Monday, February 26

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Mr Olumide's Blog .com

Woman All Smiles After Huge Tumor Was Surgically Removed From Her Arm

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 12:25 AM PST

The relieved woman couldn't contain her excitement after undergoing a successful surgery to remove a big tumor on her hand. According to reports, the woman who had 10lb Lipoma tumor - spent almost 10 years hiding the huge tumor under her clothes.

The woman was thrilled after the three-hour surgery which saw the abnormal growth removed.

According to Africa Mercy, the woman said after the surgery; 
"I am so thrilled to be out of surgery and I can barely believe it... my arm is so light!"

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

6 Benefits of A Silent Retreat With God

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:30 AM PST

"Silence in prayer is often not something we orchestrate; rather, it is a gift that can come upon us quite unexpectedly. Instead of rushing to fill the gap, we learn to embrace the gift as the better part of our time of prayer." 
- Quotes by Wesley and Stacey Campbell

Dear intercessors,
In learning about prayer, silence contemplation is a special dimension that very few of us have fully grasped. Most of us are not skilled in beholding God. One of the reasons for this is because we have been influenced by the noise and busyness of our present-day life style. And in the midst of a whirlwind of activity that we have so often misunderstood as important or necessary, we have missed the beauty and necessity of learning the discipline of silence before God. We so often miss out on the life of contemplation, one of beholding the beauty of Jesus.

"Be still, and know that I am God" - (Psalm 46:10).
"In silent contemplation, a supernatural drawing occurs. Having come to the end of words, we simply stare in silence at the person of God. One of the most apt, and most beautiful, descriptions of the essence of contemplation that I have heard comes from a simple farmer: 'Think of the wonderful description given by that unlettered farm laborer at Ars who used to remain for hours in stillness and silence gazing at the tabernacle and when the Cure d'Ars asked him what he did there, simply replied: I LOOK AT HIM, AND HE LOOKS AT ME.'"

The Benefits of Silent Contemplation in Prayer 
"From time to time you will begin to touch the state of inward silence. What shall be your response to such an experience? But what shall you do? Nothing! Simply yield to the inward drawing. Yield to the wooing of your spirit. Your spirit is drawing you deeper within."

There are so many benefits of retreating before God in silent contemplation. Here are some of them:

God fights on our behalf when we are silent - 
We are too weak to fight our enemies ourselves. We will be wounded, but in times of temptation if we remain in faith in God's presence, He will give us His strength.

"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent" - (Exodus 14:14).

We find God in a deeper dimension
In silent prayer, we develop the art of looking at God.

"'You will seek me and find me when you seek for me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord" - (Jeremiah 29:13-14).

We grow in the art of meditating on Scripture
Exodus 34:6-7 is filled with the divine attributes of God. I encourage you to meditate on these verses for a long period of time.

"And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, 'The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin'" - (Exodus 34:6-7).

We learn to shut out external activity
We learn the art of external simplicity and inwardly learn to dwell in God's presence.

"One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to meditate in His temple" - (Psalm 27:4).

We learn to meditate on God's nature
It is good to start with meditating on one aspect of God's nature in a single verse of Scripture. For example, meditate on God's holiness adorning His house for endless days as found in the following verse:

"Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord" - (Psalm 93:5).

We grow in our love relationship with God
Wee learn to live out the first commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength.

"He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself" - (Luke 10:27).

I pray that each one of us will learn the secret of silent contemplation and have personal retreats with God. This is where we take the time to commune with God heart-to-heart and spirit-to-spirit. It will not happen by chance, but we must give time for this and understand its' value. We should do this regularly for shorter times, and occasionally for longer retreats.

We are in a time when we must find our refuge in God and see the world from His vantage point. Intimacy and stillness before the Lord is going to be key to living a successful and joyful life in this hour. It's time to realize that it's all about a wedding at the end of the age and we are Jesus' Bride. You are the Bride of Christ. This is a day of preparation and transition into what really matters for eternity. We must lean upon our beloved in all that we do. We are not complete until we find our center in God.

[written by Debbie Przybylski]

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Tears of Joy As Pregnant Woman Gives Birth After She Was Rescued From Kidnappers In Lagos

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

A lucky woman has given birth successfully after she was rescued from her kidnappers by men of the Federal Road Safety Corps.

FRSC team on Sunday morning rescued the pregnant woman from suspected kidnappers in Badagry, Lagos.

NAN reports that the Corps Public Education Officer, Mr Bisi Kazeem, said in a statement on Sunday that the woman gave birth to a baby boy immediately after she was rescued.

"At about 7:30 a.m. on Sunday Feb. 25, 2018, a team from the Badagry Unit of FRSC led by Assistant Route Commander, Peace Danboyi, accosted a vehicle with registration number KTU 356 CE at AP Filling station before Aradagun Bus stop in Badagry, Lagos.

"In the vehicle were two suspected kidnappers (male) and a pregnant woman who was their victim.

"The pregnant woman, who had body injuries, was rescued to Ola-Oki Hospital, Ibereko, where she immediately gave birth to a baby boy,'' he said.

Kazeem said it took the prompt intervention of soldiers to rescue the suspects from a mob that had attempted to attack the suspected kidnappers.

"The soldiers arrested and handed them over to the police in Badagry, while Corps Marshal of FRSC, Dr Boboye Oyeyemi, has expressed appreciation to the gallant officers and commended them for their bravery,'' he said.

The statement also said that Oyeyemi assured the public that his men would always be on roads to ensure safe traffic and security of lives by cooperating with other law enforcement agencies.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Saraki Wins Sun's Outstanding Politician Of The Year Award

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 07:00 AM PST

The Nigerian Senate president, Bukola Saraki was rewarded by The Sun Newspaper with the "Outstanding Politician of the Year" award.

Also present at the event was Governor Ibrahim Dankwanbo, former governors Uzor Kalu and Godswill Akpabio, among others.

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

Beautiful Nigerian Lady Rejects Car Gift From Married Man

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 06:30 AM PST

A Port Harcourt-based model, beauty therapist and entrepreneur, Favour Philip has revealed why she turned down a brand new car gift from a man.

He is married but looking for a lady to be sleeping with, the car was just like a trap to catch a Rat. Good to see we still have some decent ladies.

Read what she wrote;
"I will never hurt a fellow woman because I will, one day, be in that position of a married woman and I will be so bitter if I find out that my husband cheats on me and goes as far as buying a car for the woman he cheats on me with.

"There was nothing between me and the man in question but he was doing everything possible to get me into having an amorous relationship with him. I am an independent woman and I don't need any man to enjoy the good things of life. I bought my first car from the business I set up as a student. Every lady out there has huge potential; they don't need to rely on any man."

Speaking about her passion to empower young girls, the entrepreneur added, "I am passionate about empowering other young girls by giving them the opportunity to learn from me. I also support them financially to set up businesses for themselves. I have plans to start a television show to empower and encourage young ladies as time goes on."

culled from Olu famous Mr Olumide's Blog

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