Friday, July 21

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Why The Church Must Act As A Home

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 04:21 AM PDT

In The Confessions Augustine tells the conversion story of Marius Victorinus, an honored philosopher in ancient Rome whose statue stood in the Roman forum. Before his baptism as a Christian he had vigorously defended the idolatrous Roman cults.

After his study of the Scriptures, Victorinus was converted, though he did not immediately pursue membership in the Christian church. "He was afraid to offend his friends, proud devil-worshippers," Augustine concluded. Victorinus did, however, privately announce his conversion to Simplicianus, a church leader. "Did you know that I am already a Christian?" he asked eagerly. "I shall not believe that," said Simplicianus, "or count you among the Christians unless I see you in the Church of Christ."

This is a strange story for evangelical ears. Today, we can hardly imagine refusing recognition of someone's sincere confession of faith or of making salvation conditional on church membership.

Yet sixteen hundred years ago this was an agreed-upon formulation of obedient Christian faith: if a person wanted to follow Jesus, they joined the church.

Seismic shifts in thinking have occurred between Augustine's day and ours, not least of which is the emphasis on the individual rather than the collective. Today, we're tempted to privatize our faith. Church membership is presented as one of many appealing choices in the spiritual growth cafeteria line, participation in a local church as optional as pie. Spiritually, there's no real sense of need for church, only preference.

But according to the language of Scripture, we cannot divorce ourselves from the church any more easily than we could cut off our hand or renounce our blood lines. The church is the believers' new family. It is home. When Jesus was reminded by his disciples that his mother and brothers were anxious to speak to him and prevented by the crowds from reaching him, Jesus answered, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it" (Lk 8:21). He did not define his family according to blood relationship but according to spiritual ties, demonstrating that a believer's primary relationships are not those of their biological family. Instead, the Christian pledges first allegiance to a new household of faith.

The domestic term household is the metaphor the apostle Paul uses to describe the church in his first letter to Timothy. In the church, where everyone is regarded as family, older men should be treated as fathers, younger men as brothers; older women regarded as mothers, younger women as sisters. While this doesn't exempt women and men from direct responsibilities to their families of origin and marriage, it does mean that everyone gets a family. As is clear in 1 Timothy 5, which details the principles governing the care for widows, when a widow has no relatives to look after her, the church will be to her a family.

In his book Spiritual Friendship Wesley Hill explores the reconfiguration of human relationships in light of the gospel, arguing for a return to promise-bound friendships sustained by the church. He notes the diminishing importance of friendship in contemporary culture and identifies several reasons for our disinterest in keeping at the housekeeping of Christian community, including our modern mythology of marriage. As the story goes today, the relationship of ultimate significance is the wedded love of husband and wife; second to it is the loyalty that parents have to their children. Unfortunately, however, this limited conception of "home" — as the shared space of the nuclear family — leaves a lot of people out, including Hill, a gay Christian pledged to celibacy. He cites the architectural shift in England from the great medieval hall, "which in former times had been the places for gentlemen to display their friendships through public gestures of affection," to small dining rooms — or marital spaces. Retreat and isolation continues to be hardwired into much of our built environment — to the peril of home as God intended it.

The church, Hill argues, must bear witness to bonds of human love and loyalty that exist outside of the marriage covenant — to a home that exists outside of the nuclear family. "A great company of saints witnesses to the fact that we can indeed flourish without romance, marriage, or children; I don't know of one who witnesses to the possibility of our flourishing without love altogether." Hill writes of looking for a place to put his love. A home, in other words.

The church is home, and part of our daily housekeeping is learning to belong to one another. If this is good news for the unmarried, it is also good news for me. The nuclear family cannot bear the full weight of human hope and expectation, struggle and need. It's too fragile and human an entity. As a married woman with children, I need relational connection and commitment beyond the circle of my immediate family, both for myself as well as for the sake of my family.

According to the Scriptures, it is not parents alone who are responsible for the love and nurture of our children: the church participates in this task with us. This divinely ordained cooperation is recognized at every baby's dedication or baptism. At that holy moment when the pastor prays (and the infant cries), church and family together commit to partnership. James K. A. Smith writes that at a child's baptism (Smith is a paedobaptist) bloodlines are relativized, and the nuclear family rejects the modern domestic ideal of the family as "closed, self-sufficient autonomous unit." Quoting Alexander Schmemann, Smith writes, "The promises in baptism indicate a very different theology of the family, which recognizes that 'families work well when we do not expect them to give us all we need.'" But whether we baptize our infants or not, the principle is the same: our active participation in the church — and our willingness to see it as home — relieves some of the onerous burdens of childrearing, often made heaviest by our sense of limitation.

We can't parent alone. And we aren't meant to. We have friends — better, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles — to help carry some of the worry and weight of the family housekeeping. And as I've learned from recent research, the most important predictor of whether children from Christian families keep their faith into adulthood is the number of multigenerational connections they enjoy at church. Teenagers may not need a youth group populated by hundreds of peers, but they do need other Christian adults in their church to take an interest in them and communicate that they belong.

[written by Jen Pollock Michel]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

'I can either just give up and f**king die or I can fight': Chester Bennington's last interview | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:53 AM PDT

Chester Bennington's very last interview gives a insight into the Linkin Park frontman's complex relationship with depression.

