in love and good deeds and also encouragement? We need it all.

We're built for connectedness. We want to love and be loved, and we need each other's unique selves to pull that off, with guidelines based on a blend of Scripture, tradition, practicality, and culture that are fleshed out as we live life together. (Matthew 12:28 and Matthew 20:25).

That takes a special kind of agility, which works out okay since we serve an agile God. He is corporately bent and also uncompromisingly personal at the same time.

"I will walk among you and be your God and you will be my people…I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high." (Lev 26:12-13)

We may very well be able to do just that in church, by addressing difficulties among ourselves with both sides of an important proverbial coin: deliberate forthrightness and also charitable love.

[written by Janelle Alberts]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Mother and Daughter Arrested For Killing Grandchild

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 01:02 AM PDT

The Kastina State Police Command have arrested 45-year-old Hassana Sabiu and her 25-year-old daughter, Qamariya Ismail, for getting rid of their grand daughter born after an illicit pregnancy.

According to the state Police Command's spokesperson, DSP Isah Gambo, the mum and daughter were arrested after a dead female new born baby was found inside a dust bin at Madugu House on Yahaya Madaki way.

The dead baby was linked to Qamariyya, known to be pregnancy as testified by her neighbours.

Upon interrogation, Qamariya was arrested she confessed that her mother, Hassana, who knew about her illicit pregnancy, helped her in throwing the baby inside the said garbage-can.

Police is doing the needful to address the matter legally.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Something Is Competing For Your Identity; Just Pay Attention

Posted: 05 Aug 2017 12:02 AM PDT

If you ask any Christian, "what defines you?", chances are they'll answer in harmony with other believers around the world: "Christ. It's Christ who defines me."

This is a good answer. This is the very best answer, in fact. But is it the real answer?

Living in our culture of competition, it's all too easy to get caught up in the race for success and significance. Success and significance as defined by the world, that is. As believers we know that the world's recipe for these things is a mirage. Yet it's a very convincing mirage, because it's one we find ourselves falling for, time and time again.

On Boundless, Allison Barron writes about the "10 Things That Don't Define You." In her list she names the things that vie for our attention: occupation, wealth, education, gender and race, just to name a few. But she goes even deeper:relationship status, romantic interests, health, appearance, and even emotions. It's a thought-provoking list, to be sure; one that even the strongest, most grounded believer will have trouble ignoring. Why? Because all these 10 things all fall under one category, one main thing that competes for our attention:

The flesh. 
It's our flesh — the thing we feel and experience day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute — that competes with Christ. Though our flesh, and the world we live in, is a gift given to us by God Himself, it was never meant to overshadow the giver. The great, visible reality was never meant to eclipse the even greater, invisible reality of who Christ is. Barron writes,

"Though all the items on this list are part of who I am, they aren't what define me; they aren't why I'm valuable as a human being. When Jesus was on earth, He didn't care about any of these things. He loved people who were poor and people who were rich, women and men, educated and uneducated."

The truth is that though we know Christ as being the source of our identity, we have trouble living into that reality. So when your flesh seems to come front and center, remember the truth Barron reminds us of in Galatians 2:20: "For I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."

I love these closing words by Barron:
"I'm valuable because I am loved by a God whose love is never-ending. My identity is not found in any of the things above, because they won't last; it's based on Someone bigger than myself, who knows me and created me."

I would encourage you to go through this list and, one by one, and pray over each of the 10 areas in your life. Crucify each of them, laying them down and allowing God to breathe new life into every single area. Because God's goal isn't to steal away your identity, but to transform it — making it not just beautiful, but eternal.

"And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20b

[written by Cristina Rutkowski]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog


Posted: 04 Aug 2017 11:02 PM PDT

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

I Am Very Passionate About Unemployment - Frank Donga | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

Funny man Kunle Idowu, who came to limelight with his internet series has revealed just how passionate he is about unemployment.

Speaking with Saturday Beats, Kunle is famously known as Frank Donga said he is a Masters degree holder and had a job when he was shooting the series, however he has always been fascinated about unemployment.

