Monday, July 31

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Brother Finally Reunites With Sister After 25 Years Apart

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 03:24 AM PDT

A Nigerian journalist, Mustapha Abdulrahman, has recounted how he reunited with his sister after being separated almost 25-years ago. He shared a pic with her on her wedding day and wrote:

So, after 25 years of separation, I got to meet my younger sister (on her wedding day). We were separated as kids due certain circumstances, and we reunite as adults. I feel so happy and I have a feeling of having back a missing part of my body. #alhamdulillah #reunited #blood Thank God they are back together.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Vera Sidika gushes about ''romantic' Nigerian man tempting her to date him | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 03:19 AM PDT

Kenyan socialite and alleged escort, Vera Sidika has been gushing about men recently. Barely a week after she gushed about her man's huge endowments, she has now revealed another Nigerian man has been tempting her to go into a relationship.
She however, revealed she prefers being single because it is the best and she is free to have sex with any one she pleases.She also said all her exes have been obsessed with her.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Passenger strips naked at U.S airport | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 03:19 AM PDT

File photo
A passenger stripped naked on a Spirit Airlines flight leaving Las Vegas for Oakland Saturday morning, according to a McCarran International airport official.

Metro officers responded to the flight gate after receiving a report of the nude passenger around 11:30 a.m. before the flight left the runway, said McCarran public information officer Chris Jones.

According to Fox News, the passenger reportedly removed their clothes while the flight was boarding and then attempted to approach a flight attendant, Jones said.

Lt. Carlos Hank confirmed the passenger is receiving treatment in reference to a medical episode.  

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

(Photo)Father burns son with iron, ties him to window after church leader said he was a wizard | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 03:19 AM PDT

A father of five, Austin Segun, who tied his 13-year-old son to a burglar-proof for three days because a Church leader said the boy was a wizard, has been given an ultimatum to leave Eruemukohwarien community, Ughelli North LGA of Delta State.

Mr. Segun was said to have been released on bail after he was arrested and detained at the Ughelli 'A' Division Police Station over the incident. The victim, Tobi Segun, who just finished his Primary 6 School Leaving Certificate exams, was rescued by a group of vigilante, who heard him whimpering at about 2a.m. .

One of the vigilante members, who rescued the victim, told Vanguard that during their routine night patrol, they heard the faint cry of the boy saying he wants to die and that he can no longer bear the torture. .

The boy was tied to the window protector while his hands were tied behind him. Confirming the incident, the victim's step-mother, Mrs. Edijala Favour Segun, said:
"They told us that he is a wizard at a Church we went to for prayers and he also admitted that he is a wizard.
At a point, my husband had to use a hot iron to burn his palm and feet owing to his misbehaviour. Despite this, he opened the fridge in the house and ate everything. This led to my husband tying his hands and legs to the protector. He had just been tied for three days before we were arrested.

I was asked to take Tobi to the Ughelli Central Hospital for treatment. My husband was able to secure his release, but the IPO in charge of the case ordered that we should move out of the community." .
Recounting his ordeal to Vanguard, Tobi said:
 "I always run from the house because I am not comfortable. My mother is dead and the woman here is my step-mother."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I still love her -Says 72 year old man who shot wife, 28 for saying he didn't satisfy her sexually | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 03:19 AM PDT

A 72-year-old man who shot his 28-year-old wife after she allegedly told him he couldn't satisfy her financially or sexually said Sunday he still cared deeply for his much younger significant other.

Clarence White, who is charged with the attempted murder of Dominique White, said he was relieved his spouse was in stable condition after he shot her in the right cheek.

"I'm so glad," he told the Daily News in a jailhouse interview at the Vernon C. Bain Center in the Bronx."I love her so much...I'm just so glad she'll be okay. If she loves me, if she hates me, all that matters is she's okay."

White, who was also meeting with his son, Cheo White, during the sit-down, was evasive when asked why he had pulled the gun during the dispute Thursday morning at his home in the Parkchester section of the Bronx.

"When I saw that blood, how it was, I knew it was bad," he said, recalling the moment when he shot Dominique. "She looked at me and said, 'I love you.'"

Sources said White told police he and his wife were arguing in the hours leading up to the shooting. Money had recently become tight.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

4 Ways To Pray When Bad News Comes

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT

When you receive bad news what is your first response? Do you get angry? Do you get depressed? Or do you experience a little of both? Does disappointment provoke you to become angry with God or others whom you perceive to get in your way? Do you panic?

How do you respond when bad things happen? There are many different ways to respond, but in the first chapter of Nehemiah we see the best response of all — prayer.

Stop. Before you keep reading this post, read Nehemiah 1:1:-11.

In the providence of God, Nehemiah was given a tough assignment. His burden was to regather the Jews who had returned to Judah after the exile to Babylon, rebuild God's city, and return the people of God to the Word of God. When he first heard the bad news concerning his fellow Jews and city, he could have become angry or slip into depression. Instead he prayed, and God answered, and God used Nehemiah to bring comfort and hope to His people.

In his example, we see 4 essential elements of compelling prayer.

Be consecrated in body and mind (v. 4). 
As soon as Nehemiah heard the bad news, he prayed; prayer was his immediate response. Long before it was written, Nehemiah understood the admonition given in the NT: "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). The text says he "wept and mourned for days" and "continued fasting and praying." He was moved with compassion for his people, which compelled him to pray with fasting.

In OT times, fasting was an outward manifestation of an inner affliction of the soul. This affliction may have been the result of grief over loss, or deep sorrow over the ugliness of one's sin. When the humiliation was deep and profound, fasting was usually accompanied by tearing one's clothes, putting on sackcloth (a course fabric made of goat's hair), and sprinkling ashes on the head. Prayer often accompanied fasting, and facilitated increased concentration in prayer (See, for example, Daniel 9:3 and 2 Samuel 12).