The 41 year old father-of-six was tragically found dead at his home, just outside of Los Angeles, on Thursday. He had just come back from a holiday with his wife of 12 years Talinda Ann Bentley.

In what is believed to be his last ever interview, obtained exclusively by Mirror Online, the Crawling singer talks about death and how he valiantly battled on during his darkest hours.

Speaking to Will Lavin, he said:
"I came to a point in my life where I was like, 'I can either just give up and fucking die or I can fucking fight for what I want.' And I chose to fight for what I wanted. I wanted to have good relationships. I wanted to love the people in my life. I wanted to enjoy my job.
"I wanted to enjoy being a dad and having friends and just getting up in the morning. Because that was a struggle for me.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Goat with demonic face shocks locals | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

A baby goat was born with such terrifying demonic features, shocked locals called the police.

Owner Gladys Oveido was left "deeply surprised" when she saw the face of the goat which was stillborn..The kid was born with "protruding eyes" in San Luis province, central Argentina.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Saudi prince arrested after videos show him attacking and abusing people | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

Police have arrested a member of the Saudi royal family who abused citizens verbally and physically in a widely spread video that went viral over the past few days.

The arrest came at the orders of Saudi King Salman who issued an immediate warrant for Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the imprisonment of all those involved in abusive behavior towards citizens.

According to local media reports which broke over night, the Saudi king's orders state that none of the accused are released until the testimonies of the victims and violators are heard, and a court ruling is issued,Arab News reports.
The king's orders stressed that the law must apply to everyone, and that equal protection to all is granted under the law, regardless of their status.

Many Saudis celebrated the news as they shared leaked videos of what seems to be the arrest of Prince Saud late last night.
Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud  known as Prince Abdulaziz — appears in the series of clips with laughing pals as he screams at men covered in blood and bruises.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

I survived what was meant to destroy me,came back like a BOSS- Rosaline Meurer declares | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

Alleged side chick and budding actress,Rosaline Meurer wrote
My setback was a blessing! I survived what was meant to destroy me. I came back like a BOSS.... Fabulous, Wiser and Stronger than ever. Never give up lovers! #happyfriday #blessed #strongwoman #alphafemale #queen #glamglow #boss #faith #youcannotkillmyspirit #everythingrosy

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Female student from Nsukka breaks 2017 WAEC record with 9 A1's | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

A female student of Shalom Academy Nsukka has broken the WASSCE record by having all  A1's in all her nine subjects!

Her teacher wrote on Facebook

"Last year was someone from Kaduna state with nine A1's. Today we have produced, and I am very much proud teaching this lovely and wonderful lady in a great citadel of learning"
Let the result talk for itself.
UNN wait and take

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Cash Madam! Kylie Jenner finally sells her first house at a decent profit | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:23 AM PDT

Kylie Jenner has sold the first home she ever bought. TMZ reports,Kylie sold her 5,100 sq. ft. Calabasas pad for $3.15 million, a bit less than the $3.3 asking price. The buyer is Bellami Hair founder Nikki Eslami.
Kylie bought the place for $2.6 million back in 2015 and forked over a ton of money for renovations inside and out. She put the 6 bed, 7 bath house on the market for $3.9 mil in June 2016, but dropped the price in April when there were no takers.

She still came out slightly ahead in the deal Kylie has since scooped up 3 other properties in the area ... including one she rents to Rob.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

4 Most Difficult Things about Divorce

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 03:21 AM PDT

...and how you can help those going through it.
Divorce is an unfortunate reality today; there is a 30-50 percent divorce rate. Regardless of which side you stand on the issue, as Christians, we are called to reach out to those in need to show the love of Christ. And like any issue in the church or society at large, it is best handled when it is understood. With that in mind, consider the difficult things the divorced in your church have been through and what you can do to minister to them:

1. Unfathomable Grief 
Going through divorce is an actual tearing of the flesh where two had become one. The tear is painful and slow and a literal death of everything we hoped for, dreamed about, and worked for our entire lives. Unlike other losses, it's often compounded when lifelong friends avoid you, family walks away from you, and strangers you've never met discuss your personal matters as if they were privy to such things. While other tragedies result in people gathering to help, offer support, and stand with you, the opposite often occurs when a family dissolves through divorce.

What you can do: Offer condolences just as you would if a death occurred. Offer to bring a meal, or simply sit with the person who's grieving. You will likely be one of very few who do so and it will mean more than you can imagine.

2. The Turning of an Ex 
Some go through divorce as adults and are able to put the children first. Unfortunately, that is a very small group. For many, divorce becomes an unexpected battlefield where the person you once trusted with your life becomes the person who will stop at nothing to destroy your efforts to rebuild it.

What you can do: Check in on them. Too often, these situations can escalate to a dangerous level when others pull away and the person left to deal with it feels alone. Ask questions about how the relationship is going with their ex and encourage them to seek help if you think it is needed. When you are knee-deep in an overwhelming situation, it's often hard to see or accept the gravity of it.

3. How Some Christians Respond 
The way some in the church respond to divorce is mind-boggling. While they will offer up ministries to combat causes of divorce (adultery, substance abuse, sexual deviancy, physical abuse), they condemn those who remove themselves from these unbiblical lifestyles. As a result, many who are divorced or considering it as the only way to protect themselves and their children, will slowly fade from the church at the time they need it the most in their lives. It's hard not to feel shunned by God when so many Christians are so vocal with their opinions about divorce. Just like anyone who's suffered a great loss, the divorced often look at God and question His part in it.