In his words:

"I have degrees in Agriculture. My first degree was in Animal Science and I have a Master's degree in Animal Genetics. The Frank Donga Interview series online about a clumsy young man looking for job in Nigeria became a reality because I am passionate about unemployment. The truth is that I was gainfully employed when I started The Interview series online. I have always been passionate about young people who go to school, spend about five or six years, graduate and not have anything to do. I am very passionate about unemployment. When I did The Interview series, I was employed but I just wanted young Nigerians to be able to cope during job interviews because in reality, young people actually freak out during job interviews as well as visa application interviews. I just did the skits for people to know that they should be relaxed during these interviews."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Usher sued by a man over Herpes claim | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

Apart from being sued by two women for allegedly infecting them with Herpes,Usher has also been sued by a man.

Celebrity attorney Lisa Bloom said she is planning to file the suit in California on Monday and will hold a news conference to correspond with the filing as one of the women is set to appear with her.

The other woman and man involved in the suit will remain anonymous and will appear as Jane Doe and John Doe in the lawsuit.
Bloom, says that the three people claim they had sexual contact with the Grammy award-winning singer after 2012.
They claim that 38-year-old Usher - whose real name is Usher Raymond IV - did not warn them that he allegedly had an STD.  

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde Is Breathtaking In Blue | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

Imagine having had 4 kids and still looking this hawt!

Actress Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, gave her fans something to chew and comment on when she shared a hit new photo of herself rocking an a figure hugging fringe dress.

The ALTER EGO actress showed off her hourglass figure in the beautiful dress complementing the look with heels of the same color as her dress and her locks flowing gingerly on her shoulders.
culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Mercy Johnson raises alarm over strange call ,petitions Police,EFCC | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

 Last night,Mercy Johnson raised alarm after a number called her and the person on the other end of the line said ''hideout we kill them".According to the actress, her number may have been dialled mistakenly and some people are in danger .She wrote

Something is not right about this called me and said "hideout clear,, do we kill them".and when I spoke, the call cut quickly, I call back and the person begins to insult me via Text..I am certain all isn't well..@ngpolice @efcc
Please repost fnds. Am certain cus I engaged the person by replying to see if he or she would say something but No was just normal rude insults so I could tell the person is trying to ward me off and make me think he or she is just not a fan.
Its not Me ,Maybe someone or some people are in danger and he mistakenly called my line to communicate 

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Most Of The Nollywood Actors We Have Today Are Homosexuals - Jude Orhorha | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

Veteran actor  Jude Orhorha, in a new interview with Saturday Beats have stated that many of the prominent entertainers in the game now are not on his level.According to the actor, many of those prominent today got there via some other shady means.According to Jude, since stepping into the industry he has been approached by cougars and gays.

"I know what some actors and actresses did to gain the fame that they are enjoying now. Some of the men in the industry are gay while the women sleep around and that is why I am not bothered about where I am today. When it is your time, it is your time. Some entertainers are opportunist while others are born lucky. Omotola was born lucky from day one; her first character was a lead role. Some people marry for money and not love. That is why I am not really bothered because some of the guys are gigolos. They do not make their money from the movie industry but from the gigolo business. I cannot do such because I have a name to protect. In the 80s when I started this business, none of them was anywhere to be found. I have seen it all and I refuse to join them. Gays have approached me but I declined their offers because my anus is an exit point and not an entrance. The same thing with sugar mummies but I refused to accept their proposal because I cannot sleep with married women. I believe in karma. If it does not happen to you, it would happen to your generation."

He added that when he started out as an actor, the profession was not fetching as much money as it does now.
"How much were we being paid in the past compared to what we are earning now? When we started, the money was not really there and that is why we were more interested in the show and not the business because there was no money.
"There is another thing called 'packaging' and that is what I am against. I am not saying that entertainers should not package but they should do so according to their means. Some 'package' to the extent that they borrow people's cars and clothes. It just doesn't make sense. Some people 'package' till they run into debts and then when the money comes, they clear the debts," the actor said.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Hillary Duff Shows Off Bikini Body As She Hit The Beach With Her Son | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:46 PM PDT

 Hours after slamming body shamers, actress Hilary Duff again enjoyed some me time with her son, donning mismatched swimwear for the beautiful day.