However, fasting was not only present in the Old Testament. We see a number of examples in the New Testament, as well. John the Baptist directed his disciples to fast. Jesus said, "When you fast," which implies He expected His disciples to fast at times. Probably the most memorable NT example is when the church of Antioch prayed and fasted to discern God's will in regard to sending out servants into the harvest. It was when they had fasted and prayed, the Spirit directed the whole congregation to send out Barnabas and Paul (Acts 13).

What all of these examples teach is this: Fasting sometimes accompanied prayer as a demonstration of humility and deep intent to seek the will of God and surrender to it in humility,

Be confident in God's character and promises (vv. 5, 8-10). 
The title "the great and awesome God" indicates Nehemiah's appreciation of who God is: the one whom Nehemiah feared and the source and object of his deep faith. "God's awesomeness is the impression his total character and person leaves on all who encounter him. Those who know and trust God are those who fear him" (Brenemen). This same fear of God is modeled in Psalm 86:1-10.

Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace.In the day of my trouble I call upon you,for you answer me.There is none like you among the gods, O Lord,nor are there any works like yours.All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord,and shall glorify your name.For you are great and do wondrous things;you alone are God.

Nehemiah prayed, "Remember the word." This does not imply that God forgets, but is a way of saying, "Lord, I believe You. I trust you to keep your Word, to fulfill your promises." To ask God to remember is to ask Him to intervene. Therefore, Nehemiah was asking God to intervene on his behalf, and on behalf of the people whom He had redeemed from Egyptian bondage. Before they entered the Promised Land, God warned them through Moses (Deut. 24:25-27). He had promised to chastise them because of their sin. However, God also promised to restore them once chastening had done its work of bringing them to repentance (Jeremiah 29:10-13). Nehemiah prayed with confidence because he trusted in God, that He is faithful to honor His Word and fulfill every promise He has ever made.

Be contrite in spirit when confessing sin (vv.6-7). 
When Nehemiah approached God in prayer, he did so as God's "servant;" i.e. with humility and meekness. He then proceeded to confess his and their sins to God. The Bible celebrates a contrite spirit. In Isaiah 66:2, the Lord says, "These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word." And in Psalm 51:17, as King David confessed his sin before God, he said, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."

The Hebrew and Greek words often translated contrite mean "crushed, crippled, or broken." A contrite heart refers to a conscience that is crushed under the weight of its own guilt. God draws near to the person who has a contrite spirit. In Isaiah 57:15, God says, "I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite" (Isaiah 57:15). In contrast, God turns His ear away from the proud heart. The psalmist confessed, "If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear" (Ps 66:18). Unconfessed sin short-circuits prayer, but brokenness and humble confession open the door to answered prayer.

Be courageous to make big requests (v. 11). 
Nehemiah asked God to grant him favor in the eyes of the king. Now readNehemiah 2:1-8 to see God's answer. Nehemiah took a big risk when he showed his transparent sadness before the king, but God went before him—He prepared the way—because this servant prayed.

Sometimes we fail to bring big requests to God because deep-down we believe whatever we long for is not possible, or that God is somehow less than good. What is your "impossible"?
  • Maybe it is the salvation of a hardhearted friend or family member
  • Or restoration of a marriage (yours or someone else's)
  • The return of a prodigal son or daughter
  • Or an employment need
  • Perhaps it is for the Lord to overcome your infertility
  • You name it...
Whatever your "impossible" is, know this: Scripture testifies that nothing is impossible for the Lord (Genesis 18:14). God says, "I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" (Jer. 32:27).

God is good, too. "You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees" (Psalm 119:68). "The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made" (Psalm 145:9). There is nothing God cannot do, and He is surpassingly good.

Therefore, do not fear. Bring your big requests to Him.

[written by Paul Tautges]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Tragedy! Twins left orphaned after mom dies on the same day as dad's funeral | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT

A new mother has died on the same day her boyfriend was being buried .On July 11, 26-year-old Jevaughn Suckoo was found shot and killed in the West Palm Beach apartment complex where he lived with his nearly 2-year-old daughter and pregnant girlfriend, Stephanie Caceres.

Three days later, Caceres gave birth to their twins, Jevaughn Jr. and Lailah.

On Wednesday, she died ,the same day as Suckoo's funeral. Family said she died from an infection from her C-section.They have bnow left their twins and 2 year old daughter orphaned ,The Palm Beach post reported.

As family and friends mourn the couple, they are also thinking about the futures of their three children.
Their family created a Gofund me page and donations have exceeded the $100k goal set.No arrests have been made over Suckoo's murder.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Tonto Dikeh and son in beautiful new photo | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT

Tonto Dikeh shared this lovely photo as she stepped out with her son,King Andre.She looks fabulous.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Kendall Jenner 'frees the 'nipple' in see-through red blouse | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT

 It is no news Kendall Jenner loves going braless.The model was pictured out and about in New York with her piercings on display.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Oge Okoye flaunts major cleavage and thighs in sexy black dress | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:49 AM PDT

 Actress and mother of two ,Oge Okoye stepped out in this sexy thigh-high slit black dress for All Works Of Life UK(AwolUK) Awards ......

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Obafemi Martins' baby mama pregnant with their 2nd child(Photos) | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 02:19 AM PDT

Footballer, Obafemi Martins and his girlfriend of 5 years, Abigail Barwuah are expecting their second child.The couple have a son together. Abigail is footballer,Mario Balotelli's sister.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Man Caught Wearing Girl's Pant & Bra For Rituals In Lagos

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:49 AM PDT

Tension rose at Oduloju street in Sabo-Oniba Ojo area of Lagos on Saturday night around 3a.m as a man from Abia State living in the street was caught by the Nigerian soldiers in an attempt to fulfill ritual requirements with the daughter of his landlord named Ijeoma.