What you can do: Show them extra grace. Be the one who follows Jesus instead of the crowd and show them what the love of Christ physically looks like without placing judgment on the person who is suffering. For someone who feels reprimanded unfairly, this can be one of the most healing moments in their walk and might pull them toward God instead of away from Him.

4. Our Children's Pain 
There's nothing more important to a parent then protecting their children. So please try to understand that the vast majority of parents who choose divorce are doing so because the situation they were living in was causing greater harm to their children than they think the break up of a family will. No one goes into this lightly. This is especially true for those in the church. Many will stay in unhealthy or dangerous situations for years in order to keep their children with both parents. So understand that anyone who has decided divorce is the only option is still heartbroken at what their actions will do — even if their decision is actually a courageous one that will stop harmful situations and give their children a better future.

What you can do: Encourage us as single parents by noticing the positive things in our new version of family. Continue to include us just as you did before the family dissolved, no matter how awkward it may be for you momentarily.

There are a million emotions wrapped up in divorce. Sadness, anger, hopelessness, relief, insecurity, bitterness, and all of those (and more) can happen within a single day. When you are caught in a whirlwind, it's hard to focus on the positive when you are struggling to simply take care of your children at the most basic of levels. Be a good example of God's love, acceptance, and forgiveness. You never know how your small efforts could make a huge difference in a suffering family.

[written by Laura Polk, writer and speaker]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

(Photos) Nigerian raises alarm after man chains his houseboy in a goat cage | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:48 AM PDT

 The sad plight of a young houseboy has been made public after a concerned Nigerian raised alarm .The boy who resides with his boss at No 5 offin canal Lagos Island market, was reportedly chained and locked with goats without food for days. It is a also said to be a normal occurrence .
He wrote
"pls this is what a man in lagos island, did to the house boy staying with him, I think the right authorities should be invited, he needs to be brought to book. He can someone padlock a child's leg and throw him where goats stay? And locked the gate too. Pls help me share this but I want to remain anonymous .The house address is No 5 offin canal Lagos island market"

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Ebonyi State Government allegedly bans Civil Servants from using Facebook | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:48 AM PDT

In a reported effort to clamp down on online criticism, the Ebonyi state government has reportedly banned civil servants in the state from using Facebook.

According to a viral photo shared on social  media by Chris Nnanna,the memo is titled ''Frivolous posting of obnoxious comments in the social media against Ebonyi state government by some unscrupulous civil/public servants in the state.""

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

The only thing I got from Kanye West was fame -Amber Rose | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:18 AM PDT

6 Interesting Ways Technology Has Transformed Travel

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 02:16 AM PDT

In the past, travelling individually, with friends or family members is usually a logistical mess. It comes with a lot of challenges that discourage quite a number of people from travelling. Fast-forward to today and with the intensity technology has been embraced in the travel industry, Nigerians can now travel with little or no logistical nightmare. 

Hence, there is no doubt that technology has definitely changed the face of travel. We share take a look at how technology has changed travel over the years.

Deciding you destination 
Before the arrival of the internet, travelers have to go through holiday brochures at a travel agent's office, buy guidebooks or taking a friend's recommendation when it came to deciding where to go. Today, it very easy to decide as you can simply visit a well know travel blog, social media handle, or even your friend's Facebook posts to choose where to go.

Booking a hotel 
Then you have to saunter around to search for a hotel to lodge. This is very stressful and time-consuming. This is past tense as you can now book a hotel from the comfort of your room. Even if you find yourself stranded in the middle of the night, you can still call Jumia Travel to book a room in any of your favourite hotels. If you are in this kind of situation then, you are simply on your own.

Staying in touch 
While travelling, you can send postcards, write letters and occasionally make a long-distance phone call from the hotel reception, or a local phone booth. Thus, staying in touch certainly wasn't easy and most people at home don't expect to hear from you unless it is an emergency. With your internet savvy phone, you can have real-time conversations with family members, girlfriend, friends, and wife via messaging platforms. Hence, no one needs to worry much about you when you travel.

Recording travel memories 
You need the services of a camera man to take photos and videos of your wanderlust. As such, there is a limit to which you can take pictures and videos. But with your phone camera, you can take as many photos and videos as you so desire. You just keep clicking. You can share the pictures on social media and upload to your cloud. It will be there forever and you can access it anytime you like. Travel memories made easy!

Learning local languages 
There are so many places you cannot visit because you do not understand their language. You have to look for an interpreter or a local. Today, all you need is a smartphone and you install Google Translate or iTranslate. With these apps, you can learn the basics of any language and it will help you communicate with the locals with ease.

You will spend less 
The result of all of the above is that you don't need to break the bank to travel unlike in the past. Armed with the right technology tools, you will definitely travel cheaply.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

When I got with Kylie,she super glowed up-Tyga claims he made Kylie Jenner popular | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:48 AM PDT

Tyga has opened up extensively on his relationship and split with Kylie Jenner .Speaking on the Breakfast Club,when asked if he is losing out by splitting with her,he said
"It ain't a losing thing," "It's like when you make a decision to not be in a relationship with somebody, y'all make that decision, ya'll split ways.
When grilled about whether he still loves her, Tyga said,

"I have love for her, but I'm not in love no more." Tyga said the first year of any relationship "is like magic," but after that, "you start realizing a bunch of sh-t."
The rapper blamed "a lot of outside influences" and the age difference between the two led to the breakup.