Rocking an hat with her outfit, the actress accessorised with a dark blue mesh trucker cap, multiple bracelets and necklaces and dark sunglasses as she spent time with her five-year-old son, Luca.

More below:

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Rivers: Couple Lost 4 Kiss To Kerosene Explosion | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 10:16 PM PDT

A couple, who reside in Rivers satate are mourning the loss of their 4 kids foillowing a kerosene accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Ademola Danaogun's home was said to have been rocked with multiple explosion due to storage of adulterated kerosene in their one-roomed apartment.The wife was blamed for the sad incident.

Mrs. Chinyere, told Southern City News that Mrs. Danaogun had on July 28, 2017, came home with kerosene suspected to be adulterated,

"That night, at about 9.30pm, after she returned home, all her children were inside. While cooking, she and a neighbour began to quarrel. But her husband, who was sitting outside appealed to her to stop quarrelling. I think it must be the fire from the stove that must have spread to the where the kerosene was stored.
"The kerosene was stored in many nylon bags and kept at veranda. Maybe, while she was quarrelling, she never knew that the stove was close to her. She was must have unconsciously kicked the cooking stove and the fire got close to the stored kerosene.
"Her husband, out of fear, immediately told the children to remain indoors until they quench the fire, not knowing that the kerosene had already spilled into the room. The children were burnt to death before any help could come," she said,

Chinyere continued saying everything was burned down in the building.

"We were all shocked over the incident, especially when the bodies of the children were brought out. The children held each other before they died," Chinyere added,

It was also disclosed that the mother of the kids almost went mad, running out of the house half naked until her husband located her 2days later. They have since relocated to Oyo State 

When contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps in Rivers State, Mr. Akin Oguntuase, confirmed the incident.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Mass grave with remains of 40 bodies discovered | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 03:21 PM PDT

A mass grave with the remains of 40 bodies believed to be civilians murdered by Islamic State has been discovered in Iraq.
"The remains were decomposed and showed signs of gunshot wounds to the skull.
 "They belonged to civilians probably executed by Daesh,'' Amar Nuri, an official in the western province of Anbar made this known to newsmen

 However, he did not state when the grave was unearthed.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Same Phenomenal Guy I Married 25-Years Ago - Michelle Obama Pens Sweet Birthday Message To Barack Obama | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:46 PM PDT

Former U.S President Barack Obama is a year older today. Obama clocked 56 today! 

Michelle Obama, took to social media to send a heartwarming birthday message alongside a couple of lovely family throwback photos.

Her message on IG reads:
 "Another year older, but the same phenomenal guy I married nearly 25 years ago. Happy birthday, @BarackObama -- we love you so much!"

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Scott Disick Shows Off Chiseled Abs In Nude Mirror Selfie | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:46 PM PDT

Scott Disick may have just taken a note out of Kim Kardashian's selfie book a she shared new photos on social media a few hours back.
The father-of-three gave his millions of followers an eyeful of his chiseled torso and muscular biceps when he took to classic media on Friday to share selfies of himself covered by a white towel slung low on his hips.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Chika Ike Sizzles In Hot New Photo | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:21 PM PDT

Nollywood actress Chika Ike, is a stunner.

Rocking a burgundy outfit, the sexy actress showed off her very impressive bosom making many wonder if she got breast implant.

What do you guys think though? Share your thoughts below.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Hotel Owner Arraigned For Aiding Homosexuality | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:21 PM PDT

On Friday, the Lagos state government arraigned the owner of Vintage Hotel in Owode Onirin area of Ikorodu, Chief Patrick Okeze before a Yaba Magistrate Court for his alleged involvement in homosexuality related issues. The said Patrick was arrested for aiding and promoting same sex sexual activities and gay club in his hotel. 

The man Okeze was arraigned alongside two of his workers, Sunday Isang and Bright Oba were arraigned for allowing young men and minors partake in gay sex at the hotel.

28 adults and 12 minors were on Thursday arraigned before a Yaba and Ebute-Metta Magistrate Courts respectively for the said crime at the hotel.

Okeze alongside his workers were said to have specifically  aided 40 people and others still at large, to engage in same sex activities as well as gay club/party in the said Vintage Hotel.