The suspect, identified as Brother Hyacinth, who lives in a room with his wife and kids allegedly owns over five shops with business name 'A.Y' in ASPAMDA trade fair complex Lagos and about 7 plots of land at Igbede just a bridge across the Oduloju waterlogged area.

This bridge is secured at the Igbede end by soldiers whose Boss is a high ranked officer of the Nigerian army.

According to neighbors, he is a very kind and generous man who has assisted the landlord since he packed in and has offered driving the children to school. He is popularly know as 'brother'. According to his landlord 'Papa Ijeoma', who has four kids of 3-girls and a boy, Brother has been of huge financial aid to his family at hard times

An eye witness said the Soldiers who caught him performing the ritual on the bridge heard a recurring chant of incantations with the name Ijeoma and quietly sneaked closer to the direction of the voice, but the suspect noticed their presence and ran away but the soldiers pursued and tracked him to his house where the wife pleaded for mercy.

The case was subsequently handed over to the Oduloju community.

When the day became clear, the Oduloju community reported to the Sabo-Ajangbadi police station where the suspect is currently detained. The police has also searched his house and found nothing implicating although there's widespread rumour that the wife is paying off security.

Brother Hyacinth, whose wife has been barren for many years of marriage until last year, was said to have been in the practice for long until luck departed from him. He was caught wearing the bracelet and pant of the girl while performing the incantations.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Lake Chad: Osinbajo orders military to rescue oil workers

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Nigerian Army• As army finds 21 more corpses

From Mustaph Kwaru Maiduguri with agency report

The Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo, yesterday ordered security operatives to immediately locate and rescue all those kidnapped by the Boko Haram sect while carrying out oil exploration research in the Lake Chad Basin Frontier Exploration.
The order was contained in a statement made available to journalists in Abuja by the Senior Special Assistant to the Acting President on Media and Publicity, Mr. Laolu Akande.
This was just as the Nigerian Army on Sunday said its troops deployed for search and rescue mission in the Lake Chad region has recovered additional 21 corpses of the victims of last Tuesday's deadly ambush on oil exploration team in Borno state.
Akande quoted the Acting President as saying that those who carried out the ambush which he described as an unacceptable and criminal conduct must be brought to justice.
According to him, the order came after an emergency meeting with military chiefs on Thursday.
He said the Nigerian military and all security agencies were issued fresh directives to immediately scale-up their efforts and activities in Borno State in order to maintain a strong, effective control of the situation and secure lives and property.
"While commending the military for the progress already recorded with the rescue of some of the abducted, Prof. Osinbajo has also ordered the continuation of search and rescue missions to locate and ensure the freedom of all remaining abducted persons as soon as possible, using all available and expedient means in the circumstances.
"He adds that justice would be pursued for the victims and against those who engage in this kind of unacceptable, criminal and terrorist conduct.
"Acting President Osinbajo pays tribute to the resilience, courage and bravery of officers and men of the Nigerian Armed Forces for their gallant endeavours and sacrifices for the peace, security and territorial integrity of our country," Akande quoted Osinbajo as saying.
Meanwhile, the army has admitted that there was an error in the earlier statement issued, which indicated that all the NNPC officials involved in the incident were rescued.
Director, Army Public Relations, Brigadier General Sani Usman Kukasheka dropped the hint in a statement, even as he apologized for the error, saying it was not deliberate.
"The incident of 25th July 2017 where some Boko Haram Terrorists ambushed our troops including members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) escorting some staff of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) as well as that of University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) on oil exploration in Borno Yesu District of Magumeri Local Government Area of Borno state is unfortunate and highly regrettable".
"Most regrettable also is my earlier release on the said incident about the rescue of all NNPC Staff. The error in the statement was not deliberate", the statement hinted.
According to Brigadier General Kukasheka, so far the additional bodies recovered by the search and rescue team included five soldiers, 11 Civilian JTF and five members of the exploration team.
He noted that contrary to reports in some media, six members of the exploration team out of 12 that went out are still missing, while one of the NNPC staff returned to base alive.
"The Nigerian Army in this present dispensation is reputed for timely dissemination of information on activities of our troops in all theatre of operations. We have strived to keep the public informed on our activities with no intention of distorting any fact. Our troops have doubled efforts in the pursuit of the Boko Haram terrorists while search and rescue is still on-going to secure the safe return of the remaining civilians", the statement said.
The Army spokesman also revealed that the team recovered assorted arms and ammunition as well as vehicles of the troops taken away by the attackers.
He said; "The Nigerian Army condoles with the families of all that lost their loved ones in this unfortunate incident. Search and rescue efforts are on-going. We are counting on the goodwill and support of the populace in volunteering valuable information that could help in the search and rescue operation."