"She's younger than me, so she's dealing with perception," "For her, growing up how she grew up, image and perception is everything. You got a bunch of people pulling from you, and you're trying to develop as a woman." 
"I like to keep the mystique, but I knew that's kind of how she made her money," he said of the Kardashian lifestyle. "It's not for me, bro," he said. "I mean, when it was good, it was good. When it was bad, it was really bad."
On why he dated her
"I knew she had a lot of potential, and I felt like I was put in that position to help her," he added. "Before I got with her, people in the urban world weren't talking about her."
Tyga took credit for the physical changes in Jenner's appearance as well as those of his baby mama, Blac Chyna.

"When I got with [Chyna], she super glowed up. I got with Kylie, she super glowed up," he said.
On what he benefited from her,he said

"Women,""More women at my shows."
When Lee asked Tyga if he's benefited financially as a result of being associated with the Kardashians,he said

"I wasn't coming from reality," "I was with a black girl before that, so to the world it looked like I had a baby with her, left her, then went out with this young, white girl. That was already a hit on my image."

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Learning To Dream Again

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:26 AM PDT

Twenty years ago, I found myself curled in a ball in the middle of my cold, bathroom floor, crying hysterically. I was convinced that no one could possibly understand the depths of my pain. When would this misery end? I was broken. I had no money, few friends, and no hope. How was I going to raise these children alone for 18 years? How could I make it financially? Would my circumstances every change? How could I ever get over all the abuse from my past?

There were a million questions and I had no answers. That is my story – the story of a lonely single mom, living on government assistance, running from God, and feeling I couldn't push through. The next several years brought a winding road of highs and lows, victories and defeats. But I did push through. I made it through those early years of parenting alone. Although I hadn't been in years, I became involved in my local church, rededicated my life to the Lord, and slowly began the journey of digging myself out of a financial and emotional hole. My heart found rest. I leaned on the Lord, when everyone else had failed me. I learned to dream again. I learned that God planted things inside me that only I could do, that my past didn't have to dictate my future. And I never forgot what it was like to be that lonely, overwhelmed single mom.

Moms and dads, the best thing you can do for your children is dream again!

Employers, the best thing you can do for your staff is dream again!

Daughters, the best thing you can for your future husband is learn to dream again!

When you were a kid, do you remember dreaming of becoming the next world-champion figure skater or the next President of the United States or the coach at the high school? When did we lose that dream? I understand it's difficult to get excited about dreams, when you're barely keeping your head above water. When our kiddos are small, we do our very best to encourage them to dream, to hope? So why then, do we allow our own dreams to die?

We can dream! Maybe it has been years since you've thought about those things God placed in your heart, oh so long ago. Maybe you feel you are too far off course or the dream is too far gone. Maybe you are too scared to even utter aloud the hopes you have for your future. Learn to dream. Learn to ask God for big ideas and vision! There are things He wants you to do in this life, so go back to him and ask him.

[written by Jennifer Maggio, author and speaker]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Lady claims Mr Eazi is her boyfriend,shares photos and loving birthday shoutout | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:08 AM PDT

 A lady took to Instagram to post a suggestive photo and birthday message to star singer,Mr Eazi claiming he is her boyfriend.Mr Eazi is openly dating billionaire daughter,Temi Otedola.The lady wrote alongside this photo
Happy birthday to my boyfriend , my #1, my superstar, my DirtyBoy, my 👑 I can go all day I just wonna wish u a happy birthday may God bless u in everything u do may he be the driver for every ✈️,bus and car u get in, I wish u many many more years to come 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘Is Eaziiiiiii babe😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 @mreazi @mreazi @mreazi @mreazi

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Cholera outbreak in Kwara- 17 confirmed dead | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:08 AM PDT

Seventeen people have been confirmed dead in 1,617 reported suspected cases as a cholera outbreak continues to ravage Kwara State in North-central Nigeria.

The figures were made known by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) in its weekly epidemiological report for Week 26 released on Tuesday.

The agency further stated that the suspected cases were reported as at the end July 9 with 13 laboratory samples confirming the disease and a case fatality rate of 1.1 percent recorded.

According to the agency,children under the age of five remain the most affected with 460, (28.4 percent) of the cases reported with the male population accounting for 51.6 percent of the cases.

According to the health agency, 818, (50.5 percent) of the suspected cases were reported from Ilorin West, the percentage remaining constant from the previous week.With the continued disease spread and increasing death toll in the state, NCDC has enjoined Nigerians to maintain hygienic environmental practices in order to reduce the spread of the disease.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

French singer dies ‘after being electrocuted on stage | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 01:08 AM PDT

A French folk singer died of a suspected electrocution while performing during a storm in a hilltop church.

Barbara Weldens, 35, was singing at the Festival Léo Ferré in a church in the village of Goudron in the southwest region of Lot, France, last night after apparently suffering heart failure.Emergency workers rushed to the scene but were unable to resuscitate her.