In his ruling, Magistrate Ojo ordered the defendants to be remanded in prison pending the DPP advice. The Magistrate also adjourned the matter to September 4, 2017.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Beyonce Flaunts Massive Boobs In New Sexy Photos | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:21 PM PDT

 Barely 2 months since welcoming her twins, Sir and Rumi Carter, mum Beyonce is definitely enjoying her much more curvier self.

The mom of three took to IG to share new sexy photos of herself, showing off her bigger boobs in all the photos posted.

More below:

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

40-year old arrested for defiling 10-year old in Borno | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 02:21 PM PDT

 A 40-year-old man, Muhammad Usman, has been arrested by the police command in Borno for allegedly defiling a 10-year-old girl in Maiduguri.

Commissioner of police, Mr Damian Chukwu , made this known while parading the suspect on Thursday in Maiduguri.

"The suspect has confessed to the act. He has told investigators that he had carnal knowledge of the girl at the Londonciki area of Maiduguri," he said.

Chukwu explained that the command was awaiting legal advice from the ministry of justice, before prosecuting the suspect.

He expressed dismay over the increase in rape cases in the state, and advised victims to always come forward and seek redress.

"People must change their attitude toward rape. Victims should report, while relations of suspects must stop making unnecessary pleas to save them.
"It is disheartening to see victims' families asking the police to drop charges against rape suspects.
"Unless we change this attitude, we will continue to witness rapes in the society," he said.

The Police commissioner said that the command had adopted proactive measures to enhance its operation, protect lives and rid Borno of criminals.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Karrueche Tran Steps Out In Pygamas For Date With Christina Milian | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 01:46 PM PDT

 Hollywood actress Karrueche Tran, cared less what anyone would think when she stepped out in pink pj's for her date with bff Christina Milian.

Tran, who dated singer Chris Brown a while back, rocked a black lacy bra with her outfit as she struck a pose with Milian.

Another below:

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I Have Been Struggling With Suicidal Thoughts For Months - Moyo Lawal | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 01:46 PM PDT

Nollywood actress Moyo Lawal, has revealed her struggle with depression.

The chubby actress took to IG to share how she has for months been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.

She wrote:
Dear Lovers ...... Am sorry ,I have been away and silent this past couple of months but you see ,I haven't been able to explain what was going on in my mind and my heart. All i know, is that I have been living in a body fighting to survive with a mind that has been trying to die . ................... P.s I missed you,so so much 💜 ML

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Kendall And Kylie Jenner Slay In All Black Outfit | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 01:46 PM PDT

 The reality TV stars looked amazing as they posed in all black for their new project.

Rocking an overall coat, Kylie smothered into the camera showing off her beautiful self in the process.

Moe below:

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Something Is Not Right - Mercy Johnson Cries Out After Receiving Strange Call | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Mercy Johnson, has cried out after receiving a call from a strange number which has put her in a concerned mood.

She took to IG to share the number, calling on the Nigerian police to further help investigate the situation.

The mom of three wrote:
Something is not right about this called me and said "hideout clear,, do we kill them".and when I spoke, the call cut quickly, I call back and the person begins to insult me via Text..I am certain all isn't well..@ngpolice @efccPlease repost fnds. Am certain cus I engaged the person by replying to see if he or she would say something but No was just normal rude insults so I could tell the person is trying to ward me off and make me think he or she is just not a fan.
Its not Me ,Maybe someone or some people are in danger and he mistakenly called my line to communicate .

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Kidnappers Of Abducted LG Workers Demand N20K Recharge Card Ransom | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 04 Aug 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Abductors of the Ikeja Local Government council clerk, Shamsideen Omotayo, have finally reached out for the payment of ransom, demanding N20,000 recharge cards.

The abductors, who spoke with a member of Shaamsideen's family on the telephone, also insisted that a sum of N20m ransom must be paid before he and his driver will be released.

An official of the state's neighbourhood security corps confided in our correspondent on Thursday saying:

 "They have allowed him to speak with his family. They asked them to send N20,000 recharge cards and insisted on the N20m ransom. He told the family that he and the driver were in good condition."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

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