from peoples daily

Fracas ensues, as APC insists Senator Sani suspended

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Comrade Shehu Sani

Comrade Shehu Sani

From Mohammad Ibrahim, Femi Oyelola, Kaduna

There was pandemonium in Kaduna yesterday when thugs attacked two serving senators in National Assembly and journalists as well.
This is just as the Kaduna State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC on Sunday, insisted Senator Shehu Sani, representing Kaduna Central Senatorial District remained suspended.
A statement by Assistant Publicity Secretary, Salisu Tanko Wusono, APC said "having exhausted all avenues available to us in the party, we are left with no option than to uphold the suspension of Comrade Shehu Sani as a member of the party for a period of 11 months."
The party said by this suspension, Senator Sani is to desist from all party activities until when the suspension is lifted.
The party said it followed the rules and procedure laid down by the party constitution and would defend defend the constitution of the APC at all times.
The party called on all its members to be law abiding.
The two senators attacked are Senator Representing Kaduna North Sulaiman Hunkuyi and Senator Representing Kaduna Central Shehu Sani.
Others APC chieftains attacked were two members of the House of Representatives and other members of the party.
Peoples Daily gathered that the thugs numbering about 40 were at the NUJ secretariat around 11:30 am at exact time the lawmakers arrived the venue to express their grievances on the manner the local government delegate congress was conducted in the state on Saturday.
Despite the policemen stationed at the venue the thugs still had their way, and destroyed cars and windows at the secretariat.
The State Police Commissioner, Argyle Abeh visited the venue after the destruction as a camera man of Liberty TV was injured by the thugs.
In a swift reaction to the incident, Governor Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai condemned the attacks on journalists, saying nobody will be allowed to stifle freedom of expression.
In a message to the Kaduna State Council of the Nigerian Union of Journalists, the government condemned the mob action by hoodlums at the premises of the NUJ on Sunday.
Having been briefed on the situation, the governor expressed sympathy with NUJ and the persons that were harassed by the hoodlums.
The governor directed that the security agencies should investigate and take necessary action against the hoodlums.
The governor also directed security agencies to beef up security at the NUJ secretariat to protect journalists doing their duty.
A statement signed by Samuel Aruwan, spokesman to the governor said that "the media must not be hindered from carrying out their constitutional and professional obligations. The government of Kaduna State upholds the principles of free speech and respects the freedom of expression.
"Politics should not be a desperate game. And desperation should not be visited on journalists or any citizen."
Aruwan added that the government of Kaduna State will not tolerate any attempt to muzzle the press and innocent citizens from exercising their constitutional rights.
Also yesterday, the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, condemned what it described as bent attempt to destroy journalism and journalists in Kaduna state.
The National Secretary of NUJ, Shuaibu Usman Leman stated this in a press statement made available to the media in Kaduna yesterday.
Leman who was reaching to attack on journalists and the destruction of their equipments yesterday in Kaduna,
said the development was frightening to the Union as it signals clearly that such attacks on the media are not going to abate soon.
"Political thugs sponsored by some dangerously reckless members of a political party invaded the Press Centre, venue of a press briefing by some APC members of the National Assembly and attacked both journalists and politicians, destroying media equipment and inflicting bodily harm on some journalists.

from peoples daily

NASS will receive 2018 in October – Ita Enang

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

By Christiana Ekpa

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate) Sen. Ita Enang, has disclosed that the 2018 Budget proposal would be presented to the National Assembly in October.
Enang who made the disclosure while briefing news men at the weekend in Abuja, said the 2018 budget was one of the matters that was agreed by the Legislature and the Executive at the assent session by the acting President Yemi Osinbajo.
"What was agreed on was that this budget will run a cycle that should end in Dec 2017 although by the Act, we are interested and working toward presenting the budget by October.
"The Ministry of Budget and National Planning, myself and the D-G Budget Office of the Federation did a presentation and a briefing of the leadership of the Assembly on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Paper for 2018 as the basis for the presentation.
"What we are doing is to make sure we make every person to make inputs before we even present it to them. This is aimed at ensuring that by Oct. every matter relating to the preloading of the budget is done," Enang said.
On the just concluded Constitution amendment by the National Assembly, Enang said "I appreciate the National assembly for the cordial working relationship that the executive have enjoyed for the first two legislative years of the 8th Assembly.
"The adjournment of the Senate and proceedings and the 6 weeks legislative holiday marks the end effectively of two years. It had been an action-packed and eventful year. It was a constitutionally engaging and legislative active year between the Executive and the Legislature," Enang said.
He commended both the Executive and the Legislature for sticking to their beats saying each arm was simply relying on the Constitution.
"I also thank the Nigerian Media. This is a rare occasion where the media has not left the message or the ball to go after the leg. The media stayed on the matter, the issues. They did not raise other side issues which did not relate to legislation.
"Because in the previous years, you will see the media going after things which are personal to the legislature and not issues on the legislature and the executive.
He commended the National Assembly for the transparent manner in which the Constitution amendment was carried out.

from peoples daily

Nigeria pledges to achieve 50% exclusive breastfeeding by 2018

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

The Federal Ministry of Health has reiterated its commitment toward achieving 50 per cent exclusive breastfeeding by 2018 in line with the provision of the National Strategic Plan on Nutrition.
Grace Mojekwu, the Desk Officer Infant and Young Child Feeding/Nutrition, of the ministry, said this while fielding questions at the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, Forum in Abuja ahead of commemoration of the 2017 World Breastfeeding Week.
Ms. Mojekwu said that Nigeria was predominantly a breastfeeding nation with 97 per cent compliance. She, however, said that the rate of exclusive breastfeeding was very low with only 25 per cent achievement in 2014.
According to her, the federal government has put in place policies and regulations that will help safe guard exclusive breastfeeding in Nigeria
"The federal government has a policy that says nursing mothers should breast feed exclusively for six months and thereafter, complementary feeding can be introduced while breastfeeding is sustained for two years.
"However, we have discovered that some mothers give water, formulas and even herbs to their new born and that is why the right message must get to the communities at the grassroot.
"The regulation of Code for marketing breast milk substitute such as formulas and canned foods for infants is still in force, and NAFDAC is regulating that presently.
"Which means infants food manufactures cannot sell or advertise their products to nursing mothers and in Ms. Mojekwu said that the ministry would intensify campaign on exclusive breastfeeding and young child feeding practices in health facilities, communities, workplaces as well as train health care professionals.
She added that breastfeeding plays a key role in the development of a child and breast milk was the ideal food for every new born.
She stressed the need for nursing mothers to eat meals that contain the six classes of nutrients which includes protein fat and oil, vitamins, and carbohydrates among others in order to achieve an optimal result.
She also urged policy makers at all levels of government to invest in nutrition and maternal health care for healthy living.
Also at the forum, Olubumi Aiyedun, the National President, National Association of Nigeria Paediatric Nurses, associated poor exclusive breastfeeding practices in Nigeria to inadequate support from family members, husbands and cultural beliefs.
She listed other impediments to exclusive breastfeeding to include delayed initiation of breastfeeding and altitude of health professionals as well as short paid maternity leave for working mothers.
According to her, everyone has a role to play in supporting and creating a conducive atmosphere for nursing mothers, as such is imperative in achieving 50 per cent exclusive breastfeeding by 2018.
Ms. Aiyedun advised husbands and partners to follow their wives to antenatal clinics as they would be educated on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and care for their baby.