The cause of death is still unknown. But it is believed that she was electrocuted while singing, reports national newspaper Le Monde.

According to Le Depeche, Weldens, who grew up in a circus, had been performing barefoot and had a live recording device on stage.

Cops have launched an investigation into her death but have not elaborated on their line of enquiry.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Shangisha Baale, wife remanded in Kirikiri over fake kidnap | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:33 AM PDT

Magistrate T. Akanni of an Ogba magistrate's court, Ikeja, yesterday, ordered the deposed Baale of Shangisha, Chief Mutiu Ogundare, to be remanded in Kirikiri Prison for allegedly faking his kidnap.

The Baale, alongside his wife, Abolanle, will remain in prison's custody with one Mohammed Babatunde, pending the perfection of their bail conditions.

Ogundare and others were arraigned before the court on a three-count charge offence bordering on breach of public peace and fake kidnapping.

However, they all pleaded not guilty to the offences preferred against them by the Police.
Ruling on the matter, Magistrate Akanni, granted the defendants N2 million bail with two sureties in like sum,Vanguard reports.

She further ordered that the sureties must include a traditional ruler, person with registered property in Lagos, be a tax payer and a Grade Level 17 officer in the state public service.

She, thereafter, adjourned the matter till August 23 for hearing.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

Woman disappears with Lamborghini worth £250,000 | Mr Olumide's Blog

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:33 AM PDT

A brazen thief allegedly nicked a £250,000 Lamborghini super-car from a Swiss rental company and drove it over 600 miles on a joyride through Europe before losing it in LONDON.

The black Lamborghini Huracán Spyder was rented from Swiss Luxury Car Rental business Scheiwiller in Zurich on Friday by a woman in her late 40s with an Irish identity card, the company say.
She claimed to be driving it to Strasbourg for a meeting then back to Zurich but the car was later tracked driving from Switzerland to London via Dover.

According to the UK Sun, on Sunday the supercar, which has a top speed of 201mph, was seen on Park Lane before it mysteriously disappeared.

At 5pm on Sunday the Scheiwiller's GPS tracker showed it parked at an IKEA car park in Tottenham, north London after the marathon journey.

Managing director Adriano Scheiwiller said:
 "She looked well-groomed and had luggage, she said she wanted to attend a meeting in Strasbourg.
"Instead of returning she headed for London, the GPS had betrayed her, she showed how she was shipping the car to Calais and transported it to England.
"It has already been spotted in London."It is a big loss and I hope the insurance company will pay out.
"The British police have done nothing yet, the phone for this woman no longer works.
"We are offering 5,000 Swiss francs to whomever finds the vehicle, it's a big loss."
Before the car allegedly went missing the driver left a deposit of 2,500 Swiss francs – around £2,000 – and the identity card.

Scheiwiller, who believe the ID card shown by the driver was fake, are now offering around 5,000 Swiss francs – roughly £4,000 – to anyone who can find the supercar.

Adriano has reported the theft to the Metropolitan Police.

culled from MPNB Mr Olumide's Blog

How To Start Reading Your Bible

Posted: 21 Jul 2017 12:26 AM PDT

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
There used to be long periods when I would never open my Bible outside of church. When I finally made myself sit down with God's Word, guilt drove me into it for hours on end. There is great benefit from long times in the Word, but shame does not motivate consistency.

How to Start Reading Your Bible:

Think "Small and Sustainable" 
I gained greater motivation with regular, short times in Scripture. Initially, the whole thing took maybe 15 minutes; no more than 10 minutes with the Bible, maybe five minutes for Scripture-focused prayer. Honestly, even that was sometimes more than my attention span could handle. There were (and still are) occasions when my Bible time is no more than 10 minutes. While not ideal, it is better to spend five minutes focused meaningfully on Scripture than an hour that's immediately forgotten.

This takes introspection—knowing your limitations while working to expand them. If you can only concentrate for five minutes, start there. But also work to increase your stamina—start with a prayer for guidance, end with a prayer that reflects on what you've read. Once the five-minute sessions become easier, add a couple of minutes.

If it works better for you, don't focus on duration but on number of verses. Start with 10 verses, eventually moving to 20, then a chapter, and so on.

The point here is to set a length that is sustainable and fulfilling, a little challenging, but not overwhelming.

Think "Consistent and Conscious" 
I failed in daily Bible reading until God made a way for me to read at the same time every day. He kept me in that state for six years until it became a habit; without it, I felt malnourished.

Morning Bible time, before the responsibilities of the day begin, is wonderful. My experience is that it wakes up your mind and heart, preparing you to stay focused on Jesus that day.

I'd love to be able to do this. However, I am not a morning person, and even when God basically forced me into early morning Bible times, I often struggled to stay awake and focused.

The most important thing is that you're in the Bible every day (or at least very nearly) and able to focus your mind on God's Word. If that's in the morning, awesome. If it's better for you during lunch, excellent. If you read God's Word right before you sleep, you end your day on the highest of notes.

Think "Purposeful and Planned" 
I failed for a long time because I waited to decide what to read until right before I started. This stole time from actual Scripture reading and made me anxious, which decimated my focus.

A simple plan can alleviate this problem. One idea is to pick a book of the Bible and read through it. Any of the Gospels are a wonderful start for those who are developing regular Bible reading, Mark or John especially. Next, I recommend shorter books, like 1, 2, and 3 John. Completing them gives a sense of accomplishment that energizes Bible time.