She further urged the private and public sectors to provide crèches in all organisations and facilities as a way of supporting mothers to exclusively breastfeed their babies.(NAN)

from peoples daily

80,000 Nigerians to perform Hajj despite recession-NAHCON

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO)

Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO)

By Ali Alkali & Umar Muhammad Puma

As first flight of Nigerian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for 2017 Hajj was flagged off yesterday, the Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Barrister Abdullahi Mukhtar Muhammad revealed that over 80,000 Nigerians are expected to perform this year's hajj, despite economic recession that hit the nation.
The NAHCON chairman was speaking during the 2017 inaugural flight of Nigerian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia on Sundayat Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja. The first flight, Flynas XY5702 departed at 3:16pm with 460 FCT pilgrims and 20 officials, consisting of 299 males and 161 females. They were to fly direct to Prince Muhammad ibn Abdul'aziz, in Madina.
Acting President Yemi Osinbajo, who launched the 2017 airlift of the Nigerian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia, tasked the pilgrims to be good ambassadors of the country, even as he urged them to pray for the country, its leaders and the quick recovery and safe return of President Muhammadu Buhari.
Represented by the minister of the FCT Muhammad Musa Bello, the acting president said, "You are now the representatives of millions of Nigerians. Each and every one of you is an ambassador. I'm appealing to you to conduct yourself as ambassadors of our great country. Do not engage in any act that will tarnish the image of the Nigeria."
Osinbajo described the flag off of the airlift as "a culmination of intense planning, hard work, dedication and commitment by Hajj officers all over the nation" congratulated NAHCON for a job well done, reminding the officials, however, that the inaugural airlift was also "the beginning of another hard work, because you cannot really say it's done until all pilgrims go to Saudi Arabia, have an accepted Hajj and come back safe."
Recalling the challenges faced by the Commission this year, the NAHCON Chairman said, "This hajj has come with special and peculiar challenges – the challenge of the increase of 2017 hajj fare. But, Alhamdulillah, with Allah's support and guidance, a lot of Nigerians are able to make it for the hajj."
According to Barrister Muhammad, "Over 60,000 Nigerian pilgrims are expected to perform this year's hajj under the state governments' quarter; while about 19,000 are expected to perform the hajj under private tour operators. This number is unprecedented in view of the global economic recession which is not only affecting Nigeria but many other countries."
He also revealed that advance team had earlier arrive Saudi Arabia last week awaiting the arrival of Nigerian pilgrims to attend to their administrative needs, medical services and other consular supports with the assistance of Nigerian Consulate in Jeddah and Embassy in Riyadh.
Assuring the pilgrims of a comfortable stay in the holy land, the chairman said, "25% of the total workforce of Nigerian officials will sacrifice their hajj this year in order to attend to the needs of the pilgrims, because the Commission is "in tune with the change agenda of this administration that service delivery and service to humanity to any public officer is something that cannot be negotiated and cannot be compromised."
On his part, Sultan of Sokoto, and President General Nigerian subprime council for Islamic affairs, Sa'ad Abubakar, called on the pilgrims to respect the laws of Saudi Arabia and advised them to desist from engaging in any act that will tarnish the image of Nigeria.
Represented by the emir of Bauchi, Rilwanu Sulaiman Adamu, the monarch further urged the pilgrims to pray for Nigerian, its leaders and the recovery of President Muhammadu Buhari.
On his part, Senator Hadi Sirika, Minister of Aviation, called on the pilgrims to adhere strictly not only to the religious regulations of the hajj obligations but also the rules of the host country, Saudi Arabia, and be good ambassadors of Nigeria. He particularly warned against taking contrabands to the holy land, especially Cola Nut which is considered as hard drug by the Saudi government and attracts death sentence.

from peoples daily

Blame unpatriotic Borno politicians for B/ Haram attacks – Group

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

From Mohammad Ibrahim, Kaduna

The Concerned Leaders of Conscience, yesterday blamed the recent Boko Haram attacks on some unpatriotic Borno state based politicians.
According to the group, it is unfortunate that terror activities are being exploited by some selfish political class in the state.
The group viewed such behavior by the local politicians as worrisome; adding that the recent comments by some highly placed persons and elders in the state was capable of escalating terrorism in the north east.
It noted that the insurgents in Borno have increased its attacks on military formation and civilians in the state, the recent attack being the abduction of NNPC staff and Staff of University of Maiduguri.
This was disclosed in a communiqué signed by the National Chairman of the group. Dr Eugene Tarkema and Secretary, Fagbemi Kola respectively.
"It has been proven that those in position of influence in Borno State benefit from the regional instability precipitated by Boko Haram as evidenced in the diversion of relief materials meant for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
"After exhaustive deliberations on these observations, the Concerned Leaders of Conscience resolved to urge the country to note that these recent attacks in Borno state are not isolated events but part of concerted efforts by Borno politicians to revive Boko Haram ahead of the 2019 General Elections.
"These politicians apparently have a control over the terrorists to an extent that they decide when to unleash them on the country or keep them subdued when it is desirable." The group said.
The CLC also warned the political leaders in Borno state not to politicize security as it relates to the attempts to re-group Boko Haram for political purposes saying this can only end badly for everyone without exceptions.
They advised the political leadership and elders in the southeast and south-south not to endorse hate speech, confrontation of security operatives or radicalization of youths to attack the state as the Boko Haram scourge began on similar note.
The group called on international relief and donor agencies to stop routing funds through State Governments but relate directly with IDPs since relief resources are becoming incentives for corrupt state officials to divert and covert them for themselves and for financing terrorism,

from peoples daily

KOICA awards master’s degree scholarship to 11 Nigerians

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) office in Nigeria has awarded fully funded scholarships to 11 Nigerian government Officials, to pursue Master's Degree programs in the Republic of Korea.
The 2017 KOICA scholarship recipients would study in various fields of; ICT, agriculture, public administration, trade and energy policy, water resources, gender equality, and urban development in leading Korean Universities.
This was disclosed during the pre-departure orientation which was held at the weekend.
Since April 2008, KOICA has sponsored over 1,500 Nigerian government officials from various Ministries, Departments and Agencies nationwide. KOICA's runs long-term (scholarship) and short-term (2-3 weeks)courses which are strategically designed to contribute to the long-term development needs of Nigeria and developing partners at large.
The KOICA sponsored fellowship program branded as Capacity Improvement and Advancement for Tomorrow (CIAT) supports the Human Resources Development (HRD) of partner countries, and aims to narrow the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries.

from peoples daily

Are generators rendering electric grid obsolete?

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

By Ochiaka Ugwu

The Nigeria energy crisis came to the fore penultimate week when the Speaker of House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara revealed that Nigerians spend five billion dollars on generators annually, saying the House of Representatives will support the Executive to find a permanent solution to the power problem in Nigeria as it is not acceptable.
Dogara who also explained that the House is reviewing some of Nigeria's energy laws in order to provide an appropriate legal framework that will facilitate the exploitation of renewable energy to benefit the economy noted that power is arguably the single most important driver of the national economy and that is indeed difficult if not impossible to imagine modern life without power.
The Bauchi born lawmaker who lamented our offices, homes, businesses industries and factories heavy reliance on generators estimated that Nigerians spend about $5 billion US Dollars yearly to fuel their generators.
To arrest this ugly trend, Dogara informed that three bills are already getting attention in the House. He said Bill for an Act to provide for the utilization, sustainability and adequate supply of renewable energy for electricity and heat generation and for other related matters, and a Bill for an act to amend the National Electricity Regulatory Commission meter reading, billing and cash collection and credit management for electricity supplies and regulations to address matters relating to outstanding liability of electric bills in rented apartments and a Bill for an Act to amend the Electric Power Sector Reform Act to reposition the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission for effective service delivery and for related matters will be given utmost priority.
Moreover, it is on record that Nigeria has topped the list of generator-importing countries for the fourth year in a row, having surpassed others since 2002. This was said by Chairman, Benin Electricity Distribution Company Limited (Vigeo Holdings), Mr Gbolade Osibodu.
According to the statistics, Nigeria accounted for 35 per cent or $152million of the total $432.2million spent by African countries on generator imports in 2005. The consequence is that nearly all surviving manufacturing companies run private plants, with more production costs being shifted to the consumers and this is not good news for industrial development meaning that development would continue to elude Nigeria until there is regular power supply.
More worrisome is the fact that Nigeria has all it takes to make it work from sufficient water, gas, manpower, to resources etc – to solve the power problem in the country. Regrettably, Nigeria is faced with inadequate and unreliable power supply, making it difficult to achieve needed economic growth and development.
More so, Federal Government that has the responsibility of rolling out policies that will drive the power sector seems to have lost direction on what to do. Early this year, it cautiously provided soft ground for manufacturers and retailers of generators with an announcement that the nation will still not enjoy uninterrupted power supply as promised. This no doubt sent shouts of joy in the camps of those who deal on and stock up these all essential items and sadness to ordinary Nigerians who are still groaning under epileptic power supply and heavy tariff.
Being at the end of Nigeria's woeful power supply record, this group of merchants must be smiling all the way to the bank at the expense of ordinary Nigerians who toil all day to better their lot while praying that power will stabilize in within a short period. Why won't they? Since we are the world's highest importer of generators and unwittingly support a whole billion dollar industry in the developed world. They are profiting (and laughing at us) from our miserable power supply.
We all know that Nigeria is currently going through a phase which is worsening by the day due to its unreliable electricity supply. There is power rationing and various households and localities have been put on a schedule of eight hours of power supply, 16 hours of darkness. That notwithstanding, during those eight hours of light, the light may go on and off a number of times. This has made many to rely on expensive diesel generators to provide electricity. The reality for most people in this part of the world is that they cannot afford generators. This means that their power requirements remain unmet. To add to the trouble, the government has also increased petroleum pump price from N97 to N145 per litre.
Although, the former president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan promised "Fresh Air" but was rejected at the polls given the fact that his "Fresh Air" promise was contaminated by Generator fumes as he was unable to restore steady power. Even the All Progressives Congress (APC) has not fared better. It has become worst with no solution in sight. This has made cities to stem from the sound of generators in the background. No doubt, there are a number of issues relating to the use of generators, it is expensive because diesel is 20% or 30% more expensive than other fuels and pollution is also a key issue. More pathetic is that hospitals are not able to function properly as they don't have electricity, reflecting the human cost of this system. Most businesses cannot rely on the grid and have their own generators, which is very inefficient and costly leaving them with no option to relocate to other countries or more worst close up completely. Many industries that rely on petroleum products have had to shut down, unable to bear the high cost of production.
Apart from cost, pollution is another serious case as people have been known to die from placing their generators indoors (a mechanism against theft). Also generators are noisy and produce a lot of smoke, entailing noise and air pollution. A family in Edo was reported to have died from generator fumes they inhaled while sleeping.
Again, the economy has faced major challenges including a sharp currency fall, deepening energy crisis, deteriorating macroeconomic imbalance and rising inflation and interest rates. It should be known that unstable foreign exchange regime as well as the uncertainties of economic indicators make doing business a higher perceived risk.
Indeed, the electricity sector would have been very attractive to investors because of the current demand of electricity, foreign and local investors (IPPs) are unwilling to invest in this sector because of their lack of confidence in the system, the distribution company which is finding it very difficult to collect tariffs for electricity as what they are give out on bills does not commiserate with what people are consuming. Customers have helplessly complained on DISCOs extortion in high billing even when they don't have current in their cables.
With all the claims by the Minister of Works, Power and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola that electricity will improve in no time, Nigerians are yet to see any progress. There hasn't been really a structural change in power sector since this administration came in. One of the problems relates to companies handling the sector as most of them don't have the capacity to drive the process. Most people feel vindicated about their early opposition to privatization. It was the government's misled privatization policies and the practice of putting profits before the needs of the people – and of the country – that blinded it to the developing crisis. It seems it was never about ensuring a reliable, safe, clean and affordable supply of electricity; no, it was always about using cheap electricity to feed mining, industrial and agricultural profits and building DISCOs into big multinational cash cow energy corporations.
The electricity companies currently driving our power sector are in a decaying state and it has plunged the nation deeper into energy crisis. The energy utility has failed to keep the lights on in spite of the fact that consumption levels have been declining. There is no doubt that for things to go back to normal, these companies will need a massive capital injection in order to breathe a new lease of life into its operations. Small wonder it has anxiously been devising ways to turn its fortunes: from inhuman tariff hike to seeking funding so that it can fast-track its infrastructural projects.
It is time electricity companies invest in solar, wind, water and other renewable sources of energy to meet the yearning and aspiration of Nigerians who need not only steady power but cheap and clean energy to drive production that will make them upgrade from consuming economy to producing economy.