Move on to bigger books, like Romans, Ephesians, or 1 and 2 Peter. For Old Testament suggestions, start with Genesis, then Joshua and Judges, then Ruth and Esther; these are books bursting with engaging stories and action.

All of these books are accessible and packed with deep spiritual truths. Most importantly, they familiarize you with reading every day.

While you are new to regular Bible reading, it is possible that some of the other books will unintentionally discourage you from your daily practice. For example:

  • The book of Psalms is an amazing book, full of praise, lament, deep theology, and beautiful writing; it's also long, and might be discouraging initially due to its sheer size.
  • Proverbs is overflowing with wisdom in digestible truth nuggets; it may be difficult to read more than a few verses at a time without having to stop and meditate on what has been read, a potential speed bump to your habit-forming.
  • Revelation is full of hope and wonderfully tells the story of Christ's return and reign; as it deals with Spirit-inspired visions, huge divine concepts, and a confusing future, it could frustrate this habit-forming phase.
Any worthwhile habit and goal is worth breaking into attainable steps, and this goal is one of the most important to our lives. After you have established daily time with the Lord through his Word, the entirety of the Bible is not only open and available, but should become a goal, itself.
Three Bible Reading Aids

Thank God there are so many aids to get Scripture into our minds on a daily basis.

1. Audio Bibles 
Audio Bibles open up many opportunities for regular Bible time. Any listener can find something appealing: plain, spoken audio, audio with dramatization, audio with commentary or musical interludes, etc. If reading is difficult or impossible, an audio Bible can become your daily source of God's Word.

2. Paced Bibles 
Many publishers print Bibles with a built-in reading plan, often taking you through the Bible in a year or two. These Bibles remove some of the guesswork about your daily reading, especially once you've established your habit and want to read through all of Scripture.

3. Chronological Bibles 
My first real success in consistent Bible reading came through a chronological Bible. This organizational style attempts to arrange Scripture in order of events, focusing on narrative. Some chronological Bibles simply swap the order of entire books, grouping books that record events of a similar time; others divide individual passages and put them with other sections that refer to the same event and times. Some also consolidate redundancies leading to greater clarity and shortening the time it takes to get through the entire Bible.

God has chosen to make himself known in our time through the Bible. His Word reveals Jesus — the love and life of all believers — so all who love him will spend time in his Word regularly. This is for our benefit and to his glory.

[written by Brad Archer]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Anambra community Okays Igbo participation in Ochigbo’s funeral

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:11 PM PDT

By Onyekachukwu Ab'eku

Abuja chapter of Anambra State Towns People Association (ASTPA) has said that it was satisfied with the level of participation of the Igbo people (Ndigbo) and other Nigerians in Abuja during a wake keep for late His Royal Highness (HRH), Igwe-Ochigbo Chikelue Christian Onuora, the traditional ruler of Ndigbo in Byazhin in Bwari area council, Abuja the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
Abuja chapter of Igbo Community Assembly (ICA) has 14 July, 2017 organised wake-keep for the late Igwe-Ochigbo in his domain in ancient city of Byazhin.
The Association spoke through its spokesman, Engr Chukwuma Onyemelikeya, its Public Relations Officer (PRO) during the wake-keep.
Engr Onyemelikeya said that the high spirit with which Ndigbo and other tribes participated in the wake-keep has shown that the royal father lived very good live, even as he urged all to emulate the good legacy the Ochigbo left behind. Onyemelikeya therefore called on the family of the deceased to bear the loss and live everything to God who knows it all.
The Anambra state Vice Chairman of Ohaneze Ndigbo who represents the state at the Igbo social cultural organisation in Abuja, Chief Anayo Arinze confirmed that ASTPA was highly impressed with the way Nigerians participated during the wake keep. Arinze however said that the Ochigbo until his death proved to the world to be an illustrious and worthy son of Ndigbo and Nigeria in general. He added that the traditional ruler contributed in no small measure toward the up-lifting of Ndigbo and other tribes which resulted in full and active participation by people from all walks of life. Backing his statement with instances, the Vice President said that many sustained means of livelihood from the late ruler through employment other means of assistance as the MD of popular Liberty Holdings, among which Livery Hotel Nigeria Limited is one of the companies under the holding company.
Earlier, the Chairman of ICA, Leonard Ebo and President of Ohaneze Ndigbo in FCT, Odozi Nwodozi similarly in a separate speech thanked the participants for what they described as wonderful role at the occasion and urged the bereaved to always seek for the face of God for direction.
He called in the bereaved family to ensure that they continue to maintain unity, which if done, according to him would go a long way Igwe-Ochigbo Chikelue Onuora died on March 15 March 2017 in Uniabuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, Abuja and his burial funeral has been fixed from 27 to 30 July 2017.