from peoples daily

2 electrocuted, 10 others injured in Niger

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

From Yakubu Mustapha,Minna.

No fewer than two persons were confirmed died just as 10 others were critically injured in electricity incident that occurred during the weekend at Agwan Biri area in Minna the Niger state capital.
An eyewitness stated that the deceased were electrocuted when they got in contact with home appliances during a surge of power supply.
When contacted the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Niger state Emergency Management Agency (NSEMA) Ibrahim Audu Hussaini, confirmed the incident to our correspondent in Minna, saying that one of the dead, has been buried.
Hussaini added that 10 other people injured in the incident were rushed to the hospital, adding that two among the injured are in critical condition.
He told our reporter that 49 houses were affected in incident which he said was suspected to have been caused by power surge resulting from contact between 33KV line and distribution line in the area.
According to him, "We have gone to the area to carry out assessment, and we can confirm that two persons died while about 10 others were injured and that 49 houses were affected".
Also the Head of Public Relations and Media of the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company {AEDC) Mallam Ahmed Shekarau disclosed that the company has sent a fact finding team to the scene of the incident to ascertain its cause.
In a text message to journalists over the incident, Shekarau expressed deep sympathy to the families of the deceased and the community, adding that "in the meantime the management of the company expressed deep sympathy to the family of the two deceased and three persons receiving treatment in the hospital"
Shakarau noted that the company will issue a detailed statement on the unfortunate incident after the report of the fact finding team.

from peoples daily

FG compensates Zungeru Dam host communities with N1.5bnwater projects

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

From Yakubu Mustapha, Minna.

The Federal Government has expended over N1.5 billion under the Federal Ministry of Power for the compensation of 32 affected communities of the ongoing construction of Hydro Power Dam at Zungeru in Niger State.
The Director General of Niger State, Hydro Development Areas Commission (HYPADEC), Mohammed Samaila Mambo disclosed this in an interview with our reporter in his office in Minna, however, he applauded the bold step taken by the government in that direction.
He hinted that 32 out of 35 immediate communities affected has been compensated hence 98 communities to be affected by the construction of the dam who were involved in the program.
Mambo reiterated the commitment of the present administration under the leadership of Governor Abubakar Sani Bello to ensure people and communities affected were adequately compensated accordingly.
He stressed that the payment of the compensation will be determined by the quantity of farm produce on their farmlands and that payment will be of three different categories which includes: farm produce and economic trees, Areas of water coverage or occupant and houses, social amenities provision.
While he applauded the determination of the federal government expressed joy for the completion of 32 communities compensation within one year compared to the past when they had serious challenges due to lack of fair treatment of the affected communities in the past that led to protests which has been iron out gradually.
Director General emphasized the need to carry the affected communities along in every steps taken to avoid been misunderstood, noted that the new committee set up by the state governor used every communities representatives who knows every individuals within their domain to avoid dealing with the wrong persons.
He however appreciated the efforts of the National Assembly for passing the HYPADEC bill into law especially National Assembly lawmakers from the state hence measures has been put in place to curb risks that is available especially on the annual lost of farm produce to flood.
He further revealed to have received three petitions but were not genuine after investigation just as all court and legal cases has been dropped hence the new committee has assured to pay adequate compensation to the affected people and communities accordingly that had reduced protests and agitation experienced in the past.
Mambo informed that based on the initial HYPADEC bill signed into law, five states were involved and they are Kebbi, Kwara, Kogi, Plateau with the headquarter in Niger State that had allocated land for its permanent site while the temporary office is fully renovated for takeoff despite challenged of inadequate funding militating against its smooth operations considering the devastating effect of flood.