from peoples daily

Senate confirms 8 of Buhari’s 12 REC nominees

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:11 PM PDT

Nigerian-Senate-1*Rejects Niger, suspends Lagos, Kebbi, Zamfara

By Christiana Ekpa and Ikechukwu Okaforadi

Senate yesterday confirmed eight out of the twelve nominees from President Mohammadu Buhari as Resident Electoral Commissioners (REC) for the Independent National Electoral Commissioner (INEC).
However, the senate rejected, unanimously, the REC nominee from Niger State on the grounds that the nominee hails from the same local government area and senatorial zone with a serving INEC commissioner, Mohammed Haruna.
Similarly, the Senate also stepped down the confirmation of the REC nominees from Lagos, Kebbi and Zamfara, for further consultations and legislative works.
The eight approved INEC REC are: Dr (Mrs) Asmau Sani Maikudi, Katsina (New Appointment0; Sam Olugbadebo Olumekun mni, Ondo (Reappointment); Prof. Riskuwa A Shehu, Sokoto (New appointment); Barr. Kasim Gana Geidam, Yobe (Reappointment).
Others are: Jibrin Ibrahim Zarawa, Kano (Reappointment); Abdulganiyu Olayinka Raji, Oyo (New Appointment); Prof Samuel G. Egwu, Kogi (New Appointment); Barr. Mike A. Igini, Delta (Reappointment).
The nominees from Lagos, Amb. Rufus Oloruntoyin Akeju, (Reappointment); Dr Mahmuda Isah, Kebbi (New appointment and Ahmad Bello Mahmud Zamfara (New Appointment) were stepped down for legislative work, the Niger nominee Prof Mustapha Zubairu was rejected.
These confirmations and rejections were sequel to the presentation of the report of the screening exercise conducted by the senate INEC committee on the twelve nominees, by the chairman of the committee, Suleiman Nazif.
Presenting the report, Nazif said the nominees were screened according to the Senate guideline, adding that those cleared were cleared based on their qualification and their experience as evident in their Curriculum Vitae, submitted to the committee, as well as the clearance from the Department of State Services (DSS), among other securing clearance.
Meanwhile, shortly before the senate could dissolve into a committee of the whole to consider and approve the nominations as recommended by the committee, the Senate Deputy Minority Whip, Biodun Olujimi, (APC Ekiti South) called the attention of the senate to a judgement by court of appeal which upheld the lower court judgement against the Lagos nominee by a group of persons.
She said the affidavit from the nominee to clear himself at the appeal court was thrown away on the bases that it lacks merit.
Responding to this, the senate Leader, Ahmed Lawan, urged the senate to confirm the nominee saying the nominee is confirmed to be competent and capable of serving Nigeria in that capacity.
While recalling that the senate had in time past, been confronted by such issue, he said the senate had always resolved such issues in the interest of the country and Nigerians.
However, Peter Nwaoboshi (PDP, Delta), countered the senate leader, by arguing that the senate should not override the constitutional powers of another arm of government.
He said that since the court of Appeal has upheld the petition against thenominee, the Senate should not be seen to be meddling in the independence of the judiciary.
Senator Solomon Olamilekan, (Lagos West) who also supported the view of the Senate leader, said, the issue of the appeal judgment was not on ground during the Amb. Akeju screening and should be disregard.
"The man is not of a questionable character. He went through the process before, and he is reappointed why is the issue raising on his confirmation?. We give him another opportunity to serve and personal politics should put out side," he stressed.
Responding, the Senate President, Bukola Saraki said the conduct of free and fair election is back ground of every strong and credible character.
"The newly confirmed Resident Electoral Commissioners ( REC) have high level integrity, disciplined and patriotism and gains recorded by INEC in the previous election should be surpassed.
"The timetable recently released by INEC for 2019 election is timely and this will give the newly appointed RECs an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the previous election.
"On our part as a Senate our committee is working on the amendment of the Electoral Act will further to complement the electoral body."

from peoples daily

Niger Assembly rejects Gov’s request for more SAs

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:11 PM PDT

From Yakubu Mustapha, Minna

The Niger State House of Assembly has yesterday rejected Governor Abubakar Sani Bello's request for slots to appoint three additional special advisers.
The governor had, in a letter dated 4th July, sought the approval of the House for additional slots for three special advisers to ensure inclusiveness and enhanced service delivery.
The House turned down the governor's request for approval for the appointments through a voice vote during plenary presided over by the Speaker, Hon. Ahmed Marafa Gunu.
Addressing the press after plenary session, Spokesman of the House, Hon. Shuaibu Iyah, (Suleja) said appointing more special advisers was not in the best interest of the public, in view of the state's dwindling revenues.
"The House took this decision in good faith because the request of Mr. Governor has fallen short of the expectation of the House. Today's case clearly shows that honourable members are conscious of their responsibility.
"If we see anything not in the best interest of the public we will definitely go against it," he added.
Iyah said appointment of special advisers usually costs government a fortune, adding that there were more pressing issues such as monies being owed pensioners, capital projects that needed to be completed among others.
"These advisers will cost government a lot of money; and remember that we are going through a recession where we have inadequate funds to execute certain projects. We are receiving a lot pressure especially regarding the pension issue, which is yet to be resolved.
"The state is running out of funds to achieve developmental goals of government; and still we are thinking about appointing more special advisers," he said
He stated that the it was not a sign of a crack in the relationship between the executive and legislature but the House was only performing it's duty of check mating the executive.
"The decision taken by assembly is in tandem with the fundamental functions of the legislature.
"It is not in every situation we will give approval to any request coming from the executive.
"And citizens should appreciate our position on this, which shows we are not just mere rubber stamp of the executive," he said
Also speaking, Hon. Abdulmalik Kabir, representing Paikoro, noted that the huge emoluments of the additional special advisers will be too much for the state to bear, adding that the 15 special advisers on ground were enough.
"By the time you appoint these people, they will be given about N6.5m for cars, N10m for housing and furniture and when they are going, their combined severance package will be close to N100m. And you are saying there is no money to do other important things in the state".