from peoples daily

Sokoto Govt assists victims of Illela rainstorm

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:37 AM PDT

By Mashe Umaru Gwamna

Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal has directed the Sokoto State Emergency Management Agency to quickly deliver relief materials to victims of rainstorm which wrecked havoc at Illela, Araba, Gati and surrounding villages in Illela loal government area of the state.
The storm, which occurred last Friday night, destroyed houses, livestock and farm produce while rendering many families homeless.
Already, a government delegation, led by the Sokoto State Chairman of the ruling APC, Alhaji Usman Danmadami, has visited the affected villages to commiserate with the victims.
Speaking at the Palace of the District Head of Illela, Danmadami said government will work with local authorites to assist victims and ensure they are fully rehabilitated to enable the return to their normal activities.
He prayed to Allah to give all the victims strength in these trying moments, and assured that all efforts would be made to make them rebuild their lives.
The delegation later presented cash assistance to the victims.
In his remarks, Wakilin Sarkin Rafin Illela , Alhaji Sahabi Isa, thanked the Governor for his concern and to prayed Allah to reward him abundantly.
Others in the delegation were commissioner for Local Government and Community Development, Manir Dan'Iya, Government House Chief of Staff, Mukhtar Umar Magori, Special Adviser on Political Affairs, Ibrahim Magaji Gusau, State APC Treasurer, Mukhtar Bello Maigona and Director General of SEMA, Ibrahim Haliru Dingyadi.

from peoples daily

Stop politcising Buhari’s ill health – Group urges Nigerians

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:37 AM PDT

From Ado Abubakar Musa, Jos

The Sharrifs Council of Nigeria has called on Nigerians across the country to shy away from politicising the ill health of President
Muhammadu Buhari who is currently on medical vocation in London for the past two kontua, adding that doing so would not yield any gain.
The group made the call in Jos yesterday through its National Chairman, Alhaji Sharif Abba Jari during a special prayer for President Buhari and the country held at the Jos Central Mosque.
Alhaji Sharif who was represented by Sharif Muntaka also called for cooperation and unity among Nigerians irrespective of ethno religious affliation adding that unity is the only way of successful society.
Earlier, Sarkin Sharifai, Plateau state, Sharif Muhammad Isma'il noted that those politisising Buhari's ill health were ignorant of human nature as every human being can fall ill his knowledge and even without the social status of an individual.
The group however called on those Nigerians who don't have voters card should immediately register as Continuous Registration (CVR) is ongoing.

from peoples daily

Governors’ London visit to Buhari

Posted: 31 Jul 2017 01:37 AM PDT

Seven state governors Tuesday night packed themselves off to London, UK, supposedly to pay recuperating President Muhammadu Buhari a "goodwill visit". Five of the governors are of states controlled by the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), the president's party. They are Abdulaziz Yari of Zamfara state, who also is chairman of Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF), Umar Ganduje (Kano), Kashim Shettima (Borno), Samuel Ortom (Benue) and Abiola Ajimobi (Oyo).

The other two -Udom Emmanuel and Dave Umahi -are governors of opposition (PDP) held states of Akwa Ibom and Ebonyi respectively. Presidential spokesmen who announced the London visit of the seven 'wise' governors said the Presidency had no hand in their selection. According to Garba Shehu, the NGF decided who among the governors to make the one day trip and their number. That was why, he explained, the delegation was being led by its chairman.

However, the exclusion of Ekiti governor Ayodele Fayose, a vocal Buhari critic, did suggest it was anything but an all NGF affair. Fayose, a fortnight ago, claimed in a radio interview that he had pictures of Buhari, who has been away in London for medical treatment since May, that strongly suggested the president was on life support. Many Nigerians doubted his claim, moreso that he has not produced the pictures he said he had.

Putting him in the governors' delegation would have been the most effective way to prove he lied and that he allowed opposition politics to colour his judgement. Perhaps, the Presidency considered Fayose a political nuisance and reasoned that including him on the delegation would amount to dignifying his nuisance value. If so, then the Presidency wasn't right to have said it did not pick the governors who would see Buhari in London.

Come to think of the visit, was it absolutely necessary? Did they have to visit Buhari in London? Their visit came on the heels of similar trips by acting President Yemi Osinbajo, APC 's national chairman John Odidigie-Oyegun and some ministers. On his return to Nigeria, Osinbajo said he spoke with Buhari for an hour and the president was in high spirits. He said the president was "recuperating fast" and eager to return home "soon".

More than anyone else, Osinbajo is in tall position to speak on Buhari's condition. Besides, Buhari's wife Aisha has repeatedly assured Nigerians that her husband was not a dying man. Only few days ago, the Presidency released video clips of the president up on his feet, looking a lot stronger than when he was leaving the country.

Having been told by no less a one than the president himself that he was responding well to treatment and looking forward to returning to Nigeria in no distant time, shouldn't the "goodwill visit" by governors or anyone for that matter, have waited for his return? To be sure, we cannot stop individual governors using their own money to go see Buhari in London. What we won't advise is that they use the tax payer's money to pay for a trip that can wait. We know that many states have been unable to pay their public servants for months on end.

There are others that are, at the moment, contending with serious security challenges. Their governors need to be on the ground to ensure the situation does not get out of hand. Buhari, we believe, would be happier knowing that the states are in safe hands than governors wasting scarce public funds to pay him a "goodwill visit".

Let's avoid a repeat of what happened to the late president Umaru Yar'adua. Governors and ministers claimed they saw him on his sick bed in a Saudi hospital. They 'returned' with conflicting reports, thereby contributing to the tension that gripped the country at the time. They turned Saudi Arabia into a virtual zoo where some stranger from outer space was being kept.

What President Buhari needs more than goodwill visits are sincere prayers by Nigerians. French speaking Guinea whose president is the chair of the Assembly of AU heads of state and government, recently declared a day of prayers to be said for Buhari, something his own country hasn't done and is not thinking of doing. Instead, we have been busy with speculations about his death. How tragic!

from peoples daily

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