from peoples daily

INEC asks court to lift order halting Melaye’s recall

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:11 PM PDT

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), on Thursday asked the Federal High Court, Abuja, to set aside an earlier order of the court, suspending the recall of Dino Melaye (APC-Kogi) from the Senate.
INEC commenced Mr. Melaye's recall following the receipt of a petition from members of his constituency demanding that he be recalled.
Mr. Melaye, however, approached the court, seeking an order stopping INEC from going ahead with the process, pending the determination of a suit he filed challenging his recall.
Mr. Melaye had in the suit alleged irregularities and fraud in the petition.
In the application which was argued by his lawyer, Mike Ozekhome, he submitted that the signatories in the petition were fake, fictitious and concocted.
He added some of the signatures were of dead members of his constituency.
In his ruling, Justice John Tsoho, ordered parties to maintain status quo, pending the determination of the matter.
He adjourned further hearing until Sept. 29.
INEC, however, applied that the matter be heard before a vacation judge.
When the matter came up on Thursday, counsel to INEC, Sulayman Ibrahim, informed the court of an application seeking to set aside the ex-parte order made by the court on July 6, to maintain the status quo.
He also informed the court of another application, seeking accelerated hearing of the matter during vacation.
In the application seeking the vacation of the ex-parte order, the electoral body argued that the order violated its right to fair hearing as enshrined in Section 36 of the 1999 Constitution.
The commission further argued that the order was against its time-bound constitutional duty, which is the time frame stipulated by law to carry out a recall.
In an affidavit deposed to by one Paave Demenongo, the commission said it was not heard before the ex-parte order was made.
It also said that since it received the order on July 10, it had been unable to take action on the recall process, notwithstanding the fact that time was of essence in carrying out its duties.
"The defendant/applicant has 90 days from June 21 to conduct referendum in line with the approved time table and schedule of activities for the recall of the senator representing Kogi West Senatorial District of Kogi.
"The period of 90 days will elapse on Sept. 18."
The affidavit further stated that Melaye would not be prejudiced if the application to vacate the ex-parte order was granted as it was in the interest of justice to grant it.
In the other application seeking accelerated hearing, INEC said it was predicated on the grounds that it was its constitutional duty as provided by Section 69 of the 1999 Constitution.
It further stated that the application was also predicated on the fact that time was of essence in the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.
However, counsel to Melaye, Nkem Okoro, opposed both applications, stating that he was served on July 18, less than two days before the hearing.
He argued that by the rules of the court, he needed seven days within which to respond to both applications.
Mr. Okoro asked the court for an adjournment to enable him prepare his reply.
The judge, Justice Nnamdi Dimgba, adjourned the matter until July 27 for hearing. (NAN

from peoples daily

Adedoja declares for PDP National Chairmanship

Posted: 20 Jul 2017 10:11 PM PDT

By Ali Alkali

Former Minister of Sports and Special Duties, Professor Taoheed Adedoja, has declared his interest to contest for the National Chairmanship of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) expressing hope that his chairmanship of the PDP would herald a new era of sanity, justice and equity where all aggrieved party members would be fully reintegrated in the overall interest of the nation.
Adedoja made the declaration in Abuja yesterday during a consultative meeting with party leaders at the PDP national secretariat, where he reiterated his determination to commence, in earnest, the process of reconciling all aggrieved members of the party by ensuring that all those who had left the fold are brought back under the big umbrella.
The former Minister, who made a similar declaration in 2016, disclosed that he had consulted widely with party leaders and members across the six geo-political zones of the country before coming out openly with the declaration, explaining that his consultation had been greeted with wide acclamation from one part of the nation to the other.
While promising to use his wealth of experience as an academic and technocrat to rebrand the PDP, "for its huge umbrella to stand out in the air and under the bright sun as the new shade for Nigerian's true democracy come 2019", Professor Adedoja expressed delight at the new-found love in the party and prayed that God would fully heal the wounds left by the crisis that had hitherto polarized the umbrella party.
He also had good tidings for the administrative staff at the party's national secretariat promising them a more conducive working environment if elected as the new Party Chairman.
Speaking further, Professor Adedoja, a former Oyo State PDP and defunct Action Congress (AC) governorship candidate said it makes a "political common sense" for the party chairmanship to be zoned to the South, especially the South West in the interest of the paryy and Nigerians since everybody has agreed that the presidential candidate for the 2019 election should come from the North.
He insisted that he had the capacity, the confidence, the experience, the emotional stability and the required national overlook to contest for the position of national chairman of the PDP because of the desire to reposition the party.
His words: "If truly our party is desirous to win the 2019 presidential election, the Southwest has eminent and qualified persons to lead our party as chairman of the party. I am one of them; I am the bridge builder, the unifying factor that will reverberate the confidence of the founding fathers of our party.
"The party needs a chairman who has never been a factional leader either at the local or national level; a chairman who will be acceptable to all parts of the country, a chairman who has the capacity to reach out to all members of the party across the country."

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